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Status Replies posted by Imperial

  1. I'm at the Mysidia Railcave, I've already got the Eevee, but what's the secret route to find this Stone Door thing?

    1. Imperial


      Stone doors have been removed in a previous update. It used to be in the same room as the Eevee egg I think

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. man if people know what happened in the reborn league they will definitely stop calling reborn emo


    1. Imperial


      I wasn't part of the league, but I'm nearly sure this was roleplay. And I doubt Ame would have turned all those events into a game if it was real, to me it would just feel wrong. I hope I'm right, for these people's sake.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. This song belongs to Mass Effect credits,

    No other feeling can compare how i felt after i finished the game for the first time,hearing this song stood there starstrucked....

    Best game ever.




    1. Imperial


      Wow, I didn't know Garrus could be that strong... Maybe I should rely a bit more on my teammates next time. Usually I just charge alone with my vanguard.

      I played both male and female Shepard. As a male I always hesitate between Tali and Liara, my favorites, though Miranda and Jack are also interesting. But as a female Garrus seemed the only interesting one. Though it may just be that being a male myself I'm not as interested in the other options as with a male Shepard.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  4. This song belongs to Mass Effect credits,

    No other feeling can compare how i felt after i finished the game for the first time,hearing this song stood there starstrucked....

    Best game ever.




    1. Imperial


      Exactly, lacking in ME1 but turned out to be a great character in the end. Though I have a preference for Liara. In ME1 she couldn't say two sentences without saying something awkward and was fainting most of the time. Then ME2, the first thing she says when you see her again : "I will flay you with my mind". Brilliant, beautiful, and now powerful

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  5. This song belongs to Mass Effect credits,

    No other feeling can compare how i felt after i finished the game for the first time,hearing this song stood there starstrucked....

    Best game ever.




    1. Imperial


      Story wise ME1 is indeed better, they are too many things that seem just hinted without enough development, making the story poorer, but that could actually lead to a much richer sequel, since we still have to learn more about the Kett and almost everything about the Jardaan. And yes, Shepard > Ryder

      But when it comes to the characters, Andromeda is better. Look at ME1's character : a cop tired of paperwork that wants to go vigilante (Garrus), a kid discovering the world and amazed by everything she sees (Tali), a scientist with no social skills that's completely lost when outside of her books, an old merc that has seen a lot of battles. All were cliché and a bit shallow in the first game. What makes them great is how they evolved over time. The cliché scientist became the shadow broker, the cop did become a vigilante then a respected general. All the nobodies, shallow characters grew up to become leaders. Andromeda's characters don't beat ME2 and ME3's but that normal, they're not at the same point of their story. And they're already better than ME1's

      But I didn't know about racist writers in Bioware. You mean they voluntarily tried tried to screw the alien ?

      And I don't trust EA either, but after Dragon Age 2 (which wasn't bad in itself but far under DAO and DAI) they seem to have learned the lesson. Let Bioware make their games (then add a ton of DLC to make money...)

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  6. This song belongs to Mass Effect credits,

    No other feeling can compare how i felt after i finished the game for the first time,hearing this song stood there starstrucked....

    Best game ever.




    1. Imperial


      I think most of the problem is that it's a new ME1, but after we already played ME2 and 3. In ME1 we were discovering the galaxy, so we had a lot of places to explore (mostly near empty planets with the mako) but that usually lacked depth. Same for the story that was mainly an introduction, most of the game chasing a rogue spectre without knowing much of why he went rogue. Then in ME2 we already knew the galaxy and what we were facing, so there was less to explore but more depth to it and the game was more focused on your crew and the reapers. And finally ME3 that was the pinnacle of the story, with all the tension, the war, the epic fights and galaxy changing choices.


      And now we're back to ME1 with Andromeda, exploring a new galaxy we know nothing about, discovering new species, but lacking the depth and intensity we had with ME2 and 3. That's why I want a sequel to Andromeda. Andromeda clearly wasn't the best Mass Effect, but if it goes the same way as the original trilogy the sequel should be great

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  7. This song belongs to Mass Effect credits,

    No other feeling can compare how i felt after i finished the game for the first time,hearing this song stood there starstrucked....

    Best game ever.




    1. Imperial


      I wonder when they will make a sequel for Andromeda. Many people say it was bad, but aside from rookie mistakes (mainly the same as ME1 like the inventory) from the new studio I thought it was really a good new start. I should look at the OST, I don't remember if it was good too

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. This song belongs to Mass Effect credits,

    No other feeling can compare how i felt after i finished the game for the first time,hearing this song stood there starstrucked....

    Best game ever.




    1. Imperial


      When you launch ME1 and have a view of Earth from space with "Vigil" in the background... You just know the game is gonna be great.

