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Everything posted by Nyrias

  1. 10/10 balancing, Blizzard, way to go like, seriously? they hate hunter beast synergy so much they make Starving Buzzard into the worst card in the game? at least make it a 4 mana 3/2 so it's on par with stuff like Arathi Weaponsmith statline wise. :/ really disappointed in their choices to counter Leeroy, Buzzard, UTH combo. no one will want to use Buzzard ever again after this nerf.

    1. Nyrias


      so is Mr Game & Watch, as seen on http://www.twitch.tv/hamayama

    2. Magus


      Duck hunt dog's final smash will be laughing at the failure of others

    3. Nyrias


      http://i.imgur.com/N7ea6C9.jpg image for proof for those who won't get to watch stream
  3. I'm so fucking done Duck Hunt Dog is a hidden character in Smash 4, along with Dark Pit, Ness, Falco and Mr. Game & Watch MY MIND HAS BEEN BLOWN source: http://www.twitch.tv/hamayama - he's a tester and has the early release of Smash 4, there are two others doing it and one of them is http://www.twitch.tv/gema_yue EDIT: gema_yue unlocked Wario, hamayama unlocked Dr. Mario and Ganondorf's silhouette was shown elsewhere - all images are in spoilers below
  4. I want Diablo 3 CD keys for Matt and I but $40 for that game is way too expensive... q_q

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      for Blizzard that is nuts....rarely does anything they sell drop below 60$ XD

    2. Nyrias


      well Diablo 3 was a colossal failure market wise so it makes sense that it'd drop to $40 but it's still way too much for Diablo 3... it's a fun game but it's not worth $40 and I feel bad for those who paid $60 for it

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It is apprently much better now that they actually fixed it. I would still rather play Path of Exile, it has a very similar feel, and it is completely free, so it is a win win.

  5. the point of my post being that the meta is overcentralized on a lot of decks and it's frustrating to me as someone who wants to avoid netdecking as much as possible (although i admit i played miracle rogue and handlock prior to naxxramas but that's because those decks are actually satisfying to succeed with, because you put yourself at a real risk as handlock due to the hero power and you don't always draw into cards you need with both decks) right now i'm just experimenting with cheesy shaman aggro decks, that'd work better if i had undertaker and the like :[
  6. i've played hearthstone since beta and lately i've just lost interest in it because the meta is full of zoolock, control warrior, token druid and hunters while i'm not so peeved about hunters, the other decks really irritate me because when it comes to zoo, one good hand can end the game within 6 turns when it comes to control warrior, they just armor up all game until they're at about 50 hp total (pls Blizzard make Alexstrasza remove armor or something too) when it comes to token druid, they just play a bunch of small minions and hit you in the face until they draw into FoN/Roar or Power of the Wild/Roar it's really irritating and i don't even bother playing the game anymore because i didn't have gold for naxxramas wings past the arachnid wing so i don't have any cards except maexxna, haunted creeper and nerubian egg not going to act like hunter isn't annoying because it is but it's one of the more controllable situations when you're against it, unless you don't think about leeroy unleash or other things along those lines
  7. Here I relax amongst the bodies, don't give enough of a fuck for sorries, I lost some soldiers but I'll buy some more, cause ain't nobody satisfied with being poor

    1. Sutoratosu


      I would hate to be a soldier serving under your command...

    2. Felicity
  8. Contraband, contraband, I'm countin' bands from sellin' this contraband. I'm wearin' foreign shit, I'm walkin' contraband.

    1. Damiano


      Wasn't expecting some VI Seconds today. Nice.

  9. Shyvana spittin' fire leaving everything Singed, Sion 'cause I feel no pain with each win, with a broad like Sivir, any of you dare to harm her and you gettin' Impaled like the final move of Skarner

  10. They tried to give your boy pills like I'm being violent, they tried to give your boy pills just to keep him silent, keep tellin' people the truth, you could be iconic..

  11. I'm charging into sight, you're so scared that your esophagus is clenching up, you're standing toe to toe with what the apocalypse would manifest into a horseman if it was monstrous, my crowning act is sealing Amumu's sarcophagus

  12. What a waste of my day, if I had it my way, I'd roll out of bed say 'bout 2:30 mid day, hit the blunt then hit you up to come over to my place, you show up right away, we make love then we fuck and then you give me my space

    1. Maelstrom


      You suck at romance.

    2. CoolTrainerGary


      Those are lyrics to Bed Peace, not necessarily his idea of romance.

  13. I can finally have a crisp gaming experience

    1. Jelly


      crisp is a fun word

  14. I can feel you in my bones, saying you promised me the ocean, and just as sure as hell I love you, I can feel you in my bones, saying you promised me the ocean~

  15. Running dungeons multiple times hoping for a drop that'll probably never drop sucks. T_T

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Voctrode


      What're you even looking for o.o

    3. Nyrias


      Cleaver of the Sky ]:

      Titanus doesn't wanna drop it for me T_T

    4. Ikaru


      you'll just have to settle for cleaving seas instead

  16. atrocitus is the only true badass

    1. Maelstrom


      RAGE!! Idk he doesn't give the hulk a red ring.

  17. But don't let 'em say you ain't beautiful, they can all get fucked, just stay true to you.

  18. Totally didn't make a character on Aura Kingdom named 'Erections'... #noregrets

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      You need to take your computer to the shop if you play more than 4 hours.

    2. Voctrode


      Goddammit :I

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