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Status Updates posted by The5ilverback

  1. that's the best way to some up the Direct XD!
  2. Well I didn't watch the Nintendo Direct I was busy having fun with a friend but I saw the cloud trailer and was hmm I know little about him I will have to see how he plays to decide if he's cool or not

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Flux


      Call me biased, But I'd have to recommend Final Fantasy X. It was the first game in the series to have voice acting, so it's a little rough at matching mouth movements, but the story and characters are incredible. It was re-released somewhat recently in an HD version, so I'd look into it if you're interested. But really, you can start almost anywhere. The majority of the games aren't directly connected.

    3. FraRPetO


      Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection is my favourite. Always will be.

    4. The5ilverback


      I've actually played a fair amount of Final Fantasy X and enjoyed the little time I had with it on PS2 emulator but it's gone now so I will have to re-download it at a later date.

  3. bruh oreos are so nice I love eating them :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Unfortunately I can't eat them I'm allergic

    3. The5ilverback


      That is unfortunate.

    4. Red_Chaos


      Damn stuff is more addictive then cocaine

  4. I hate this whole society codemning gamers thing and it just makes me wonder will gamers ever not be looked down upon

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      I really don't care anymore, it's just best to be proud of who you are instead of trying to be something you're not. While people DO do that it shouldn't affect you because they aren't worth talking to if all they're going to do is ridicule you for what you enjoy.

    2. The5ilverback


      Neither do i really I just find it annoying and stupid in all honesty.

  5. Well I've gotten hooked back into YU-GI-OH games again so I guess it's my new Gaming fix for awhile

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Good luck with that...

  6. "Oooh! Cannonball to the face because that is what I needed on my Tuesday Afternoon"

  7. I find it interesting that I'm very easy to like and very easy to hate

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Don't worry I haven't decided yet... No I'm just kidding I like you but not the dinosaur side of you

    2. TimTim


      Live life to fullest

    3. The5ilverback


      lol sorry but the Yoshi will always be a part of my soul

  8. The one thing I hate the most is when people can't accept you for who you are and want you to change as I feel noone has the right to force you to change just because they don't like the way you are it's wrong in my opinion

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      I could easily agree with that

    2. TimTim


      Ikr? Stupid people with their compulsive need to conform others

  9. That was a fun smash session and I'm happy as I actually feel like I'm getting better now and understand alot more now

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      I'm ready now if it matters...

  10. lol I like how I look in the comments section of youtube video I just watch and see someone being nasty towards people then ends by saying oh sorry I was having a bad day I'm just like what a lame excuse

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. The5ilverback


      True and yes the match was enjoyable and I actually think I know who my new main is going to be.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Doogs mcgee? Old manondorf? Jiggle my puffs?

    4. The5ilverback


      Duck Hunt Duo as I really like the character so I'm going to try him as a main for awhile

  11. When I start cuddling my pillows it's a sure sign that I'm bored as hell lol

    1. BlueMoonIceCream
    2. The5ilverback


      At least they're nice and warm but waiting for dinner is always a pain as I want to get to the fun part which is gaming without disruptions

  12. Interesting my starter choices for this Randomizer Nuzlocke are Miltank, Luxray and Qwilfish though all stats and abilities so these 3 could all be good or complete trash

    1. The5ilverback


      * All stats and abilities are Randomized

    2. KingRyan
    3. The5ilverback


      Indeed I like instantly picked it and not bad it has the ability Magma Armour and knows Blue Flare, Energy Ball, Lunar Dance and Detect.

  13. I think that tomorrow I'm going to attempt another Randomizer Nuzlocke

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The5ilverback
    3. LovelessWarrior
    4. The5ilverback


      Black 2 or White 2 not sure which yet though I guess it won't change much no matter which I play

  14. Ugh I'm so frustrated :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I didn't say to do that, that would be even worse

    3. Grizzlybrand


      So what's getting your goat?

    4. The5ilverback


      At the moment it's deciding who my new main is going to be in Super Smash Bros.4

  15. It's that time again yay nap time

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      By nap do you mean 24 hour slumber because that's usually what I have to deal with

    3. The5ilverback


      Wait I'm lost you sleep for 24 hours sometimes?

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      24, 12 it's all the same to me, just a long-ass time

  16. Wait Mantyke has a smiley face on it's back? I never knew that aye that derpy smile

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      He's always happy to see ya

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      ...or she... or other

  17. Out of the Fire Emblem characters in Smash 4 I would have to say Ike is still my favourite

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SnowGlaceon


      I'm a Robin enthusiast, but Ike is pretty cool. His sword reach/power gives me problems when I play against him

    3. Flux


      Marth's been my favorite ever since Melee. And that's not gonna change unless they add Navarre.

    4. Combat


      I like Robin's move set, but Ike is definitely a character I'm better at.

  18. Damn R.O.B is awesome and really fun to play as in smash 4

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The5ilverback
    3. BlueMoonIceCream
    4. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      If you need any advice, I'm one of the best R.O.B. players in New York. Probably becomes I'm one of the only R.O.B. players in New York.

  19. Darn that was tough coming up with a Top 10 Anime as I've watched so many that I like I could easily make a Top 50 or Top 100

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I can't find the time for some reason even though there are a lot that I keep saying to myself I'll watch later

    3. Shamitako


      I'm at like sixty something right now, although that's rapidly climbing

    4. The5ilverback


      I'm slightly envious of people that have watched much less anime then I as they will see alot of awesome anime for the first time and I won't get to re-experience that feeling as often due to watching so much anime.

  20. That's what I call a smashing time

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. The5ilverback


      The next time we play will be when we decide who's better still confident I will win though

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      You see I'm not too confident but we'll see

    4. The5ilverback
  21. lol I destroyed Xavier in Insurgence with a Rotom Double team + Charge beam = wrecked

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The5ilverback


      Well I lost like at 10+ times in a row then thought oh maybe rotom can help and it swept his whole team thanks to shuckle as I was free to setup on it with double teams and charge beams.

    3. TimTim
    4. The5ilverback


      Yeah as I want the toughest challenge as I would just find lower difficulty levels dull

  22. Quick feet Jolteon is a monster it outspeeds stuff Like Mega Aerodactyl and choice Scarfers and it wins me many matches in UU :D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The5ilverback


      Honestly my moveset on Jolteon prevents it from being a sweeper so It's really used to take out anything that's a huge threat which seems to consist of pokemon like Suicune, Mega Aerodactyl and Salamence which I see often in UU.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean for what he's using it for Jolt would be better. It's faster than Heliolisk and it's Special is prett much the same. It's seems to be for dealing with thigns that are weak to electric and that the surperior coverage on Helio isn't needed. Once again... preference is just as important as how actually good a mon is. Each has their advatges and for what it's sound like it's being used for Jolt has an edge.

    4. The5ilverback


      The main reason I use Jolteon over Heliolisk is simply that it's my favourite Electric type

  23. Woops it's way past 3am guess I better sleep I fail to keep an eye on the times rip zzzzzzz

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blanchette


      have a good night!

    3. The5ilverback


      Thanks hope you have a good night too I will be snoring my head off in no time XD!

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      My god you're right I should probably sleep too... 'night

  24. I've gone from being fairly happy to insanely angry in seconds I want to punch myself for fucking up that badly *sighs*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The5ilverback


      Honestly it's not worth mentioning I'm over it now anyway.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      Damnit I was looking for some drama!

    4. The5ilverback


      Sorry to disappoint but I'm not very dramatic and just like to express my thoughts but never bother to explain them :P

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