      ME2 and the Illusive Man theme, one of my favorite piece of music that really suit the character

      End of ME2 with Suicide Mission and later The End Run when really feel the tension of the moment, wondering if your teammates will survive (in a run I even managed to get everyone, Shepard included, killed)

      ME3 when you leave Earth with a sad, desperate piano music at times interrupted with the brutal sound of the reapers

      When you face a reaper alone and ridiculously small on Rannoch with the epic music

      When you activate the crucible...

      Then the different musics for the different ends...


      I want to play it too now x)

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  9. This song belongs to Mass Effect credits,

    No other feeling can compare how i felt after i finished the game for the first time,hearing this song stood there starstrucked....

    Best game ever.




    1. Imperial


      I was just listening to "An End, Once and for All" (ME3 end music) when I saw your status. ME1's credit song isn't my favorite but these games really have a beautiful OST. I must have played the entire trilogy an dozen time mainly because listening the musics always makes me want to play again these great games

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hey, when will Episode 16 be released?

    1. Imperial


      You're joking, but I'm sure we'll soon have the same for episode 17 x)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. "You really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up! God damn you. God damn you all to hell!"

  12. help. me. im trapped at the part where i have to battle Charolette, her Typhloion and Volcerona are TOO DAMN POWEFUL!!!!

    1. Imperial


      Use fire type pokemons. Boosted by the field, they will hit so hard even Charlotte can't resist

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Is it just me, or are college students addicted to Macbooks?

    1. Imperial


      Apple is a virus. Macs or Iphones used to be a synonym of quality, really good products, but now it's not better than a PC, with many less compatible softwares and much more expensive (for the price of a shitty macbook you can buy a good gaming laptop). People buy Apple products either because they know nothing and blindly believe Apple's com or because it's fashion, good to show off with your expensive macbook. Though I wouldn't boast if I was a pigeon...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Do you think it is possible for a pokemon's physical strength to overpower a pokemon's mental force? I'm mainly thinking like a garchomp or zekrom charging with a physical move like dragon rush or fusion bolt at a pokemon like gardevoir or mewtwo. In the show mewtwo shows insane psychic powers, pretty much unstoppable, and gardevoir is apparently capable of tearing holes in space-time (creating black holes), and is "psychic" power means projecting and controlling a force w...

    1. Imperial


      As I said, pokemon isn't know for its respect for physics laws, and pokedex entries are quite aberrant even for the pokemon universe. Hard to think a pokemon strong enough to create a black hole (implying forces we can't even calculate) couldn't stop the rush even of a machamp that can move a moutain with a single arm. But even if it couldn't, simply deflecting it should be easy, so that the pokemon would simply crash like when High Jump Kick misses

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. Do you think it is possible for a pokemon's physical strength to overpower a pokemon's mental force? I'm mainly thinking like a garchomp or zekrom charging with a physical move like dragon rush or fusion bolt at a pokemon like gardevoir or mewtwo. In the show mewtwo shows insane psychic powers, pretty much unstoppable, and gardevoir is apparently capable of tearing holes in space-time (creating black holes), and is "psychic" power means projecting and controlling a force w...

    1. Imperial


      To walk or "rush", you need to be able to push with your feet on the ground for an impulse (third Newton's law). So if you're floating above the ground, you can't run (unless you have wings of course). But pokemon isn't know to respect physical laws x)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. Current Volt White Team: Ursaring, Noctowl, Feraligatr, Serperior, Pupitar, Infernape (Soon to be replaced with Muk.)

    1. Imperial


      That would mean someone actually like Noctowl ?!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. TFW showdown is blocked at my school, but the forums are not :c

    1. Imperial


      Reborn's showdown or the general servers ? I had Reborn's server blocked but not the general ones in my school

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. I have no real conception of how much money players have at the current point of the game. Could a few people with post-15 save files check and tell me what their gold total is please?

    1. Imperial


      In my main run I'm at 999999, the max. But I trained 40 pokemons at the grand hall

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  19. Heads up: change your password if you used it to log in to Showdown. The whole thing got hacked

    1. Imperial


      Doesn't seem possible for now, the site is down

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. That's it. I made my final presentation for my internship and passed. Studies are over, I am now an engineer. I'm happy and really relieved, but it also feels a bit strange and scary not to be a student anymore

  21. I just lived my first earthquake. Quite scary when you're not used to it

    1. Imperial


      Yes, Daejeong precisely if you know. Though I go back to France in two weeks

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. I just lived my first earthquake. Quite scary when you're not used to it

    1. Imperial


      It was a small one, shook a bit for five seconds maybe with no damage or even something falling so no need to worry ;) But when the building begins to shake and you don't immediately understand why, well, I may have considered for a half a second that north korea used its new nuclear toys x)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. Is it me or the site is incredibly slow today ? I just ended up on an sql error page

  24. See, a day ago I was like "I won't get borderlands 2 on pc, played it too much." The current steam sale has weakened my resolve

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