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Status Updates posted by Dylanrockin

  1. I don't mind bad games. But, offensively boring games I do mind. A lot.


    There is nothing more intolerable for me than playing something that is so drool-inducing that it makes me want to fall asleep. With bad games I can at least make fun of, and take the piss out of. But a boring game... I've got nothing, and I'm falling asleep at the wheel not caring.

  2. I feel this is important: For those of you who don't know voice actors, Veronica Taylor was the original voice actor for Ash Ketchum, before she got replaced in Battle Frontier.



    1. Anime


      Oh, thats sad :(

  3. I find this to be incredibly funny:


    if you type that phrase in, on Twitter you instantly get this response.



  4. I finished 100% A Hat in Time Beta, and I have to say... I don't like 3D Platformers very much, except Mario Sunshine, but this game is probably my favorite 3D Platformer I've ever played. The Wind Waker RPG mechanics that is has, alongside the Super Mario Sunshine platforming physics is blended perfectly together and I really love it.


    Also The Subcon Forest Castle was legitimately terrifying the first time I played that.


    Hat Kid is adorable. Nuff said.

  5. I finished programming a post-processing effect in Unreal Engine 4 that makes all the assets in a given scene/level have a cel-shading effect. Also, I programmed in a cool UI:


    Doesn't exactly work very well with objects that have a certain level of metallicity and aren't whole numbers by a factor of 2.


    Still feeling like something's missing in the HUD. Unsure about the positioning or maybe I need some kind of border around the character's icon.



    1. Dylanrockin


      I think I fixed it:



  6. I freaking love the internet!



    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      im glad i decided to check out the status feed today.

      final spaghetti never, EVER stops being a blessing.


    2. IntSys



  7. I guess my main concern and problem with Sun and Moon (the games) is that it's a game that's trying way too hard to be something it's not. Sun and Moon are constantly in your face about character development, and story, but even still it falls flat in the end, because the only character that has any kind of development throughout the story is Lilie and Hau. But, honestly, Hau was so boring and generic that I couldn't care one bit about him.


    And then it's story is just bonkers and all over the place, with horrendous pacing and questionable Trainers that... I don't know why they decided "Oh let's give all these Trainers have 1 Pokemon for the first 30% of the game, and increment them by 1 slowly", because that doesn't make leveling freaking annoying at all.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Combat


      I mean, sure the story wasn't great, but it was probably better than most of the other main games (save for Black and White, which had a pretty good story.) There were certainly too many characters for its own good, most of which weren't memorable, but it was still better than "Hi I'm a gym leader you beat me goodbye forever." that we've endured for generations.


      My biggest issue with Sun and Moon was that the game world felt like it was meant to host the player and nothing else. Despite having four islands, the cities were super small and filled with fake doors, there were almost no dungeons or cave systems, and there was only one evil hideout for you to go through.


      And don't get me started with the pointless cameos. Who the hell thought we needed Grimsley in the game?

    3. Dylanrockin


      The story was a complete joke, at least pacing wise. And I hated the fake doors and the rule of thumb that I have with there being too much characters is this: you can never have too many characters, so long as you make them relevant and actually do something worth a damn and matches up with the length of the story. Because who wants to play a JRPG with a cast of collectively 15 characters that is 80 hours long? That's be too few, because normally there'd be about 35+ to accommodate that length. But for Sun and Moon all those other characters not matter at all. And you can make the rationale that it's a Pokémon game and they're like Gym Leaders, and serve to be McGuffin holders or whatever for the others. And that's true, but this game is trying to tout itself as a JRPG by going to some masquerade party and shouting "hey look at me, I'm a JRPG like the rest of you" and doesn't even do it very well. If it wasn't being so in your face and try-hard about its story and characters than I can excuse that. Like it's not even subtle.


      Also fuck those stupid cameos. They just did that to make fans of those games go "Oooooooh this is AWESOME!" mostly the ignorant PokePlayers and people who don't know any better would find that to be cool and endearing to their characters . But it isn't, because THEY DO NOTHING! They do a thing and are never seen again. That's stupid and a complete waste of a cameo that could've lead to something cool like a side quest, but didn't.

    4. Combat


      At least Looker got the attention he deserved.


      Wait, Annabel was a frontier brain? Oh...

  8. I hope I'm not the only person who gets excited at the newest calculators. Like, I remember in High School when my friends and I talked extensively about the TI-Nspire CX CAS and I ended up being the first one to get it, and going nuts over it.


    That's when you know you're a dork.

