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Posts posted by Waynolt

  1. 1 hour ago, SunlitEspeon said:

    I downloaded this a while back for the weather mod and didn't use anything else. I decided to try the other mods in the pack, but when I tried to download I get the message that the modpack "may be dangerous, so Chrome has blocked it." How do I remedy this?

    What are you trying to download?
    The modpack is just a series of text files hosted by Google Drive, there's no way Chrome would block that unless it's set to be super-hyper-paranoiac...

  2. 20 minutes ago, ColonelAngus said:

    @Waynolt Idk if this has ever been asked, but is their a modpack that is compatible with Desolation? I doubt it since it's not as well known, but just wanted to check since it comes from the reborn forums. 

    Not that I know of, sorry.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Sanana said:

    I'm using 18.4 and  SWM Modpack is the only one I've tried downloading


    Then you should redownload the game...
    Explanation: since version 18.1, Reborn implemented a multisave functionality.
    SWM has been updated accordingly, to support that function.

    The error you're having means that either the SWM version you're using or the game doesn't actually support the multisave feature (iirc, in this case, the game - which is why I'm suggesting to redownload Reborn 18.4)
    (To be sure you could redownload SWM too, since it's a pretty small archive)

  4. 41 minutes ago, Sanana said:

    Hi, I downloaded the mod and moved the files I wanted into the 'Data' folder but when I opened up the game, the error ''Scene_intro Line 105 comes up before the main menu screen comes up. Any input on the problem? Also, the game works separately without the mod, it's just when I move the files into the folder that the error comes up. 

    Can you please post a screenshot with the error?

  5. 6 hours ago, Slippery said:

    Just out of curiosity, but what is the difference between AMB-AddOpt-_SWM-NoTMXNeeded, and the normal SWM-NoTMXNeeded?  Looking through both the ReadMe and changelog, neither explain what the mod is or what its purpose is, considering both the NoTMX mods are part of the download.

    The AddOpt one is a plugin for Aironfaar's Additional Options Mod, and adds the option (as a game setting) to consider Headbutt an HM like Fly, Flash, etc.
    In the latest version of SWM that option no longer is part of the download, and is instead part of the NoTMX mod itself; it still does require Aironfaar's mod, though, or else that option won't show up.

  6. Quote

    rmxp's script editor is ass

    It is, @andracass, it is.
    Why are you all even using that? 😱😱😱

    Please take a look at this, from KK20:

    Crashes with game-z, but works fine with game.exe
    Instructions in the script itself.
    It can:

    • export the game's scripts from Scripts.rxdata as plain text, which you can then edit freely with actual editors (for example Visual Studio Code)
    • import that plain text back into the game, re-packing it (including any edits made)
    • also has a "playtest" mode which sounds incredibly useful, as it automates the import on a game restart without actually editing the Scripts.rxdata file

    Since this is for anyone interested and not just for cass, a word of warning: ALWAYS MAKE BACKUP COPIES OF YOUR FILES BEFORE TRYING A NEW TOOL!!!

    In case the linked post goes missing in the future, I'll copy-paste version 4.0 of KK20's script in the SPOILER below:

