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Chrixai last won the day on May 17

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313 Altruist

About Chrixai

  • Birthday 10/21/1997

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    Realm between Light and Darkness
  • Interests
    PC gaming, Persona, Pokemon, Anime, Manga, TV, Hanging out and being silly, movies, running, blue, red, black, Video games, a LOT of things.

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  1. If you had one type of superpower in the world what would it be and what would you use it for? 

    For me it’s:

    Superspeed, and I would use to never tire and get to anywhere I want cuz I don’t like rides 😂 (Sidenote: I like to move and not stay in one place for too long 😏)

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr


      (Sidenote: I like to move and not stay in one place for too long)

      Chrixai is a shark, confurmed


      I've always gone with the ability to create objects from nothing (something more akin to 3rd Ed. D&D's '100% real Illusions' than Full-Metal Alchemist's 'equivalent exchange' shenanigans). I always found it to be a neat ability to have, and the divines sure know that it would've saved me an awful lot of stress over my life so far.


      I'd probably just use it to keep up with the gaming world's flow and other minor conveniences, to be honest. Never been the most extravagant when it it comes to using the tools I have... 😅

    2. Chrixai


      Maybe I am. 🤫 This much is true xD Pretty neat ability. :0

    3. doombotmecha


      The power to stop time. Not for me purposes, I swear! Due to my ADHD, I always seem to end up in jams that could be easily solved if I had just a bit more time, whether it's schoolwork, travel, regular work, etc.

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