  9. I just got this in the mail today. People say Final Fantasy 6 or Chrono Trigger are some of the best SNES RPGs. And I'd agree that those are pretty high up there in my list, but people over here in the states probably never played this gem. The first, ever, console RPG to have voice acting (old PC games did it before this, but I'm talking specifically home consoles) and an opening theme that had lyrics in it. I'm referring to Tales of Phantasia. Not the god-awful GBA port with its many technical problems and framerate issues, but the original Super Famicom version. The PS1 version is pretty awesome too, but this specific version has a lot of pedigree and history to it.


    It's a shame most people didn't get to play this game when it first came out, because it never came to the states (because of fucking course it didn't ;w; ). Also Arche Klein and Suzu Fujibayashi are both too cool for school <3


    I actually managed to get this in its original box as well as with its manual. The only problem with the game itself is that it doesn't save. Yeah, unfortunately cartridge based games like this suffer from their batteries running dry over the years so you have to manually change them out.







    1. Animefan666


      ToP is pretty good, but I still prefer Chrono Trigger. I like the whole "time travel" bit and the various double/triple techs. Not to mention Lavos' epic world ending spikes of death. The NDS version added some new areas/sidequests (and I think a little more detail into Lucca's past) as well as the Dream Devourer.

    2. Dylanrockin


      Yeah, I do know that the DS version added in quite a few, cool, extra bosses. Especially the radish looking dude, whose name escapes me. Personally I'd put ToP in 1st, Chrono Trigger in 2nd, FF6 in 3rd. I also, fun fact, just ordered a in-the-box Chrono Trigger, Seiken Densetsu 2 (Secret of Mana for those of you in the US) and Fire Emblem: Monshō no Nazo (Mystery of the Emblem).

  10. I just love getting hate mail, don't you? Nothing spells a whinny, self-entitled, elitist fan-boy than someone acting like they can strong-arm your decisions around like you're obligated to them. Also, when they make false claims saying that you get your money, to fund your game, through unethical means; like, you fucking wish.


    I want to drink your tears, I want to driiiiinnnnk it. I want to get a cup, put it under your eyes, get a lemon and a straw and just drink it.

    1. Animefan666


      Only if you drink them from a jewel-encrusted golden chalice :P 

    2. Dylanrockin


      I will drink it from the very Holy Grail, if I have to.

    3. Anime


      Lol, Every game developer get hate mails, and btw the Holy Grail is the best tear-drinking device^^

  11. I just started watching this series, and I find it very informative for people who are thinking about making games, even Pokemon fan-games:




    It's all about scope, which I think is something that fan-games struggle with immensely. Well... that and other things, really.

  12. I just watched Down the Rabbit Hole for the Final Fantasy House, and oh my God! I never vomited more at a story than that one.


    A genuine question to anyone and everyone here: at what point is it EXTREMELY unhealthy to associate yourself with a character so much, that you lose all sense of yourself as a person?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      That was a very detailed explanation and was exactly what I was looking for. Kudos to you for giving such a great explanation to that! I was really pondering this one day and really needed to dive more into it, because after watching that video it made me really question a lot of things I've experienced or indulged in myself and thought "how far is TOO far?" Thank you for clarifying that for me, that was an excellent response.

    3. AenaonDusky


      There's a big body of evidence piling up when it comes to internet, and especially explicit material addiction, with people abstaining from it reporting the resurfacing of emotions, feelings of well-being, sharp senses, reduced or inexistent brain fog, lessening and in some cases lifting of depressive symptoms, reduction of OCD symptoms, preexisting or otherwise, (re)manifestation of empathy, and even removal of social awkwardness. Seeing as this is in line with the addiction model (by the book), and that the "addiction pathways" (oversimplified) in the brain respond in the same way for every addictive behavior, external substances or not, all the aforementioned factors and early exposure might as well be a huge contributing factor to the problem you mentioned and the multitude of accompanying psychological problems that are associated with this kind of attachment.

      There's even evidence for the re-shaping of "strange" preferences, even...you know, of that kind. The plasticity of the brain seems to adapt to what is perceived as a potential partner, but enforced by the addictive nature of the behavior and the hyperstimulation caused by the material's novelty (or perceived novelty) and exaggerated, accentuating features. This essentially reshapes your brain into recognizing something that literally isn't human (even if the depiction of that is of a human on camera) as ...a partner you're "bonding" with.
      However, during actions that elevate pleasure, the dopamine response may be high, but oxytocin (loosely, a human bonding hormone) is not released as it happens in a true bonding case. This leaves the addict in a state of "self-love but with an object that mimics a human through exaggeration", causes or reinforces asociality, and strips the person of their potential for love for others . (Even worse, because of that exact attachment to the self-loved object, the person will defend their behavior or "subject" (well, object) of their behavior as if they're defending...a real person they love).