    Easy Script Importer-Exporter                                       Version 4.0
    by KK20                                                             Jul 18 2018
    [ Introduction ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      Ever wanted to export your RPG Maker scripts to .rb files, make changes to
      them in another text editor, and then import them back into your project?
      Look no further, fellow scripters. ESIE is easy to use!
    [ Instructions ]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      Place this script at the top of your script list to ensure it runs first.
      Make any changes to the configuration variables below if desired.
      Run your game and a message box will prompt success and close the game.
      If exporting, you can find the folder containing a bunch of .rb files in your
      project folder. A new file called "!script_order.csv" will tell this script
      in what order to import your script files back into RPG Maker. As such, you
      can create new .rb files and include its filename into "!script_order.csv"
      without ever having to open RPG Maker!
      If importing, please close your project (DO NOT SAVE IT) and re-open it.
      ** As of Version 4.0, subfolders are now possible!
      - Script names that start with the character defined in FOLDER_INDICATOR will 
        be subfolders within your exported scripts folder. 
      - You can specify the depth of subfolders by increasing the number 
        FOLDER_INDICATOR characters. 
      - Any scripts below the subfolder will be placed within it. 
      - A script name that only consists of FOLDER_INDICATOR characters indicates 
        "closing" that subfolder; scripts below will now be placed in the previous 
        (i.e. its parent's) subfolder.
      - You may reuse a folder name multiple times. You can have subfolders named 
        after script authors and keep their scripts grouped together without
        disrupting your script order (and potentially crashing your project).
      Here's an example assuming FOLDER_INDICATOR is set to '@' :
      Project Script List       Project Directory
      EarlyScript                EarlyScript.rb
      @Base Scripts              Base Scripts/
      @@Game Classes              Game Classes/
      Game_Temp                    Game_Temp.rb
      Game_System                  Game_System.rb
      @@Sprite Classes            Sprite Classes/
      Sprite_Character              Sprite_Character
      @Custom Scripts            Custom Scripts/
      MyScript                    MyScript.rb
      Main                       Main.rb
    [ Compatibility ]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      This script already has methods to ensure it will run properly on any RPG
      Maker version. This script does not rely on nor makes changes to any existing
      scripts, so it is 100% compatible with anything.
    [ Credits ]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
      KK20 - made this script
      GubiD - referenced his VXA Script Import/Export
      FiXato and HIRATA Yasuyuki - referenced VX/VXA Script Exporter
      ForeverZer0 - suggesting and using Win32API to read .ini file
    # B E G I N   C O N F I G U R A T I O N
    # Set the script's mode. Will export the scripts, import the scripts, or do
    # absolutely nothing.
    #       ACCEPTED VALUES:
    #       0 = Disable (pretends like this script doesn't even exist)
    #       1 = Export
    #       2 = Import
    #       3 = Playtest (import scripts from folder to playtest game; does not
    #                     replace or create a 'Scripts.r_data' file)
    # Folder name where scripts are imported from and exported to
    FOLDER_NAME = "Scripts"
    # Character positioned at the start of a script name to indicate a subfolder.
    # All scripts (or other subfolders) below it will be placed within this folder.
    # This must only be a one character string.
    # This tag will be added to the end of a script name in the CSV file for any 
    # scripts that do not have code in them. This tag will be removed when imported
    # back into the project. Note that this does not apply to scripts with no name.
    BLANK_SCRIPT_TAG = '~blank'
    # When exporting, if the folder FOLDER_NAME already exists, it will create
    # another folder of the same name along with an ID. This will make sure you do
    # not overwrite the changes you made to your scripts accidentally. If false,
    # it will erase all the files in the folder prior to exporting. 
    # Useless for importing.
    # Creates a duplicate of the Scripts.r_data file to ensure you don't break your
    # project. The duplicate will be placed in the Data folder as "Copy - Scripts".
    # Useless for exporting.
    # If true, converts any instances of tab characters (\t) into two spaces. This
    # is extremely helpful if writing code from an external editor and moving it
    # back into RPG Maker where tab characters are instantly treated as two spaces.
    TABS_TO_SPACES = true
    # E N D   C O N F I G U R A T I O N
      RGSS = (RUBY_VERSION == "1.9.2" ? 3 : defined?(Hangup) ? 1 : 2)
      if RGSS == 3
        def p(*args)
          msgbox_p *args
      # From GubiD's script
      # These characters cannot be used as folder/file names. Any of your script
      # names that use the characters on the left will be replaced with the right.
        '\\'=> '&',
        '/' => '&',
        ':' => ';',
        '*' => '°',
        '?' => '!',
        '<' => '«',
        '>' => '»',
        '|' => '¦',
        '"' => '\''
      unless FOLDER_INDICATOR.is_a?(String) && FOLDER_INDICATOR.size == 1
        raise "FOLDER_INDICATOR needs to be 1 character long!"
      def mkdir_p(list)
        path = ''
        list.each do |dirname|
          Dir.mkdir(path + dirname) unless File.exists?(path + dirname)
          path += "#{dirname}/"
      def traceback_report
        backtrace = $!.backtrace.clone
        backtrace.each{ |bt|
          bt.sub!(/{(\d+)}/) {"[#{$1}]#{$RGSS_SCRIPTS[$1.to_i][1]}"}
        return $!.message + "\n\n" + backtrace.join("\n")
      def raise_traceback_error
        if $!.message.size >= 900
          File.open('traceback.log', 'w') { |f| f.write($!) }
          raise 'Traceback is too big. Output in traceback.log'
    #-[ B E G I N ]-----------------------------------------------------------------
      # Get project's script file
      ini = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetPrivateProfileString','PPPPLP', 'L')
      scripts_filename = "\0" * 256
      ini.call('Game', 'Scripts', '', scripts_filename, 256, '.\\Game.ini')
      counter = 0
      # Exporting?
      if IMPORT_EXPORT_MODE == 1
        folder_name = FOLDER_NAME
        if File.exists?(FOLDER_NAME)
