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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Blontary

  1. Yep there's the Anna route, with different characters and final battles ;)
  2. Take a look at the relationship guide and see if it says anything
  3. Well I already posted but thany you all from the bottom of my heart, this is probably the best game I've ever played. I just wanted to add OMG THOSE WALLPAPERS
  4. You should go to the top of the tree in malchous forest (if that's the name) and speak to Noel, he knows how to find ||lin||
  5. No, not that I know of. I guess you could always add one through debug mode, also since legendaries are granted 3 perfect ivs you may just soft reset until you get one you like
  6. May be the one in byxbysion? I don't recall, if it is that You access it from tanzan cove
  7. Both? She used her crazyness to counter her depression, and still keeps doing that. A character can have multiple aspects of their personality
  8. Some cells are missable, but you don't need them all to get a 100% zygarde, you'll get it anyway. What they're really useful for is creating cell imprints
  9. Which version are you playing? Did you update to the latest patch?
  10. I think you're speaking of rejuv and not reborn?
  11. Well EV training is kinda easy with the objects, come on ;)
  12. The EV turning into IVs is a mod dude though
  13. It actually isn't that easy! I try to never use any legendaries, but had to use a magearna this time. Trick room is a reliable strategy, and got me to the 5th battle quite frequently. I mainly led carbink to set it up and for some utility/ chip damage, then dealt damage with alolan marowak or magearna. Thing is, for any strategy you choose you will find some teams that counter you, so you'll likely need some tries. A mon I had tried and gave me incredible results was wobuffet, guaranteed kills in 1v1, if in trick room may take 2 thanks to destiny bond. Other strategies you may use would be electro web galvantula, or a prankster screen/terrain setter, and then a set up sweeper, giving maybe a berry for status conditions.
  14. There's a bug in this patch that won't let you take items from pkmn in the box
  15. Jeez dude just play and have fun I guess the noevs password was only meant to grant an "easy mode" for reborn, and vice versa. No point in going in all that detail in my opinion
  16. It's been some time so I don't recall very well sets etc, but here are my buddies (random IV, only noivern with favorable nature) : Feraligatr - choice band - max atk and spd - aqua tail aqua jet super power crunch Clefable - light clay - max hp and the rest on spded and def - moonblast comic power wish and xxxxx (reflect, light screen, toxic, sunny day etc) Garchomp - max atk and spd - dragon something - outrage dig (didn't have eq lol) crunch iron head Noivern - draconium z - max spatk and spd - tailwind dracometeor boom burst air slash Metagross - Metagrossite - max atk and something - zen headbutt meteormash hammer arm and xxxxxx (usually rock polish but I also used screens) Weavile - life orb - max atk and spd - fake out ice shard icicle crash night slash Weavile was an absolute beast, Clefable almost soloed lin, and they were all great companions! I was actually sad I wasn't able to bring my swampert but the team I had built didn't sinergize well with him. He managed to do great though in the post game ;) Also guys, have a look at demice on YouTube, his team wrecked through the whole game with an absurd strategy lol
  17. Iirc the way you get to that spirit is through bombing the northern wall with the carts: the explosion will break the rock right underneath the spirit and you will be able to access it on foot
  18. Iirc there's a procedure that may help keeping the item, which involves using thief, flinging the item and then recycling. That said, I agree with the others, that would be too easy
  19. Np dude :) I actually don't know what you're referring to, but I would guess not. There's only one "alternative" Pokémon you can obtain that I know of, and it's not it, it's
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