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Everything posted by foovy10

  1. how will u get to gold if u dont play there are no consequences for going down. There are only rewards for going up. So if u dont play u will never go up oh and tacos this is my place now *****
  2. ITS TIME NO MORE RANKED FOR THIS MONTH BUT I DONT CARE EDIT: oh and i knew i saw karmas templars somewhere and i looked at the list of ppl in my league and aparently me and tacos are in the same league
  3. WE WON THAT DARIUS GAME(well we almost but then we fooled around for too long D:) anyway.... First time Cosmic Reaver Kassadin
  5. tfw your mom is not very good at making food spicy and one day she just makes the spiciest thing ever and your mouth is burning

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      Are your sinuses clear? If not, it isn't spicy enough;

    3. AeroWraith


      I can't deal with spicy food at all. >>''

    4. foovy10


      and im REALLY good with spicy food im usualy fine with whatever most ppl throw a me

  6. wat i do when before everyone joins the blind pick is hover my mouse under like the bottom picture of like news riot puts in the client and then click the bar and type really fast.
  7. WHO WANTS STORY TIME! Someone: ME! me:OK So in this game i got lvl 5 jinx YAY and there is a 1/14 maokai with only boots. Why is that? Lets talk about it. So Maokai vs renek is a very non important lane cuz it doesn't really matter if one gets fed cuz they will just build tanks right? So kha just ganked mid and bot cuz we are the hyper carries and maokai got angry that he didnt gank him and wanted a apology for some reason but kha didn't apologize (learn from this guy) so maokai started to troll and run into the enemy team 10 times. But kha ganked mid and bot so we were very fed so we carried the game and the end. and after the game ended everyone on our team took a few minutes of our time to write a 500 character report(500 is the limit) about him to riot.
  8. I play for glory and stuff so i dont use items so i cant contribute much but i do like those little derpy ball shaped animal thing u can throw.
  9. Contact support and they will give u the skin. Thats what i did ehrn i couldnt get the trist skin for some reason.
  10. Excuse me but i am a zilean mid main no but its really fun if you can hit your q. and i just named the ones that aren't good at all at support cuz it would be good if he started getting good at the good champs(like alistar) instead of the unreliable champs that u dont usually have fun playing. Out of the supports tacos pointed out i suggest annie, janna, and soraka. All of them besides maybe janna are very easy and can be very good. and all the adcs that taco pointed out are top tier atm
  11. i agree with all of this besides nunu,taric and zilean cuz zilean is a mid laner, nunu is a yeti thats eats stuff, and taric cuz taric
  12. go play a few games of kassadin and come back and tell ur opinion again. You know you play too much league if you can do this:
  13. Someone besides me finally figures out that kassadin is strong holy shit lol. That took a while
  14. When i said get used it i meant get used to beating that champs ass cuz thats the only way ur gonna get gud is if you can adapt out and in game. Yi: build a thornmail if your tanky or if you play ranked u can ask someone to play a cc heavy champ garen: kite, darius, GG Your gonna one day say leblanc is op probably #GetUsedToHerAndKickHerAss You might say soraka is op #LearnHowToKickHerAssAndTellMe You will one day say im op #YourMomIsOp
  15. ok so there are a few things u can do about this. First off is i can just tell u when theres a patch where theres not a lot of op stuff. Second get the fuck used to it cuz it happens. Or you can do what i do and play darius when your bored Trust me its fun as shit still even if i go jg. EDIT: Rest In Peace Dyrus
  16. I just realized, what would happen if skt won worlds? Would their skins get updated? Would they get new ones, Would the second place team get skins?
  17. I liked the old darius also and idc if riot nerfs his damage because all i need is the q heal and dunks to have fun.
  18. "I was coloring thoughts for the sake of finding truth,was following rules, counting all of my good deeds...
  19. Ahhh it feels good to be Darius EDIT: Seems legit
  20. You can ban Darius but once he gets through you cant stop the dunks
  21. Lesson of the day: You cant stop a Lulu
  22. get a new reborn folder with a brand new rxdata(your save file) take that out and switch between the ones you have. NOTE:do not change the name of rx data cuz the game wont recognize it if you do. Anyway welcome to reborn. We dont have a way to trade in game just yet(but it is coming it should be coming out next episode unless the people have problems with it) but for now we do have a trading thread if you wanna look around to find that. we also have a fan game expose area on the forums if you wanna look through there and there are some amazing fan games people made here Ex: Rejuvenation. ENJOY YOUR STAY
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