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Everything posted by foovy10

  1. I just realized how ez orriana is... #Freelo
  2. this is why i dont go into teambuilder This is how you build on braum kids :Kappa:
  3. I wish i could firgure out what life is like out of Na servers but my internet would be shit if i wanted to adventure outa Na servers :/

  4. to answer doj on the second death i bought wards but im just warding around mid for protection. 3rd death: how am i supposed to be blamed for expecting bot to see a low fiora and help me kill her? If they showed up that was a easy 2 kills 4th: I understand that what happened before made that possible but i get blamed for that death when i couldn't do anything about it. At least my team should understand that i couldn't possibly get out of that situation. 5th death: but what my team did was actually well i went for a numbers advantage fight? They say its a good idea to dive them when they know that we are behind. and to answer you about the tanks. How was i supposed to know in champ select that shyv and irelia would build extra damage? and i dont have a tanky mid as one of my comfort picks. oh and im in silver and kog is one of my most played champs in ranked. Not all the teams i play with have 2 tanks to defend the backline.
  5. When piglet stole baron in that one league game my jaw dropped to the ground
  6. Something is wrong with this pic try to find out what is wrong with it(this should take 5 seconds to figure out)
  7. im not sure if this should be in lol screenshots but this is just a example of your average kog ranked game Now i got flamed and reported(even tho it doesnt mean anything if i get reported for a bad game even tho i didnt do bad really in my opinion.) lets see why. So first of i get paired against a fiora. my first death of the game was a fight where bot forgot to call mia and then we got flanked and lost that little fight. second death was a fail gank by shyv, i get blamed. third death i was trying to kill a low fiora behind bot turret and shen showed up. while i died the adc and supp were just farming minding their own business farming. i get blamed. 4th death... i get soloed by fiora under my own turret when i was full health. now this is where i think to myself all my teammates are the stupidest team i ever played with cuz i get blamed. 5th death my team thinks its a good idea to go between the outer and inner mid turret and fight. while i slow the enemies so they cant kill the 3 teammates that were getting chased i got killed. this death was the only one that i believe was my fault even tho the 3 teamates lived. the last 3 deaths were teamfights. now this is what annoys me even more after this game. this shyv and irelia act like they never seen a ap kog mid before and think the team doesnt have enough damage so irelia builds bork when we need tankyness and shyv builds a tri force for some reason even tho she is our engage. and on top of everything i said i was kog, a tear champ that is shitty early game, has no escapes, and is against a fiora. Am i the only one that understood that i was ap kog and i couldnt do anything early game besides farm?
  8. Well that not happening cuz tsm is still the kings of na WOOHOO
  9. what is better then a adc that needs peel but can shred enemies? an adc that can do the same exact thing but has her own peel unless the enemy team has a vi or naut.
  10. Speaking of lanterns dont you ppl hate it when like 3 big enemies sit on the lantern so you cant click it so you die D;
  11. So they put the champs on pbe but they dont update the website? i thaught they would do both at the same time .-. shoulda checked surrender at 20 more
  12. if the players are good they will pink as soon as they see the ! over their heads and cc him. also in that Yasuo game there was a before nerf Viktor with a rabadons and ludens. enough said. On top of that the only good cc engage we had was a yasuo ult or a lee kick into a yasuo ult so if i die a lot its cuz I'm bad is what your saying. the enemy team cant possibly be good your saying. you dont always give 300 gold if u die like 2 or 3 times in a row without getting kills then I'm practically worth no gold. your also saying that if i play nautilus support and go like 0/13/30 in a hour game that means im bad is what your saying? cuz i died 13 times. that is false. if i do nothing for the team that i did bad but i had good kill participation and having the 10 deaths shows i tanked a lot for the team so the backline can do dmg. and about me misunderstanding im bout to quote a little bit of what you typed under the image "If you can't recreate a score like this(31/6) on a champ your familiar with you have a lot of improving to do." Almost all of my statements i believe are correct.
  13. First off rengar is not gonna be op if he gets cced and dies before killing his target Second keep in mind that im a yasuo that is squishy and jumps in the middle of the enemy team and ult the damage dealer. Dieing alot with yasuo makes sense and dont forget to factor in kalistas and viktors deaths And u dont have to go 30/6 to prove your good at the champ.
  14. that feeling when the turret lives with one health and kills you .-. it regened a little before i took the screenshot
  15. your right everyone can carry but its much harder with select champs im gonna disagree with some of what u said. Assassins can be carrys. yi can carry he a assassin. fizz can carry. i dont know how being a assassin stops her from being a carry. corkis mid-late game i believe is better then ez. if ez had a better mid to late game as a adc then he would be played in lcs but corki is in the lcs atm stealing barons and doing dmg. sivir is only good early game in my opinion if she has a initiator supp or gets ganks cuz she makes it so ez to initiate and destroy them even in laning phase. same thing as ashe. also to talk about lucian he saw a little bit of play in lcs this year but now that he getting a buff i believe he can carry easier now and will be at worlds like last year.
  16. well i play rengar a lot and from my experience unless u somehow vs high gold players you will never get pinked. out of all the rengar games i play i only got pinked like in 2 games. that is why rengar is stronger in lower elo
  17. well it actually depends on the champ u pick and how fed you do get. kalista and vayne can carry games ez(u gotta be gosu if u wanna carry with vayne tho) in supp it just depends on the adc if you can help the destroy lanes and if you can defend them or have amazing initiations for the team. the best supps are naut and alistar. Mid lane can carry with many champs, yasuo, viktor, kog, etc. It doesnt really matter which jungler it is but if that person gets all the lanes ahead or do amazing in teamfight. i wouldnt really call it carrying but whatever. and in top lane the 4 i can think of on the top of my head r fizz, maokai, rumble, and gnar but a new patch comes tomorrow with a few big top laner champ changes so that might change(i think darius will get on the list of top champs to carry with) oh and here a yasuo game #DAMAGE
  18. im gonna get zed and yas project at least maybe lucian as well depends on how he looks. EDIT: im watching ptl and they just said the coca cola is sponsoring the finals so u can watch the games in selected MOVIE THEATERS. Esports is growing holy shit
  19. they added trace repair to the site in the corner for each weapon and all of them are in the 90s so im guessing we will see these bad boys REAL soom
  20. Did I just start a serious discussion when i intended to do something funny?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TRHStatement


      Nah, I'm pretty sure it was already on her mind, but that post just brought it to light.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      You kind of gave her a perfect example

    4. SnowGlaceon


      It needed to be said

  21. hmm let me look at the patch notes for a sec and give you a answer. ok so im gonna play lb and continue my stomp on kogmaw mid. And about viktor im going to practice him a lot in norms and see if he is still viable in teamfights but i believe he gonna be in the same place as kog but without tear.
  22. I stoped playing cod a few months ago cuz i didnt enjoy aw or ghosts and i didnt feel like playing bo2 for another year. Right now im getting into csgo but when the beta comes out for xbox one ill be playing it a lot.
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