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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by foovy10

  1. JAN the pokeball glitch is still working on macs what file do i have to delete again?
  2. Gj vex! Im literally stuck in my promos for s2. Like i win game but then when i get to promos i go 0-2 for the last like 3 times? EDIT: also here is a noc game
  3. I just gave up after like 10 minutes and went for the chespin since i didnt know if the pokemon would even be good if i got one so yeah
  4. Am just gonna answer for reborn cuz i never played pokemon till gen 4 and i only know about gen 1 cuz of Pokemon Origins so yeah. T3RR4 Best Corey Worst
  5. If you wanna make Reborn as a story i suggest just playing through the game as you do it and pick what happens to make it more realistic(well its a rpg game we talkin about u dont need to be that realistic maybe) and just make up times as you go based on how much you did in that episode.
  6. So we have to do a few extra steps so u guys dont have to click a link is what u saying lol.
  7. Why did i knew it was a sound problem again xD thx jan
  8. Im on mac and every time i get to this point where the person is putting the bomb down the game crashes. Can someone get me past this please
  9. ty Edit: well i still have to use imgur since i cant copy the link from my file and put it in there so i have to put the pic on imgur then copy it from there and note im on a mac.
  10. It just doesnt seem to work for me and i dont feel like trying to figure it out so im just using imgur.
  11. HOLY HEALING http://imgur.com/kCkqyEI http://imgur.com/1bxVfBk But to be fair i believe i carried this game like look at their comp. it just says kill the adc all over it and look at our adcs deaths and i saved many lives
  12. #1 You wanna make sure you make your pokemon have physical attacks or special attacks not both(maybe besides emolga but idk) #2 if you wanna replace some pokes i suggest getting rid of panpour and sunflora. #3 Some pokes i suggest: Go to the underground railnet (under opal bridge) and get past all the rocks and in the very bottom right corner of the area there should be a key. Then in the slums somewhere you can open a door to get a scraggy(BE PREPARED TO VS 3 PANGOROS ONE AT A TIME), i forget if there needs to be a certain weather condition but in the area where cain got the oshowat(i forget the name) you can find a lotad, drapion is a alright pickup in the wasteland, Noibat and noivern is like magikarp and gyaurados, magikarp is useless until it evolves, same for noibat but it evolves at lvl 48, i like it. budew is really strong and is available in the begining of the game somewhere(CHECK OUT SOME OF THE GUIDES IN ON THE HUNT)
  13. Well i played it but i didnt really experience the fun cuz i got my lane taken from me and i had to supp D; as a ryze

  15. http://imgur.com/tPqawut\ MESS WITH THE BRO AND YOU GET THE LAF(Brolaf but i wish i actually had the skin :c)
  16. Just a tip for all of you if you have a diana and a leona which are one if not the best champs for locking down enemies and theres a ap kog on the enemy team u might wanna destroy kog asap or u gonna lose some lp http://imgur.com/J2UL3PM And if you were wondering what the dmg dealt here u go http://imgur.com/l6hS3xp
  17. I DONT NEED A ADC TO WIN But I did want a 5 man ulti so i can insta penta but oh well http://imgur.com/CoLee0Z
  18. I really wanna get good at riven but its to hard
  19. If you wanna try a 6th gen poke i believe a noivern can fit your team well. You can catch it at its highest lvl in tanzan mountain i believe. Noibat is like a magikarp its useless as shit but once it evolves(lvl48) it becomes a powerhouse and one of the only dragons in the game. Also to answer the last part there check out the rules and also make a into thread in the grand hall but for now...WELCOME
  20. but the walking animation and the bushes and the menu...so beautiful
  21. if u need killers shyv is on top atm and if your good at khazix and rengar then blood will be everywhere
  22. Ame you need to watch and learn from this person. them graphics tho
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