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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by The5ilverback

  1. I find it ironic that I love the community yet hate the game lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TimTim


      I personally have mixed feeling about the game, there are some plotlines and characters that i hate either, but agreed that this community is great and supportive~

    3. TimTim


      plus this is rather a general game/pokemon fan site than solely based on Reborn itself~

    4. The5ilverback


      Honestly this game has too many issues that ruin it for me personally and back tracking is it's biggest problem for me can't stand it at least in Insurgence and Rejuvenation make back tracking nice and quick which is what I like hell even main Series pokemon games do a good job of making back tracking less painful.

  2. When I think about it this community is so good yet it frustrates me

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The5ilverback


      thanks lol well I can never be batman considering I seem to always love villians more then heroes and I'm never going to stop loving Pokemon

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Is it my fault again?.... I kina feel similar in a way but I know that all I need is practice and it'll be fine. And even though I feel like I don't belong god knows if anyone tried to get rid of me they would fail horribly.

    4. The5ilverback


      lol if anything it's my own fault why would it be yours you confuse me.

  3. So glad I stopped playing League of Legends when I did certainly a game I won't miss

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I never seen the appeal of it to begin with.

    3. The5ilverback


      Well the community is garbage in that game and the learning curve is steep yet there's no motivation to get better especially when you get abused for sucking at it so rip XD!

    4. pyrromanis


      haven't played league for 6-7 months. Redownloaded 2 weeks ago to help a friend. Haven't palyed it since then. It still doesn't appeal me even if it is in the front of my screen!

  4. Well just got a closed beta for a game I was anticipating cool!

  5. Well that was entertaining my Honchkrow caught people off guard with Psycho Shift

    1. Grizzlybrand


      That's actually a really gross option for when you don't need an extra coverage move

    2. Cyaloom


      The only time when I used that move with success was in the PWT rental tournament.

    3. The5ilverback


      Oh well I just put it on Honchkrow randomly because I thought it would be funny to use.

  6. Love watching competitive pokemon battles especially when I see unexpected pokemon and movesets

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The5ilverback


      Personally I stick to pokemon I like and prefer UU and below as OU is boring to me.

    3. TimTim


      I am mostly interested in NU and LC~

    4. zimvader42


      I don't care which tier. My rule of thumb is, if the guys are getting into heavy stalling or boring strategies, just go watch another battle. I also enjoy watching very rare mons, like exeggcutor and such, pulling off some extraordinary moves.

  7. Well I give up talking to new people as the results just depress me so back to gaming where my awesomeness/lameness can shine :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vinny


      Don't give up. What would Rick Astley do?

    3. The5ilverback


      micky your not exactly new to me XD! 17 pages of pm's proves otherwise in my opinion and I just want focus on gaming for now lol

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      @Vinny don't you mean.. rick ASSley! Has that joke been done before..? Either way I don't have anything against him for the record.

      @Bestie I think it's 18 now actually

  8. I find it funny that I have a Chesnaught already before 2nd Gym in Rejuvenation thanks to reverse candies :D

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      CHEATER! Mudkip's better anyway

    2. The5ilverback


      lol well money is power and thanks to that my chesnaught walled and wrecked 2nd Gym with a combo of leech seed, spiky shield and Seed bomb.

  9. Oh cliffhangers how I hate you so much I hate waiting a week to see what happens next in the Anime I like it sucks :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The5ilverback


      Ah I use to Marathon Anime but I don't like doing that as I just end up forgetting tbh.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      That's not a problem if you're like me and you re-watch/play things a thousand times

    4. TimTim


      Nothing worse than cliffhangers followed by a bunch of filler episodes~

  10. I don't know why but I feel like ranting about how I hate stereotypes and how I believe that as long as I'm smiling and having fun why should what I enjoy cause people to hate me because I have hobbies that society looks down on it makes me boil with rage.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The5ilverback


      Well gaming and watching anime which is looked down on still at least in my experiences.

    3. zimvader42


      I see, well yeah I'm aware it is looked down disapprovingly in many places still, which is sad. Both are rightful hobbits to have.

    4. SkyRunner


      We love our hobbits.

      On a more serious note, feel free to rant.

  11. Just had a haircut and a shave ah it feels good to look handsome for once

    1. TimTim


      Say byebye to the scruff~

    2. dragoniteborntacoz
  12. Damn that battle with Whitney in Storm Silver was intense!

    1. TimTim


      Whitney's everyone's nightmare

    2. The5ilverback


      True but she's worse in this game with 6 pokemon and things like hypnosis stantler, a wigglytuff, Clefable and obviously Miltank.

    3. AuthorReborn


      On the bright side, you get lots of good mons in Storm Silver to face her with.

  13. I love this theme
    1. TimTim


      and also Taen and Audrey's themes

    2. The5ilverback


      Ah Audrey's theme is actually my fav but honestly the soundtrack in Pokemon Insurgence is really good overall.

    3. dead account

      dead account

      I forgot about Insurgence's music. Not the kind of music I prefer, but it was still awesome.

