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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Plok

  1. in save file you posted you haven't battled ren yet and you aren't stuck
  2. did you put the disc in first?
  3. I just woke up to find about EQ in Japan, terrorist attacks in Paris, man where is this world going to :(

    1. Abyssreaper99


      Similar to Reborn except the fact that Paris had gun terrorism instead of blowing up train stations.

  4. 2 pokes is enough for first badge, you already got scraggy that has moxie giving it dd wouldn't really make the challenge and monotype runs should be challenging
  5. I'm pretty sure that posting statuses from profile feed are bugged so you ahve to do it by typing on tab that's on left side -> What's on your mind
  6. going into the department store with idk how many stickers in ep13 is the only way to get it at the moment
  7. peridot ward near the apartment where you get snubbull
  8. did you start the game before ep15 and got vulpix?
  9. Plok

    Finding Slakoth

    he is still in there, just keep trying and you will get it eventually
  10. via breeding, you start by catching 2 pokemons that have 31 ivs in stat they have to be in same egg group ofc then give them power items and breed them then get their child to breed it with other pokemon etc after you get 3x 31 ivs on one pokemon you can start using destiny knot try searching for breeding guides online I'm sure there are a lot of them that will help you with breeding
  11. Exeggcute has 15% of appearing so just keep trying
  12. use honey on trees to summon herracross/pinsir pinsis will clear the log and herra will clear the web
  13. so I just found this lol http://9gag.com/gag/aDmLW87

    1. Hexagoen


      *insert 9gag wave of guests*

  14. pm me your save files and which mode you want
  15. go to spinel gym you need to complete the puzzle by breaking ice wall with rock smash
  16. TFW fallout 4 will come out on your birthday but you won't be able to play it ;_;
  17. I thinkh that you need to free them, get the egg, get happiny and see the meteor grunt in warehouse
  18. house, coral ward, peridot and onyx(last one) are all possible locations of lilpup
  19. its either in room you can access by going into spinel museum or in bennets room
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