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The Grinch

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Everything posted by The Grinch

  1. Earlier today I burritoed my cat and held her like a baby and cuddled her. She didn't moveNot that she could and just had a blank expression. Like she was dead inside and just thought ''Alright, here we go again''


    I think living with me has really taken a toll on her

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      maybe cut her off of hugs for a while?

    3. Cepheus


      for a moment I thought you BURRIED your cat... wow... but that... "PURRITOS" are just too cute

    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      @Wolfox Glace Withold love from her? I couldn't. I'm a good mommy

      @Cepheus Wow, that's a winner lol. Purritos are indeed amazing yes

  2. Thank you, that means a lot Even if you didn't ask anything, have this cutie
  3. I could talk a little about it. I'm sure the social issues makes pretty much sense, in that in this forum I force myself to be more active and in the 'spotlight' like making this AMA, and contacting people first through PMs. I also struggle with Inferiority complex that makes me think I'm lower than what others are and that people usually mean anything negative in things they could say. Which leads to me overcompensating in ways like pride, intelligence and other personal aspects. When talking to people these issues can tend to flare up if I feel something threatening my 'face' (Similiar to how asian cultures, vietnamiese ex, have. Like a man could lose 'face' if you disrespected or humiliated him in public) and then I will force myself to talk about it to said person. Which resolves into just a misunderstanding. Simply because my mind tricked me I could give more examples but writing down my problems in a public thread makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm sure you understand
  4. How do you feel about this wave of AMAs? Do you know where the caveman is? Edit extra: Who's the biggest weenie?
  5. 1. I'm doing fine today. Woke up pretty early today. 2. He should be, I got an appointment this week 3. Of course, reptiles for everyone! Now that is a question indeed. A question I've been searching for an answer to far and wide. Oh, all the sleepless nights I had to endure because of this. I can still hear it in the back of my mind ''Where's the caveman?'' ''Where's the caveman?'' ''Where's the caveman?'' WHERE THE FUCK IS THE CAVEMAN Probably malt shop
  6. Do you feel like you've made a face here that you can truly feel close to?
  7. 1. Idk dude. I've never had airline food, funny enough 2. I think so. It would explain all the meowing tbh 3. I'll start re-using them when I'm running out of Google searches 1. I'm unsure of your first question there so I'll answer what I think you ment. I believe I'm mostly known for shitposting about cowbells and cats. Which is an impression I feel neutral about, but it works in the long run for me 2. I'm sure I would. I believe this forum has helped me overcome a good deal of my issues tht I struggle with, especially the social ones. 3. I think I would ask you if you're content with how others perceive you 4. That is individualistic. For me a good\interesting question would be asking a question that let's me be comfortable as well as letting me give an insightful answer. Thank you, have a reptile as well! 1. Yes, but not on feet 2. It looks aight 3. I'm sure it is
  8. 1. I really like action games, specifically free roaming games like Nier, Bravely Default, Super mario sunshine etc. Atm I have a thing for Drakengard 3 mainly because of the controls 2. Wynaut? Also, I'm gonna reply a reptile for every post. One for every question is a lot of reptile pictures and I'm not that bored
  9. 1. No, reptiles are actually illegal in my country Get me out of here 2. Breakfast, maybe. I think so 3. I really like Lavender smell 4. England, and the reason is mainly the game industry there
  10. Tbh, not really. But it'll have to do for now I'm not gonna math at almost 10 pm. Now that's tough. It would probably be a mix between British shorthair and Ragdolls
  11. Now that's a really tough question... I think I'm gonna say because I have nothing better to do Boy, that was hard!
  12. So because I've got little better to do this evening I'm making an AMA thread. Purely because I need to be held from doing anything else productive Bomb me with all the questions you've got, I don't care. I'll answer them as best as I can For every reply, I'm gonna reply with a reptile picture as well. You're welcome
  13. Wrapping my cat in my big scarf like a baby is somehow soothing. Like she's my actual baby. I am the adoptivemom of this animal

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      @Hycrox I think she's either 5 years old or older

    3. Hycrox


      eh, still a little child

    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Always a little baby <3

  14. It's amazing how I manage to sleep my days away

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sardines


      Then you'd only sleep your nights away :^)

    3. Felicity


      everyone has their sleeping rhythms. Just try n find a routine that fits it.

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      im glad that youre sleeping at least

  15. Here comes the leprechaun Now where's my pot of gold Micky?
  16. I can't believe people are meme'ing my name I love it Micky mouse?
  17. I've got a back, yeah Long time no see <3 Hey, Amine!
  18. Britbonglong

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HongaarseBeer


      Try saying britbonglong really fast ten times in a row. I just did and I failed 

    3. Anime


      Yo isa, your profile picture looks so nice ;) i like it

    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      @Amine elhedhili Thank you! I can't remember the artist who made this piece tho

  19. I love soy vanilla so much

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      I'm not too sure abot the mixture, if they mix soy milk with vanilla but I believe it's in the same category as those types of milk. It's worth trying out regardless!

    3. Hect


      So, I'm lactose-intolerant. One day, I told my mother to find a replacement for ordinary milk when she went to the store. She came home with soy milk. Curious as I was at the time, I put it inside the fridge and consumed it together with cereals the next morning. Even since that day, I'm drinking normal milk again.

    4. The Grinch
  20. Tfw you're actually intelligent but you post so many memes

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tartar


      @Mr. Divergent Well that certainly explains everything.


    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      I bet Einstein was a great memer

      I can't believe I wrote that

    4. Hycrox


      What if Einstein was a memer and is a meme?

  21. One of my biggest regrets of not doing in boarding school is buying a oni mask and a couplemany cowbells then learn how to properly walk and run on my hands, so I could surprise people by chasing them and yelling ''SUISUISUISUISUISUIS''

    1. HongaarseBeer


      People would be traumatised :o 

      You should have done it!

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