  14. After a fun gaming session all I can say is damn you Gravios and your blasted firebeams.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The5ilverback


      Bruh you got wrecked by Gravios and failed to dodge just except the fact that you suck... lol

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Then explain why I don't have any bills. Because I used my skills to pay them... I also had none to begin with but that's besides the point

    4. The5ilverback


      lol paying bills doesn't change the fact that Gravios wrecked you and that I got to see you die multiple times causing us to fail the quest and your failure is burned into my mind so I will never forget and just laugh everytime.

  15. I yearn for hand to hand combat in Monster Hunter it would be awesome

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The5ilverback


      I really hope you intentionally spelled that wrong as if you were trying say Dragon and fucked it up that bad all I can do is cringe.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I know how to sell draygun okay!

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      spell* Wow that would be something completely different

  16. I have to admit the new anime this season is so good!

    1. foovy10


      im liking the asterisk war and comet lucifier so far

    2. The5ilverback


      Ah I'm watching both of those and personally I like Asterisk war more probably because I read alittle of the light novel before so I was already looking forward to it.

  17. It has to be said my Palico looks adorable! wearing a kut-ku Mask in MH4U.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      EEW it suck mine's better!

  18. Well that's what I call a long gaming session and it was super fun :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Wow, this guy sounds amazing and handsome and cool and very skilled and smart.

    3. The5ilverback


      Can't be you then lol

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      I didn't say it was me.... ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

  19. I honestly just can't bring myself to like Pokemon Reborn it has some good parts to but I just feel this game is way to story driven and puzzle filled that it doesn't feel a pokemon game to me at all

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea, 5 is my favourite gen becuase it like... has a plot XD. THat and I like pretty much all the mons despite like eeeeeeeeeveryone hating all of them for whatever reason. Like none of them are really that bad imo... not even the Ice cream cone. ((granted I don't liek it... but I don't despise it or say an entire Gen is bad because of that one single pokemon... like sme people unreasonably do.

    3. The5ilverback


      I honestly feel that Gen IV and V were the hardest of the Pokemon games.

    4. TimTim


      In my opinion, Gen V has the best plots and characters, Gen IV happens to be my least favourite because of its drawback laaggg but not the mons introduced and Cynthia(Goddess)

  20. This is annoying I can't find 7th Street in reborn as I'm suppose ot ask aqua gang leader and he never tells me where it is and I've done the questline.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The5ilverback
    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Well, it seems as though you've picked the superior gang. Also how did you hear about 7th street without beating radomus?

    4. The5ilverback


      I was looking for Abra and saw that I needed to get to 7th street to get one or hopefully get one not sure if it's been relocated again I dunno all posts I've seen on the forums pertaining to Abra a very outdated.

  21. I'm confused in reborn with the whole Arceus was I supposed to side with El as when I chose the other option I was stuck in a Un-winnable battle

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KingRyan


      secret ending.....

    3. RasenShot


      As I said before...: Perish Song too OP, pls buff Arceus :^)

    4. AeroWraith


      prankster sand attack for our lord Arceus :3

  22. Well now my hands hurt that's why I hate keyboard controls it always gives me hand cramp controllers are way better!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The5ilverback


      I have Xpadder though not sure if that'll work and really it relates to all Pokemon Fangames I play not just reborn.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea, I know I know Reborn jsut a specific example. Certian things don't Joy to Key well. Pokemon Fan Games take pretty well to it since the controls are all very digital ((you push button thing happens.)) and not analog movement. Precision isn't needed, so it should work pretty well.

    4. Omega_Ra1der


      Well, I have pc gamed but console "peasant" at heart so my hands are mostly ok when it comes to pc gaming.

  23. Yes! I finally defeated Serra after all that BS thanks to two head smashes and Gastrodon breaking through confusion :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      eh, she's no that hard... I lied by the way in case that wasn't clear

    3. Another Felix
    4. The5ilverback


      I pretty much almost swept with Emboar spamming Flame charge and getting lucky with Head Smash but had to use Vileplume for Aurorus and Dusclops to weaken Froslass so my Gastrodon could take it out.

  24. I was playing reborn yesterday and met Solaris's LV.75 Garchomp which shocked me so much I nearly fell off my bed lol XD!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NickCrash


      Have extras in rotation. You won't get far with 6 pokemon.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I actually managed to beat the game with 6 pokemon, which is why I would suggest getting more, because it's not easy and besides gardevoir/gallade are worth it

    4. The5ilverback


      Well it may be hard but I like it that besides I do change around members of my team if I find better pokemon to replace party members and above all I properly grind making the most of the level caps and equal leveling my Pokemon.

  25. Finally got that Noivern thank the heavens now I have a decent Pokemon :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The5ilverback


      Well My Noivern Outspeeds stuff and OHKO's so it's way better then that lame Noibat wish I could have a Salamence or a Dragonite instead though much better Dragons In my opinion.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      We will never see those pokémon on our team if amethyst has anything to say about it, in fact for all we know they're already in the game but completely ridiculous to get... that's probably not true... probably.

    4. The5ilverback


      lol all It would take is making one gym leader have an entire team of bulky wish/protect Clefable's and then if we were able to get Dnite or Salamence it would make them useless meaning they should be put in the game XD!

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