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Everything posted by Nyrias

  1. For future reference, if someone asks you about the league rules, make sure you know what they are before telling them anything.

  2. He'll be answering all questions in this thread soon So I locked the topic to prevent any further questions, sorry ^^
  3. So as you can see from the title of this thread... HEY Y'ALL WE INTERVIEWIN' ARC, YEE HAW! LEAVE Y'ALL'S QUESTIONS IN THIS HERE THREAD FOR OUR FAVORITE GRANDSON ARC, YEEEEEEEEHAW! i sincerely apologize
  4. i do because i'm too lazy to shave all of it off
  5. so it's been a while since i've posted a picture here and i thought why the hell not before i go to sleep and my hair gets ruined and i look like shit so here you go
  6. So tired of living here.. just want to be with him and not here by myself.

  7. i missed you forums

  8. You know the words to my song, no habla ingles, our conversations ain't long, but you know what is.

  9. Been around the world, don't speak the language, but yo booty don't need explainin', all I need to understand is when you talk dirty to me~

  10. Is that a legitimate question? Of course hosts are needed. We're like the leaders' managers. Something goes wrong, we handle it, they don't handle it. They already have to deal with spending 3 hours on the server, doing battles, so it's easier for us to handle other things. In regards to the time idea, I don't know. We understand that the fanbase is quite full of Europeans and we don't like that they can't attend our league as much as they'd want to, but there's really no other option than starting earlier and ending at the same time, but that could cause some upset with some of the leaders depending on how their schedule is during the week. Regarding original post and your suggestions; I said it up there but the only real solution is starting earlier. Two leagues would be hell to manage, three leagues would be even more hell to manage. The leaders wouldn't want to do weekends, considering that's when they have time to go out and watch movies or whatever with their friends.
  11. Candles drippin' on your body, baby, this ain't truth or dare.

  12. If anyone wants to try out Strife with Matt and I, here's a link: http://www.curse.com/betas/strife-beta-key-giveaway - just create a Curse account and get your key, then redeem on http://www.strife.com :D It's a MOBA and its items are more similar to DotA than League

    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      Hold on I'm coming.

    2. Fezzdog


      No system specs :s I'd try it if I knew I could run it.

  13. i need to vent

  14. luka are u ok

    1. Ysera



    2. Godot


      Are you Okay?

      Are you Okay?

      Are you Okay Luka?

  15. Vi, a vicious violent vixen voiding vindication. Guantlets of the law, keeping safe Piltover's population. Honor, justice, and freedom, yeah- what are those? I'm just here to show your skull a few denting blows.

    1. Diana


      i love you

  16. My name is G G G G baby baby, GD GD baby baby.

  17. I don't care what they're going to say, let the storm rage on, the cold never bothered me anyway~

    1. Skeleton



    2. anethia


      no i fucking dont

    3. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      Not in the Frozen spirit eh?

  18. Yeah ho, this the finale. My pep talk turn into a pep rally. Say she from the hood but she live inside the valley, now she vacatin' in Atlanta and movin' back to Cali.

  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fDrX5Edd3o
  20. Oh my. I just love Mashew so so much<3 Head over heels for him. Yup yup! :3

  21. Every champion is strong, it's how you play them, they've been here all along, you just forgot them~

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