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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Combat

  1. Love the subtle incest references Ephraim and Erika make in FE:H


    As if it wasn't already obvious enough that the two dig each other.

  2. Who would win in a battle of entertainment? Olivia dancing to Azura's singing or Inigo(laslow) dancing to Shigure's singing?

  3. 40 orbs saved for tomorrow's banner.


    One of those pulls better net me an Ephraim or an Erika. Or Seth.

  4. remember how I was saying yesterday that I really wanted Camilla+a good mage?


    I got TWO Camillas, and a Robin! Like Holy Shit!


    I also got another three-star flier (I'm beginning to understand this "Est Archetype") and a 3-star Olivia, which I'm presently grinding up alongside Oboro, Robin, and Camilla A so she can learn Dance. She's kind of a load now, but she's not completely  defenseless thanks to Oboro's def rally, and later she'll let me Robin twice in a turn! 


    I can now verify that Camilla is, indeed, freaking broken. Brave Axe lets her oneshot almost anything. Also, Robin is great for baiting out archers, since he has advantage against them.

  5. Noel backwards is Leon, which is also a name . o . 

  6. Does catching the Tapus do anything for the game or story or anything?

  7. If a Pokemon fangame with depictions of violence and death is possible, then is a Pokemon fangame with romance possible too?

  8. You know you have issues when you're using the script to Bee Movie for academic reasons.

  9. Still wondering how some of the unobtainable Pokemon's got out ?!

  10. February 2016 was when I started the Pokepuns. The first one was Azumarill.

  11. I'm kind of tempted to buy the Fire Emblem Fates DLC that gives you infinite experience once I finally get Conquest. The things I've heard about grinding and supports kind of scares me.

  12. Health Update: Finally recovered after 5 days of feeling like shit. To celebrate, here's Judd. Splatoon 2 hype!



  13. Okay, hear me out: Pokemon Reborn, but all the humans are furries and all the Pokemon are Gjinkas.

  14. I literally found a shiny Salandit before I found a female one

  15. Why do some people already have a team full of 5 Stars... and appear on easy/medium Arena difficulty?? the hell?

    just fought 2x 5* Takumi, 1x 5* Corrin-M, 1x 5* Fae - had to severely cheese them with my own Takumi... my Beruka was used as bait for the enemy takumis...

  16. Why do some people already have a team full of 5 Stars... and appear on easy/medium Arena difficulty?? the hell?

    just fought 2x 5* Takumi, 1x 5* Corrin-M, 1x 5* Fae - had to severely cheese them with my own Takumi... my Beruka was used as bait for the enemy takumis...

  17. Why do some people already have a team full of 5 Stars... and appear on easy/medium Arena difficulty?? the hell?

    just fought 2x 5* Takumi, 1x 5* Corrin-M, 1x 5* Fae - had to severely cheese them with my own Takumi... my Beruka was used as bait for the enemy takumis...

  18. Why do some people already have a team full of 5 Stars... and appear on easy/medium Arena difficulty?? the hell?

    just fought 2x 5* Takumi, 1x 5* Corrin-M, 1x 5* Fae - had to severely cheese them with my own Takumi... my Beruka was used as bait for the enemy takumis...

  19. Playing pokemon Desolation again. found another huge downside: Route one is long as hell, combine that with WAAAAAY to many trainers and having to walk all the way back to the PC just to heal up before you reach the rest house(at least that's there).

    Also the first encounter with the evil team has MORE battles then when you take on Team Meteor at the Pulse Abra, maybe even in Jasper and Beryl ward COMBINED. that's a little much is it not?

  20. Hey guys, how old is Groot? Or more specifically, how old WAS Groot, before he got disintegrated and had to regrow? 

  21. Anybody else have a low tolerance of heat?

  22. Does anyone know how to evolve Inkay in Desolation? I have it to where it begins to evolve, but stops midway through the animation.

  23. I've had so many 4 star heroes but not a single 5. rip.

  24. man i just want to summon takumi or camilla. come on man :(

  25. Best part of FE:Heros? New Lyn art tbh.

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