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Status Updates posted by Rot8er_ConeX

  1. Okay, for whatever reason, the music box version of the Pokemon Center theme is making me cry joy tears.

  2. that moment when you realize that tomorrow your phone is going to explode with birthday wishes, be they via facebook or text message, and all you want is a day of peace and quiet.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie
    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      I'm worried that if I do that, something important will happen.

  3. so I earlier mentioned that I need help making a FE:f spreadsheet...and then I disappeared for a day. Second try?

  4. Anyone want to help me make a Fates Support Log? I need someone who has at least Conquest, preferably Revelation as well.

    1. Rot8er_ConeX
    2. AuthorReborn


      So I'm a little confused about this. The reds are the ones which cannot happen and the blues are the ones you've obtained?

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      correct. Reds can't happen, blues are the ones that have happened in my "self canon" file. Green will be the ones that I obtained in other files.

  5. Sometimes I wish CinemaSins and things like it, subtitled the movie clips they use. I really want to show my wife

  6. I really need to get internet in the new apartment...it feels weird

  7. I was a little silly The wife just asked me "on a scale of one to ten how much do you love me?" I replied "Capaldi"

    1. Combat


      Damn, that's actually pretty good. I might need to use that someday.

    2. AuthorReborn
    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      It only works if saying it to a Whovian, though.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rot8er_ConeX
    3. Spineblade


      Ah yes, the infamous Mew/Ditto theory. When you put all the evidence together it actually sounds quite plausible.

    4. Shamitako


      Who doesn't know this?

      Also, TBH, this is one of the few Pokemon theories I take seriously

      Outside the shiny part, because that's just because of how shiny color palettes were created in Gen II

  8. I much prefer the name Punie-chan over the name Squishy

  9. Rotom-Elevator has the power to time travel

  10. "Get ready, as Pokemon takes half of a Naruto-style fighting game, and half of a traditional 2D fighter, adds a dash of Marvel vs. Capcom. Throws them all together, and still somehow comes out with a competent fighting game that plays nothing like Tekken."

    1. Exalted


      honest trailers

    2. Cepheus


      and still it is called "Pokemon Tekken" in germany...

      everytime I read that title I facpalm...

  11. Today I learned that in competitive Pokemon, sometimes it's more important for your HP stat to be an odd number than it is for it to be a higher number.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ironbound


      Precisely. This is more important for Pokémon who do not carry Leftovers or an equivalent healing item. Those who do carry Leftovers, like Ferrothorn, can afford to max out their HP since it grants more lefties Healing.

      Toxic Orb Gliscor should have 244 EVs in HP, as that enables it to have a perfectly divisible HP stat that recovers fully in two turns after one substitute.

    3. Ironbound


      Likewise, Unburden or Belly Drum users, like Hawlucha or Azumarill, run an even HP number (12 HP EVs for Hawlu and usually 92 HP EVs for Azu) to ensure that sitrus berry is activated after two Substitutes or one Belly Drum, respectively.

  12. Uh oh. I think I've been watching too much subbed anime. I just referred to Froakie as Keromatsu

    1. pyrromanis


      But Keromatsu is way better name than Frokie! Also Gekogashira is better than Frogadier, but Greninja is absolutely fitting instead of Gekouga

    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      Actually, once I learned how they came up with the name Keromatsu, I have to agree it's better than Froakie. It's derived from the Japanese word for the sound made by bubbles FORMING on the surface of water. That's a nearly silent sound (why do the Japanese even have a word for such a specific sound?).

      What's nearly silent? A ninja.

      What does Froakie eventually become? A ninja?

  13. Okay, Hawlucha looked badass just now. But...is its head normally that GREEN?

    1. Rot8er_ConeX


      Oh, it was a mask...made of leaves

  14. Okay, your Pikachu knows Iron Tail. WHY do you use Electric moves on a machine specifically known to be immune to Electric moves?

    1. Red_Chaos


      The same reason they use the same move over and over and over...

    2. pyrromanis


      Cause Pikachu's electric attacks can faint ground types, so why not affect machines immune to electric? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  15. After watching the Frogadier Ninja Boy episode, I really wish there was a way to recreate the pure badassery of the Double Quick Attack Braid in the games.

  16. I like how even though Mega Mega Mega Mecha Meowth isn't a officially Mega Evolution, they still use the same battle music as they do for Mega Evolved opponents.

  17. It's so weird watching the anime. They use all this music...from the later half of the games, in the first few episodes. For example, the snow city's theme is for Serena's flashback. Victory Road is for Ash training against Pansy-san.

  18. And my viewing of the XY anime on Youtube comes to an end, because I can't find season 3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hutch333


      kissanime and watchcartoononline are both good.

    3. Cepheus


      most prominent one is crunchyroll.com

      with a monthly premium option

      (of course with a free trial month)

    4. Rot8er_ConeX


      I'm using gogoanime at the moment. I tried kissanime, but it kicked me after a few minutes because I use adblock - I'm fine with ads at the start and end of a video, but mid-sentence every five minutes gets annoying.

  19. http://sta.sh/0g3utx6pjlg Second try now that dA's server hiccup appears to be over
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      The game even calculates, based on which health-restoration items you have in your bag and how much HP is missing from the Pokemon, which health-restoration item is the most efficient - as in, which health item will come closest to and/or succeed in refilling the health entirely without going too far overboard.

    3. Red_Chaos


      idk what this game is

    4. Rot8er_ConeX


      Pokemon Entropy

      Sadly I don't have much in the way of mapping skills so it's little more than an engine at this point.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      Sorry for the large dark squares in the Bag screens. Was debugging a bag-image-alteration feature and forgot to turn it off when taking these screenies. Don't want something spoiled.

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      Sinnon - it should be an image

      Here's the link to the Sta.sh page if that would be easier


    4. Rot8er_ConeX


      Oh, of course I post that right before dA has a server hiccup

  20. Okay, so I'm considering giving the villain's last Pokemon its own theme. Would you guys rather it trigger right as the Pokemon is being sent out, or right when it Mega Evolves?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Combat


      I also agree.

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      So here's how it's set up:

      Villain leads with his lead Pokemon

      Player knocks out lead

      Villain has four "grunt" Pokemon which he can send out in any order depending on the player's choices

      Player knocks out grunts

      Villain sends out final Pokemon

      He gives a final speech

      Player chooses move

      Player notices the villain's [non-standard] Key Stone

      Music starts, speed of music determined by how much HP the player's current...

    4. Rot8er_ConeX


      ...Pokemon's health

      Mega Evolution animation begins

  21. Soooo full. Went to Outback for the wife's birthday lunch.

  22. I may have just April Fools pranked myself...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      You guys are getting a v0.7.6b release today because of a mistake I made. I didn't intend to reveal those features, but...

      I know that technically, by calling attention to them, I'm possibly casting the "April Fools doubt" on their validity, which is why I want to release said beta so people don't think I'm lying.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      But now the beta seems... illegitimate... WHAT DO I BELIEVE?!?

    4. Rot8er_ConeX


      The beta is made and is being uploaded to Google Docs as I type this, but it's got 1h33m left. I may decide to go to bed and release it tomorrow. I'll see how much I can stall myself on the computer or with real world tasks.

  23. It's cheating to make your April Fool's joke seem legit through vague tweets on March 31st to make people excited.

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      no thats just good planning

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