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Lord C

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lord C

  1. It may be more than simple regeneration. I was looking through videos of the Reshiram route and her fallen sprite didn't have any blood stains in it. I thought it could be an oversight, but Taka's body sprite actually had blood over his back, so it must be something more than a healing factor. It would be nice. The discussions are mostly about gameplay.
  2. You know, the stuff about the story in-game, spooky stuff, maybe what's going on with Lin's apparent immortality, or the Pokeballs south of the desert that could have been the ones Corey threw before commiting suicide, Pulse Garbodor being the reason Bixybyon became a wasteland etc.
  3. Nice! I was afraid because it seemed like I'd need to get through 3 oasis over and over whenever I wanted to reach the tower.
  4. Understood. Guess I'll have to summon the tower again once I leave to do that
  5. I already searched beforehand to know how to trigger its appearance and know that leaving it means I'd need to find 3 oasis again. So, I wanted to confirm everything that's in Mirage Tower before leaving it. So, as far as I know, it has: Honedge in a pedestal Mimikyu after breaking all mirrors in ground floor Phione in a pound via Super Rod after a fake exit. Are there any other pokemon and/or items in Mirage Tower?
  6. Understood. I'll try that in my next run. I should also search for other missable cutscenes
  7. So you mean the moment we can have the Gym Fight with Angie, we go back through the tower and we can see the scene?
  8. Well, this is great! I disliked a lot how it seemed the story was cut off after we arrive in the Ultra Space, as if there is this whole thing planed out, like when you go to the future in Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky, yet in SM everything ended right there after finding and beating Lusamine. The existence of the recon squad, Ultra Metropolis and exploration of beyond the wormhole may expand upon the Ultra Space
  9. Well, actually a kid in the early episodes in a pokemon academy points out levels while explaining the specifics of Pidgey evolving during early episodes. But yeah, that wasn't followed and soon abandoned. Meanwhile, in the manga, they follow the existance of levels, with Red and Green pointing out by the Fire Red/Leaf Green arc that it is nearly impossible for their pokemon to get stronger now in Kanto and they'd need to do so somewhere else. In special, Black himself keeps an eye constantly in the progression of his pokemons levels and the accuracy of their moves with his pokedex. But yeah, in the end it doesn't really matter much. Levels as a whole are mostly a symbol for us to keep tabs in the growth of the pokemon... like power levels!
  10. I wonder what sort of in-game explanation will exist for the level caps. The normal one of them disobeying was something consistent with the manga, as badges release some sort of waves that would allow to better control powerful pokemon in it.
  11. Digimon World DS Trauma Center Under the Knife 2 Yokai Watch
  12. He probably lost the thingy that was possessing him. Geara and Narcissa's husband are technically two different people. Geara's sprite has a Ghost in his shadow, indicating he is possessed. And now, he probably isn't anymore. Or who knows? Maybe he needed Giratina to function properly. Without it he enters in disarray and now is wandering mad with multiple personalities and stuff
  13. I just hope when we get new 3d-sonics after Forces it won't be mandatorily half of a classic game. Sure, it was nice when that happened once and twice, but man, do I dislike how people keep talking bad things about 3d Sonics as if it was the salt of the earth.
  14. Lord C

    E17 Redone Intro

    Holy shit, if that bombing didn't happen, there would be 6 protags running around Reborn fighting team Meteor. We would have beaten this game by episode 8 or less due to the mortality rate of Gym leaders lessening considerably
  15. Thanks a lot! Buuuut... This. I'll have to pass since I only check the forums once a while
  16. Well, we raided the Rocket hideout to stop them from using a machine that forcefully evolves pokemon. We just never actually *saw* Lance getting rid of it
  17. Found it. When your mother's room is locked and before you talk to the captain, head to the room left to your mother's. There will be marks near the right wall at the top of the stairs.
  18. Nice to see another playthrough. BTW, there are missable cutscenes in Rejuvenation I don't know if I scrolled through or you actually missed it, but there was the possibility to eavesdrop a conversation between your Mother and another woman in the cabin.
  19. The Chaos Rings series for IOS have some pretty great story
  20. Love those games. I also tried other indies, but guess I'll go look for more since games like Axiom Verge had a lot of what I wanted. Gonna try the Metroid Remake too
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