          # Keep a history of exports? Or only one folder?
            i = 1
            i += 1 while File.exists?("#{FOLDER_NAME}_#{i}")
            folder_name = "#{FOLDER_NAME}_#{i}"
            Dir['Scripts/*'].each { |file| File.delete(file) }
          Dir.mkdir(FOLDER_NAME) unless File.exists?(FOLDER_NAME)
        # Create script order list
        script_order = File.open("#{folder_name}/!script_order.csv", 'w')
        script_names = {}
        folder_tree = [folder_name]
        current_subfolder_level = 0
        # Load the raw script data
        scripts = load_data(scripts_filename)
        scripts.each_index do |index|
          # skip ESIE
          next if index == 0
          script = scripts[index]
          id, name, code = script
          next if id.nil?
          # if this is a subfolder script name
          subfolder_level, subfolder_name = name.scan(/^(#{FOLDER_INDICATOR}+)(.*)/).flatten
          if subfolder_level
            # Replace invalid filename characters with valid characters
            subfolder_level = subfolder_level.size
            subfolder_name.split('').map{ |chr| INVALID_CHAR_REPLACE[chr] || chr }.join
            case subfolder_level <=> current_subfolder_level
            when -1
              (current_subfolder_level - subfolder_level).times do |n|
                current_subfolder_level -= 1
              if subfolder_name.empty?
                current_subfolder_level -= 1
                folder_tree[-1] = subfolder_name
            when 0
              if subfolder_name.empty?
                current_subfolder_level -= 1
                folder_tree[-1] = subfolder_name
            when 1
              if subfolder_level - current_subfolder_level != 1
                raise "Invalid sublevel for folder!\n" +
                      "Expected: #{FOLDER_INDICATOR * (current_subfolder_level + 1)}#{subfolder_name}\n" +
                      "Received: #{name}"
              raise "Branching subfolder needs a name!" if subfolder_name.empty?
              folder_tree << subfolder_name
              current_subfolder_level += 1
            # no need to continue further with this script, so go to next
          # Replace invalid filename characters with valid characters
          name = name.split('').map{ |chr| INVALID_CHAR_REPLACE[chr] || chr }.join
          # Convert script data to readable format
          code = Zlib::Inflate.inflate(code)
          code.gsub!(/\t/) {'  '} if TABS_TO_SPACES
          if code.empty?
            name += BLANK_SCRIPT_TAG unless name.empty?
          name = 'no_script_name' if name.empty?
          if script_names.key?(name)
            script_names[name] += 1
            name = "#{name}~@#{script_names[name]}"
            script_names[name] = 0
          # Output script to file
          dir_path = folder_tree.join('/')
          File.open("#{dir_path}/#{name}.rb", 'wb') { |f| f.write(code) }
          counter += 1
        p "#{counter} files successfully exported to folder '#{folder_name}'"
      # If importing or play-testing
      if IMPORT_EXPORT_MODE >= 2
        folder_tree = [FOLDER_NAME]
        counter = 1
        # If strictly importing, we want to replace the data directly in the scripts
        # data file. Otherwise, just override the scripts global variable.
        if IMPORT_EXPORT_MODE == 2
          scripts_file = File.open(scripts_filename, 'rb')
          import_obj = Marshal.load(scripts_file)
          import_obj = $RGSS_SCRIPTS
        # If strictly importing, create a copy of the scripts file in case something
        # goes wrong with the import.
          base_name = File.basename(scripts_filename)
          dir_name = File.dirname(scripts_filename)
          copy = File.open(dir_name + "/Copy - " + base_name, 'wb')
          Marshal.dump(import_obj, copy)
        # Load each script file
        File.open("#{FOLDER_NAME}/!script_order.csv", 'r') do |list| 
          list = list.read.split("\n")
          list.each do |filename|
            code = ''
            script_name = filename.gsub(/(.*?)(?:~@\d+)?$/) {$1}
            # Is this a subfolder?
            level, subfolder = script_name.scan(/^(#{FOLDER_INDICATOR}+)(.*)/).flatten
            if level
              level = level.size
              case level <=> (folder_tree.size - 1)
              when -1
                (folder_tree.size - 1 - level).times { |n| folder_tree.pop }
                if subfolder.empty?
                  folder_tree[-1] = subfolder
              when 0
                if subfolder.empty?
                  folder_tree[-1] = subfolder
              when 1
                if level - (folder_tree.size - 1) != 1
                  raise "Invalid sublevel for folder!\n" +
                        "Expected: #{FOLDER_INDICATOR * (folder_tree.size)}#{subfolder}\n" +
                        "Received: #{script_name}"
                raise "Branching subfolder needs a name!" if subfolder.empty?
                folder_tree << subfolder
            elsif script_name.empty? || script_name[/#{BLANK_SCRIPT_TAG}$/]
              script_name = script_name.chomp("#{BLANK_SCRIPT_TAG}")
              code = ''
            else # script file
              dir_path = folder_tree.join('/')
              code = File.open("#{dir_path}/#{filename}.rb", 'r') { |f| f.read }
              code.gsub!(/\t/) {'  '} if TABS_TO_SPACES
            # If strictly importing, compress script. Otherwise, keep script in
            # readable format.
            if IMPORT_EXPORT_MODE == 2
              z = Zlib::Deflate.new(6)
              data = z.deflate(code, Zlib::FINISH)
              data = code
            # If strictly importing, replaces entries in the scripts file data with
            # the newly-compressed imported scripts. Otherwise, replace entries in
            # $RGSS_SCRIPTS with imported scripts.
            import_obj[counter] = [counter]
            import_obj[counter][1] = script_name
            import_obj[counter][IMPORT_EXPORT_MODE] = data
            counter += 1
        # Dump imported file data to a new Scripts file and close the program.
        if IMPORT_EXPORT_MODE == 2
          data = File.open(scripts_filename, 'wb')
          Marshal.dump(import_obj[0, counter], data)
          p "#{counter-1} files successfully imported. Please close your RPG Maker " +
          "now without saving it. Re-open your project to find the scripts imported."
          # Run the project from here, eval-ing everything
          ($RGSS_SCRIPTS.size - counter).times { |n| $RGSS_SCRIPTS.pop }
          $RGSS_SCRIPTS.each_with_index do |script, i|
            next if i == 0
              eval(script[3], nil, script[1])
            rescue ScriptError
              raise ScriptError.new($!.message)
              $!.message.sub!($!.message, traceback_report)
    end # if IMPORT_EXPORT_MODE != 0



