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Status Replies posted by Alistair

  1. Sayia

    Sayia    Zarc

    Look at them :)

    Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania cyndaquil memes


    1. Alistair


      I think Zarc meant that the character depicted in your pic doesn't exist irl

      Not that you aren't lovely irl


    2. (See 45 other replies to this status update)

  2. Sayia

    Sayia    Zarc

    Look at them :)

    Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania cyndaquil memes


    1. Alistair


      I agree with Lykos

      Sayia's pic is just lovely

    2. (See 45 other replies to this status update)

  3. I began the anime Sword Art Online yersterday , it's pretty cool... until i heard the word " Pixie "... I'm sure you know what i'm talking about :D 

  4. gossip time MC KAPPA SAID that if bugs win in types hurt and heal you'll give out free things am i late???????? that wasn't entirely what he said but you know

    @Amine Chankey3ft7

    1. Alistair


      A feasible alternative could be +2/-1, and the winner is the one that reaches a set goal, for instance 50pts (with everyone starting at, say, 20)

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  5. gossip time MC KAPPA SAID that if bugs win in types hurt and heal you'll give out free things am i late???????? that wasn't entirely what he said but you know

    @Amine Chankey3ft7

    1. Alistair


      The problem is that you're right about an important thing: this type of game does promote strategy so I think it will never be "clean", as in, everyone just upvoting their favorite and downvoting their least favorite without taking other factors and goals into consideration.

      Another issue is that since it's +1/-2, it promotes "hating" over "liking", but it's unavoidable otherwise the games would last forever...

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  6. gossip time MC KAPPA SAID that if bugs win in types hurt and heal you'll give out free things am i late???????? that wasn't entirely what he said but you know

    @Amine Chankey3ft7

    1. Alistair


      I agree with you, what I'm looking for is quite utopic. And no, this game isn't a big deal... it is a small, daily dose of disappointment in human nature however. But I didn't exactly need an H&H to be provided with this, that's for certain.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  7. gossip time MC KAPPA SAID that if bugs win in types hurt and heal you'll give out free things am i late???????? that wasn't entirely what he said but you know

    @Amine Chankey3ft7

    1. Alistair


      @Jess "impossible to win without" is wrong, I'm afraid. Had we not formulated any strategies over the course of H&H, there would still have been a winner, albeit the result would probably be vastly different. Otherwise, your position is reasonable.

      To make it clear, I'm not engaged in a personal crusade against you or your favorite type; I'm replying to you because you've been kind enough to voice your own stance over this, which provides me with an opportunity to develop mine. I simply regret the way this game unfolded.

      That being said, I also regretted it the last time I was truly involved in an H&H, so perhaps I should stop playing these games altogether.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  8. gossip time MC KAPPA SAID that if bugs win in types hurt and heal you'll give out free things am i late???????? that wasn't entirely what he said but you know

    @Amine Chankey3ft7

    1. Alistair


      @Jess See my reply in the thread; claiming that participating to an H&H without using strategies would make it comparable to a strawpall is not true imo.

      Also, while the game's structure may promote strategy, strategy isn't an integral and necessary part of it in the same way baskets and goals are an integral and necessary part of basketball and football. This is an unfair comparison.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  9. gossip time MC KAPPA SAID that if bugs win in types hurt and heal you'll give out free things am i late???????? that wasn't entirely what he said but you know

    @Amine Chankey3ft7

    1. Alistair


      I saw your editing after replying. I do not condone Nick's stance either.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  10. gossip time MC KAPPA SAID that if bugs win in types hurt and heal you'll give out free things am i late???????? that wasn't entirely what he said but you know

    @Amine Chankey3ft7

    1. Alistair


      @Jess No, it wasn't random. It was a strategy; people downvoting the leading type so it wouldn't win. I personally downvoted Bug on a couple occasions because I don't particularly like this type, compared to most of the competitors.

      It was indeed about strategy all along, and it's kinda sad. Thanks for proving my point.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  11. I began the anime Sword Art Online yersterday , it's pretty cool... until i heard the word " Pixie "... I'm sure you know what i'm talking about :D 

  12. gossip time MC KAPPA SAID that if bugs win in types hurt and heal you'll give out free things am i late???????? that wasn't entirely what he said but you know

    @Amine Chankey3ft7

    1. Alistair


      Please don't ruin the game guys. Vote according to your own tastes instead of trying to make someone else happy. I have no problems with Bug winning if it's indeed the community's favorite type, but it's just sad (including for Bug lovers themselves) if it wins thanks to some deal.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  13. I began the anime Sword Art Online yersterday , it's pretty cool... until i heard the word " Pixie "... I'm sure you know what i'm talking about :D 

  14. It can be frightening, but nothing is quite as gratifying as standing up to someone who's being a complete jerk.

  15. 4,000 content count in 9 months. Tremendous!

  16. S... so... eh... how to put this... H... Here!


    For being one of the kindest and nicest people in here! And for stating that you are socially awkward, it is nice to find another one!


  17. Why must a 12 year old come up with such an annoying gym puzzle? Even Bugsy's gym was a breeze to go through. Couldn't Shelly have made her gym puzzle a little less difficult? Well, thank goodness someone made a walkthrough for this gym. xD

  18. ur a faek Taka >:(

    @Meteor Admin Divergent is da reel Taka

  19. Wtf 50 followers ?? How ?



    Anyway time to get to work :





  20. Some observations of a Dark Souls & Bloodborne casul:


    1. Kill anything that moves. In fact, kill it even if it doesn't move. What do you mean it was a NPC? Well, tough luck.


    2. >try doing something good

        >everything goes to shit


    3. Meet whateverthehellthatis the boss


    4. You died

  21. 'When it Falls' has been adapted:



  22. Some observations of a Dark Souls & Bloodborne casul:


    1. Kill anything that moves. In fact, kill it even if it doesn't move. What do you mean it was a NPC? Well, tough luck.


    2. >try doing something good

        >everything goes to shit


    3. Meet whateverthehellthatis the boss


    4. You died

  23. Issou ! 



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