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Status Replies posted by Kaito

  1. Mewtwo comes out tomorrow. Who's ready?

  2. C9 WIN!!!!

  3. Really disappointed in Cloud 9 right there.

  4. Kinda shitty that the two people not there for the draft effectively got super teams, and are sitting at 4-0 rn.

  5. Quick, is Persona Q worth it?

  6. Looking for a reason to go on. I'm just looking for that right now.

    1. Kaito


      A lot of people are. But Monty? He'd be laughing at us for wasting time we could be using to be productive. If I recall, one of his most said quotes is "keep moving forward." It's fine to grieve. But I think Monty would like it more if we all just got back to doing what we love.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. rest in peace monty :(

    1. Kaito


      Well I guess cosplaying Ren will be more than just a cosplay this year. Rest in Peace, Monty....

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)


    1. Kaito


      You. I like you already. Yu Yu Hakusho is the best anime of all time, my #1 favorite show.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. yosuke hanamura vs yosuke urameshi will always be the greatest debate in my mind.

  10. The current trend in my OR game is Potion Festivals. What?

  11. Vermillion should be flying it's flags at Half Staff, soldiers...

    1. Kaito


      According to my data, both Cerulean and Cerise got "Bageled"

      Normally, I would be semi-okay with it due to it beign a good play if not for one factor: ALL alliances died by this tactic. Not a single one was actually defeated by having their cores hit 0. Bit of a stale tactic, made it boring.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  12. I recently picked up Blazblue: The Calamity Trigger at my local gamestop for $5 and I havent played it yet, but after hearing this I feel like I should. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ2_4KV-reQ

  13. Well. Black is totally my color. Pajamas, Thermals, Dress Clothes, I look damn suave. *Narcissism +3*

  14. I'm also pissed you didn't put in a better word for me, Inumuta. Glad to know you think so little of me that you couldn't stand up for my character.

    1. Kaito


      Not that I'm any higher for going along with this on a status update, I admit.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. I'm also pissed you didn't put in a better word for me, Inumuta. Glad to know you think so little of me that you couldn't stand up for my character.

    1. Kaito


      You've also been drinking. Combine that with the anger, and I'm surprised you're thinking rationally. Your intentions about this matter are good. The way you've gone about them however was not. And while not completely your fault, I must say I'm honestly disappointed in your behavior.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. I'm also pissed you didn't put in a better word for me, Inumuta. Glad to know you think so little of me that you couldn't stand up for my character.

    1. Kaito


      Why bring it to the public? This is an obviously private manner, don't go slandering on a status update. Besides, I've said it's not all about you.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. Too many Amethysts

  18. I think I'm the only one around here that fangasmed over today's RWBY episode and doesn't care about Mewtwo in Smash.

  19. And so ends my time in Zero Alliance. I would have stayed longer, but things to plan, people to kill, all that jazz. Good luck to all friends.

  20. So is P4AU worth my monies,.

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