      If this behavior is reinforced, especially if someone has been exposed to it young, the result is: numb dopamine receptors, which means: lack of motivation, depression, inability to feel pleasure from daily activities, "emptiness", and a pseudo-stoic, rationalized attitude (the addict compensates for their numbed emotions through rational brain activity, which, however, cannot rescue them from their robot-limbo state, making them even more miserable and, as is self reported, "cynic").

      The good news is that brain plasticity is a real thing, and total abstinence (or at least attempts at it) from the behavior, especially after a 3months to 2years period (depending on intensity of exposure, length of exposure, and starting age) can actually "format" the brain and bring back the emotions, physical and mental strength, and vigor that had always been there. Of course, engagement with "hard" and out-of-the-comfort-zone activities are necessary in order to speedup this process. Some people might feel increased anxiety after being sober, but that's more due to the "new" emotions resurfacing and the person not having learned how to deal with these for years, rather than the anxiety itself. Although general sensitivity to both bad and good things is elevated too.

      It's really exciting from a humanistic point of view to see so many people reporting that they can finally feel pleasure from just being with others, from enjoying the morning sky, from achieving something! From a scientific perspective, we're constantly discovering that we know too little about biology, neurochemistry and human psychology, but what we do know, seems to suggest that while the human being is an incredibly complex one, the simplicity of some of the old ways and societal customs seem to hold the wisdom we've managed to re-discover for after hundreds of years of research. In a nutshell: overindulgence is bad for most, indulgence is generally not that good, joy from achieving (or even aiming for) a long-term goal lasts for a very long time and makes one whole, egocentrism is the root of personal problems, delayed gratification provides contentment in life (and not simply pleasure), discomfort must be pursued, and a fake world will always be a fake world, no matter how many attempts at rationalization the "denizen" of that world makes.

      When it comes to the influence of fictional characters, in animation and games especially, on people with either pre-existing conditions or much sensitivity, or too much imagination, or perhaps, a creative spirit, and reward system that would otherwise compensate them really well for being productive, the pleasure-seeking behavior that accompanies the young-age, or novel excitement of watching or playing during the first few times, grasps them much more firmly than others, and is difficult to throw off. Years pass, and the response to these activities is far lower. To compensate for this...the person indulges even more in these activities, just to feel that they can feel a bit more.


    4. Dylanrockin


      Holy toledo! You should make a video essay on this subject, like... for real! I bet you could do a damn good job on discussing it and making really good content out of it. Give this person an award for the best explanation that I never expected on the planet - like seriously! You quite literally covered all your bases and explained it all so well and answered any and all questions I could have.

  13. I just watched this for the first time and WELCOME TO YOUR NIGHTMARES!



    1. Dylanrockin


      I'm just gonna add to this, one more time: 


    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      to be fair this entire movie is about an lsd trip.

  14. I like TVTropes, I do. But, one thing that really grinds my gears is when people direct it at me saying "you can't write a good story if you aren't being 100% original, these days."


    ... what? Guys, not everything has to be a classic and novelty for novelty sake is in-itself a trope. Also, to say that you have to be completely original would mean that you'd have to basically make the story as uninteresting as possible, by removing themes, characters and narratives.


    There is a sense of familiarity with certain stories that people, believe it or not, ACTUALLY enjoy and prefer recognizing. Like themes of love, drama, adventure etc. It's how you write those scenes and how well delivered they are that ultimately sticks with people.

    1. Commander


      My issue with TVtropes is basically everything written on there has turned into an impression that it's a bad thing. It's a good thing to kick back and learn a new term, but honestly you really should never go there or even use it as a source when talking about writing or giving feedback for writing. In actuality, tropes are a really good thing and there's no shame in using them as that's why tropes are tropes in the first place.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Tvtropes like even posts that all over the bloody website, that tropes aren't bad,poor use of them is. People still don't really listen.

    3. Dylanrockin


      I think the common misconception with tropes is that people believe them to be cliches, which are a completely different beast. Tropes are tools for writers to use and it is impossible to write a story without them, unless you are an alien who has never been to Earth before.


      An architect builds a house with four walls, a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, etc. If an architect decides "you know what, this bedroom and bathroom shit, I'm getting tired of it. Let's make a house without those." then that would be the equivalent to saying you are going to write a story without tropes. There are big houses, small ones, ones with gazebos, pools etc. The point is: there are tropes that are necessary to the plan of your story and those that are nice, but not necessary, that you can add. They are tools not a "way of life that you must deviate from for originality sake."