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  7. 24 minutes ago, TanKY said:

    Hey, I have a question about modifying the EvOverflow mod.

    If I edit the mod to increase the Pokemon's IV by 2 instead of 1, could it break anything?

    To be specific, I just edited "thispoke.iv[k] += 1" to "thispoke.iv[k] += 2"

    It should be fine, as long as it doesn't break the IV limit cap...

  8. 2 hours ago, DBTobey said:

    Hi, I installed the mod but when I run the game, it said the mod was made for episode 18.2 and using it on an episode it's not designed for is not allowed and then the game closes. I installed it exactly the way it said in the post, put the Mod folder into Data. I also made sure to delete SWM - AAA. Not sure why this is happening since in the changelogs, the newest download should work with episode 18.4. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

    I forgot to change that message, sorry.
    Anyway, it means that the Scripts.rxdata you're using is from Episode 18.1 or below.

    If you're not using other mods then you didn't properly update the game, and have to redownload it.

    If instead you're using other mods which change Scripts.rxdata, then you can use the last version of SWM (v59) to be compatible with mods based on Reborn Episode 18.1:

  9. Quick notice: the previously mentioned code pass has now also been done in regards to SWM in @Commander's Redux.
    The result is:
    - most SWM mods should not break Redux, because they alter script sections that Redux didn't change (knowing whether Redux breaks them would, instead, require a more thorough checking and testing process)

    - SWM mods that are compatible but quite redundant (i.e. ItemBan) have been left unaltered

    - ExpShareFullTeam is redundant and incompatible: it will now close the game if you try to use it in Redux

    - EvOverflow will now engage a "Redux compatibility" mode if it detects Redux being used

    - executing the pass on the Mouse mod is still waaaaaaay too time consuming to actually be done; you can use it in Redux, but at your own risk and peril


  10. 4 minutes ago, budew said:

    it won't work if i put all the mods into the same folder, right?

