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Alchemia Chan

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Everything posted by Alchemia Chan

  1. Can't wait to see how they look and how they work! :3 Getting really hyped over these fields. My speculations are: one is the Starry/Space/Cosmos field(probably for Anna and some legends), as previously speculated; a magnetic field for Titania; an air field of some sort for Heather(because I don't want her to battle on a mountain); a treasure field, dragon's lair/chamber, or something which weakens fairies for Saphira(probably the same as the area in which we might capture dragons and some pseudo-legends); and a greenhouse thingy for Bennet(cause forest field is distasteful for him imo).
  2. You could also press F8 and then search for it in the save file locations. You could then upload it to Imgur or a similar site then paste in your post. Otherwise, do as what Arkhi said. :3 I voted for Fairy types but I don't know how your run will go. :/ I'm just curious.
  3. My top three favorites would be: 1. Sans 2. Undyne 3. Mettaton/Alphys Tori and Papyrus are just beneath the four.
  4. I only rename my pokes once they have proven their worth and have helped pass through a certain obstacle. Nonetheless, I would rename all my perfectly bred Pokemon once I find one which suits them.
  5. Welcome to Reborn Dex!!! I hope you'll enjoy time here in the forums. :3 Looking forward to seeing your posts and contributions and stuff. You seem like an interesting guy. (though the use of red text in your Original Post kind of disturbs me, but it's not a big deal)
  6. I think this is obligatory, but not really. This was from a few months ago.
  7. The only thing great I have experienced this year is meeting you guys. :3 Nuff said.
  8. I bought my self a new mouse for Christmas. (even though I could actually buy one anytime later) So that's something. :3
  9. I just realized something. This place. It's.... it's....
  10. Ah, I remember that time when I have soft-reset in front of mining rocks just to get one of each type plate and fossil. Looks like I have acquired a new target in case this actually gets implemented trough mine-able rocks. :3
  11. Hello Kaneki-kun!!! Welcome to Reborn! :3 As you may notice, I came from the Oriental Sea Pearl as well. I hope you'll enjoy your stay. If you have any questions or in need of assistance, feel free to PM me. Have fun! And don't be afraid to mingle with these guys. They're actually quite nice. :3
  12. Merry Christmas guyssssssshhhhh!!!!! :3

  13. 11:21 here Merry Christmas guys!!! :3 Thanks for keeping company. :')
  14. Living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight, having a wonderful time!!! :3

  15. Oooh!!! Here comes a new member. :3 Looking forward to seeing you around the forum. And if I were you, I'd take Drymus' advice. Welcome to Reborn! I hope you'll enjoy your stay. Merry Christmas!!! :3
  16. They're right. The answer is simply of course, why not ??? As long as we're having fun, right? :3
  17. First time playing hackmons like. :3 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/hackmonscup-308481118
  18. I got Sans as well!! All aboard the Sans Train. :3 But I was expecting someone else though.
  19. Will you still be here once Reborn is complete. :3
  20. I'm kind of obsessed with breeding Pokemon and the only reason I would catch/acquire a Pokemon at times is to breed it or use it as an egg move fodder. As of now, I have a titillating game-play time of 535 hours and 50 minutes. I only got this much in-game time because of above reason and I sometimes sleep at night with my laptop and the Game window open. o_O I only have 346 Pokemon owned in my Pokedex with 644 seen. I don't have plans of completing the current available Pokemon yet but I guess I will sooner or later depending on Pokemon availability. My boxes are full breedjects but I am hesitant to release all of them because I felt attached to them for me to set them be free. But I've released most of them now so i guess I have to move on. :3
  21. tfw when you have guests in your house and it fills you with determination. So you salvage the plush to give it a second chance. I was only afraid because I was alone. :3
  22. tfw you found out you have a hidden Marigold plush from Plant vs. Zombies which reminded you of the nightmares Flowey gave you so you exile it to the depths of your basement to make sure it wouldn't murder you in your sleep.
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