  15. I love the Firaxis Games' Twitch account, for the sheer fact that they decided to dedicate an entire day towards this:



    1. Dreamy


      Lol I ended up watching til it looped around again. good stuff.




    1. Wolfox


      Agreeing with fox here

  17. I love this type of art-style, and I am a huge sucker for this:




    Credits to Kenisu3000 and his Mother 1 comic he wrote, because damn... he is a talented individual.

  18. I might feel shitty, but this video always makes me feel slightly better.



  19. I really want to compose a theme that has a similar, creepy and eerie feeling like this:





    Any theme that encapsulates a specific feeling I've always loved. For example Pokemon Black and White's Route 10 theme encapsulates a feeling of adventure and makes you feel like you're at the end of a long journey. Or even the Route 12 theme, which I feel is very eerie yet calm. I am not sure how I'd describe that theme. But Dragon Spiral Tower is a theme I wish I could emulate.




  20. I really want to make a game in the Gameboy style and has music not unlike what you would hear from Pokemon Trading Card Game GB2: I have a huge soft-spot for soundtracks from the Gameboy era - so good, sooooo good.



  21. I scored a paid internship, next semester and summer (possibly all next year as well), working at a public school, 48 miles north of where I live. My job is basically networking, IT, and occasionally MySQL programming (the last one is mandatory, since I have 3 criteria that needs to be met for this internship, and that's learning MySQL).


    Never been to that particular school before, in my life, but from what I hear it's a humble school, in a humble, little town.

  22. I started fiddling around with Unreal Engine 4 and so far I like it more than Unity. However, I do see where people compare the two by saying that UE4 has a really large learning curve, because C++ and Blueprints, also with the added fact that once you start selling your product you have to pay Epic Games 5% of your quarterly gross revenue per product after you make your first three grand. Which... isn't THAT big of a deal, given that UE4 is now free.


    Unreal’s documentation is stellar, very well written with great explanations and screenshots.  While Unity’s docs are also great, they have some room to improve. Also Unreal has Visual C++ Scripting which... my god is it the best thing ever. So far though, I've just been wanting to find a 3D program that I can just pick up and learn as time goes by, and this feels far superior to Unity it's not even funny. Albeit the learning curve is steep for people who don't know C++ or aren't familiar with euclidean space editors.

  23. I still can't understand the reasoning as to why people complain to me about how there are so many more female characters in my game, versus how many males there are. You know, I could say the same thing about games being way too masculine in how many male characters there are.


    I just prefer working with female characters over male characters. Inspiration comes to me better with them, than with male characters and I can be creative with their designs. It's at least easier for me to do than it is coming up with designs for males. I believe that's a good enough reason.

    1. DemICE


      Female characters rock! Keep at it!  Males are harder to not make them look bland.

  24. I tend to get made fun of a lot by friends about how many, or lack thereof, of games in my steam library. I am an avid PC gamer, but... I didn't know that in order to be a "Hardcore PC Gamer" you needed to have 1000+ games on steam. I'm like... "guys, I'll buy games if I'm gonna play them. That and I have a shit ton of expenses to cover - I don't have the money or the want to horde steam games that I'll never play anyways." Also I spent 3000+ dollars on building my recent Super-Gaming PC anyways, soo... yeah, hurting for money atm XD


    But really tho, does anyone else get that same kind of flack from friends about how small your steam library is? Literally all the games in my steam library.



    1. Dreamy


      People who care about steam library count are silly. I have like 60-70 games and about 1/3 of that is filler from bundles / free from humble store that I'll probably never play

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      ive got duel links and thats it. nice.

  25. I think this constitutes as a new low for IRL Streamers:


    I needed that laugh, real bad.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander


      It's funny how when he said he'd beat the guy up he started quickly moving to the door.

    3. Dylanrockin


      This is what happened at TwitchCon, because IRL streamers assumed that they could stream (literally) 100% of Twitch. Which, they're not wrong, they are allowed to stream 100% of it, but they were super intrusive and quite brazen about it to the point they caused a disruption. Especially with people who don't want to be filmed or have pictures taken of them (me). Also they were shoving cameras, literally, into other people's faces.


      But, I also found it hilarious that he tried intimidating someone twice his size, like... really? Do people like him honestly think they'll get very far with that? He actually got arrested, which... yeah. Hubris.

    4. Wolfox


      Intimidating someone twice your size is not the stupidest idea since strength =/= linked to size. but in that guy's case, he should have just cut his losses and left

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