    It will, actually. That's exactly what you're supposed to do.
    A word of caution though: Aironfaar sadly hasn't been around for quite some time, and his mods may be outdated in Episode 18.4.

    • Like 1
  11. Hi everybody, quick announcement:

    1. SWM has been updated to episode 18.4
    With "updated" I mean that I've done a full pass on the code of all the mods, with some quick testing here and there.
    There is one exception: the mouse mod only got the quick testing, and not the full code check. I'll do that for Episode 19, and not sooner. Nope. It's too big, I don't have the energy to deal with it again this soon. 😭

    2. Due to popular demand, UnrealTime has been split into two components, and thus the "show current time" part can now be installed separately.

    So, uhm, that's all.
    Thanks for your attention.

  12. 8 hours ago, Slippery said:

    @Waynolt, The 18.3 build of the game crashes on startup if the SharedPC mod is installed.  All other mods work just fine on the new engine (though the TypeBattleIcons and ShowStatBoosts mods do cause the Lvl display to move a little bit up on the HUD, but this is a very minor cosmetic change).  Is there a way to get the SharedPC mod to function on the 18.3 build, or is it not possible?

    The newest version of SharedPC should work... are you using SWM v63 - updated 16/05/2020?

    8 hours ago, Slippery said:

    Also, is it possible to have the UnrealTime date/time display when running on real time?  I actually really like the ability to see the date and time in-game, particularly when playing in full-screen, and wanted to know if its possible to add?  Thanks. 


    If you're using UnrealTime then you'll have to delete that, replace it with this one, reboot, and finally enter any building.

  13. 4 hours ago, Zanpakaio said:

    Nope, but the SharedPC mod would say "..only designed for Episode 18.2.." but once I deleted it there were no errors.

    You're using mods for E18.1, and the newest version of SharedPC isn't compatible with them.
    SharedPC from an older version of SWM might be compatible:

    For the weather mod:
    Does the menu show up?
    Does it let you change the weather?
    Does it apply the change?

    For the encounter mod: what did you try to do?

  14. 9 hours ago, Zanpakaio said:

    Hey Waynolt, I'm loving the ideas of your modpack, but I have problems- Pickup will work, but not Weather and RunAway (Encounter rate) mods.

    I'm on 18.2 (Void-kissed), I have Pyrolusitium, Alternate Form Pack, Battle Theme Pack files in the game.

    Do you know what could be the problem? Thanks!

    What do you mean?
    Do they throw any error message?

  15. 3 hours ago, thatonesock said:

    Hello! I wanted to ask if this modpack (or any mod in particular really) can be used for the mac version of Reborn? I was wondering, since the new download of Reborn came out for mac without requiring wineskin or anything of the sort. Please let me know ^^

    You can try. 😋
    Backup your savegame first, though 😅

    • Thanks 1
  16. 9 hours ago, Sohaib357 said:

    Hi! I dragged the set weather mod into the data folder of Reborn 18.3 but when I load up my game and check the PokeGear, there's nothing there! I've tried redownloading both the mod folder and the actual game and it doesn't work. I've tried placing the mods back into the folder and replacing the files but it isn't working. The mod is in the data folder but nothing happens in game. Let me know if there's a solution to this!

    The mod has to go into Data/Mods/


    In case it's already in the right place, please try moving the game's folder somewhere else (e.g. on the Desktop)

  17. Looks like a rare bug that was fixed in the Reborn version of the mod... please try this:
    1. Make a backup copy of your savegames
    2. Replace the Rejuv version of the ItemFinder mod with its Reborn version
    3. Reboot your PC, start the game, load your savegame
    4. Take a step in any direction, switch the radar off, take another step, save the game.
    5. Remove the Reborn version of the ItemFinder mod and put the Rejuv version back in
    6. Reboot your PC one last time

    It may not work (don't remember how different is the Rejuv version from the Reborn one), but imho it's worth a shot; if it goes wrong you can always just restore your savegame from the backup copy...

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