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Status Updates posted by Rot8er_ConeX

  1. I'm looking for anything and everything that could fuck up "normal" type effectiveness.

  2. The American release of Fire Emblem: fates will not include the person-to-person connection minigame the Japanese version had, wherein you stroked other characters using the touch screen. On the one hand, I'm glad that we don't have that awkward "sexual content" possibility looming over the ESRB rating. On the other hand, we aren't getting the full game as intended by the developers.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CURIE


      Imagine the terrifying, explosive controversy were that in Awakening. Because, Y'know, Nowi.

    3. Shamitako


      So, that sounded weird AF, then Eagleby mentioned the loli and now I understand why that feature is a thing

    4. CURIE


      Wait, is there a "loli" character in fates? I haven't been keeping up.

  3. Can I erase January 22nd from existence?

    1. krim


      You alright? PM if you want to talk about it.

  4. I feel so weird. A troll popped into a thread I made on GameFAQs, and my immediate response was "thanks for the free bump"

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      The burn! It is burning that troll!

  5. random post because SOMETHING should be said to let you guys know I'm alive. Oh, how's this: uploading 1942 pictures off the wife's phone to the cloud so she can access them from her iPad

  6. Question: if you're doing a Nuzlocke with Shiny Clause, and your first encounter is a shiny, do you get to have a "second" encounter?

    1. Commander


      Nope! That's you're only encounter for that route. The only reason people allowed shinies is that you could go years without them allowing for rule bending.

    2. Commander


      *without seeing one that is. I've only seen two shinies in my many playthroughs of normal games and I've been playing since Blue.

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      Okay, I was coding in that Nuzlocke mode you couldn't catch more than one Pokemon per map. I have exceptions coded for Pokeminorities, Legendaries unless in Randomizer, and special encounters, but I was wondering if I should disable the ticking of the map off the "can you catch stuff here?" list.

  7. I really hope they remake Gen IV at some point. I can't go back to prior gens because I'd be complaining about features missing from Gen VI, but I really want to fight Cynthia with her battle music.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Yo dawg, we heard you like remakes, so we made a remake of the remake of a remake! With remakes!

    3. Exalted


      so expect me to play a remake of a remake that is the remake of another remake

    4. Komodojoe


      Aren't you able to battle Cynthia gen V?

      Still, there have been quite a few changes since then.

  8. http://3dspedia.com/iv-spreads-hidden-power-types-pokemon-xy/ Is there a "best" IV spread for each type?
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Etesian


      Honestly, for the majority of things for which that actually makes a difference, speed is the only thing that matters. So the ideal is 31 speed (if possible). For the other stats, who's gonna miss 1 point, really? Are you really banking on you/your foe living on 1 HP?

    3. Etesian


      Though if you wanna go with the "ideal", bear in mind that a lot of people run 0 (or 1, if 0 isn't possible) Attack IVs on special attackers to minimize Foul Play and confusion hit damage.

    4. Rot8er_ConeX


      Well, in that case I can just do



  9. How do you guys pronounce Gallade?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Skullkin
    3. Skullkin


      like a fancy alcoholic beverage.

    4. Drymus


      Guh-laid for me as well

  10. Ended up debugging the interaction between two systems that I'm going to not use in my game. LOL. Why? Because I was curious how they'd interact.

  11. I cannot fight three clones of myself at once. Especially since each clone has the best enemy AI in the game.

    1. Combat


      Man, now I'm having flashbacks to Evoland Two, since you fight three clones at one point.

    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      I'm talking about the end of the Den of Trials in Triforce Heroes.

  12. Any SMD players willing to rescue me? Spiral Vortex 10F

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Zetaark


      I'm going to try and do the mission. Currently at b4.

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      How are you doing?

    4. phand1


      of course now that he has lost the 3ds that had the game it doesn't really matter does it....Poor guy

  13. is Zen Mode actually used in competative Pokemon? Like, intentionally?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      The original plan was that Darmanitan would have two Megas - one Physical, one Special. When you pressed the Z button to Mega Evolve, you would lock in which Mega you'd get by which form Darma was in at the time. If he's in Zen Mega, and you Regenerator your way back above half health, he would STAY Zen Mega. If he was in his Fighting Mega and he got below half health, he would STAY in the Fighting Mega. Thus, I wouldn't be giving Zen Mode to his Mega, I'd be giving a Mega...

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      ...to his Zen Mode.

      But as others above have said, because he's so frail he won't really be able to enter Zen Mode without dying in the same/next turn, or without abusing Protect/Endure.

    4. Rot8er_ConeX


      As such, there's no point in coding this. It's cool, but no one would be able to make use of it.

  14. Remind me to never visit Urban Dictionary again...

    1. Hiss13


      Visit Urban Dictionary more. More. MORE!

    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      Yes, because I want to visit a site where a misspelling of "pool noodle" gives you something that reportedly means [censored for grossness], or where the sound that a cow makes becomes a derogatory term for a protective mother.

    3. Hiss13


      Hey. You just told me to do something, I did the opposite. That's all I did. :P

  15. I'm not sure if Mario RPGs and platformers have spoiled me, but when I think of a final boss song, I imagine "I'm going to rule/destroy the world, and you are the only thing in my way", not "The world hopes for you to succeed, let's see how far that hope carries you."

  16. About to run away from home...in PSMD, not real life

  17. Watching a NYE Doctor Who marathon, and they just skipped the entirety of Season 3. Is this a fan favorites, thing? Martha had some good episodes, too...

    1. phand1



  18. so close to 2016. Meh, I'm not excited. It's just a different year.

  19. be safe as you drive home from your family across roads covered in snot and ice

  20. I kinda want to see a psychology or sociology major do a case study on Triforce Heroes now. I am amazed by what just happened

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Well, don't forget that it is using Nintendo's servers, which they really aren't known for. But what would you need a case study for?

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      not really a case study of the game itself, but rather the things you can learn from watching the game in action. The level of complexity you can convey with just those eight little icons - two of which are technically the same thing - can sometimes surprise me.

    4. Rot8er_ConeX


      knight_l (the name of the person playing Red Link, and the other person who remained after Blue Link went AFK) probably thinks I was a godsend, and not because I more than quadrupled his Rupees for that level.

  21. Just got home. Past day at the family's house was us sitting around candles periodically checking our phones but not doing anything on them to conserve battery. Half of their city got a power outage because the 50mph wind knocked a tree into the company's transformers.

    1. breelompauncher


      at least your not siting in heat like I i'm (in charlotte)

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