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Everything posted by foovy10

  1. Im going to point out that i love the insurgence games as much as reborn and respect them. I just thought it would be funny to see the reactions of some of the people in the reborn community. If you would like i will delete the post, but i did not say anywhere in my post that i disagreed with the comment. both games are very different but at the same time very fun. I ENCOURAGE ppl to try out insurgence if you haven't cuz its a amazing game with many features.
  2. I cant believe i got 2 kills in a 1v4 xD And yes that is a ap malph mid
  3. This comment was on shofus insurgence video god damn http://imgur.com/kICRGyO

  4. she said her OLD ultimate was Blade waltz
  5. What i thaught is that maybe the people that yasuo and yone lived with found yone and did sciency stuff with his brain or heart or something? seems the most logicall thing to me because i dont think riot will change yasuos lore and be like just kidding he got a concussion or something on his adventure and thauhgt he killed his brother when he saw something that was his.
  6. if you wanna talk about how trash league is this isnt the place. you have your own opinions we have ours. This thread was made so we can talk about stuff like upcoming skins, champs, strategies, etc. this isnt the hate on league thread so if u have nothing close to what i said this thread is about in your post dont hit the post button please.
  7. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/site/skins-project/ WHAT ARE YOUR GUESSES ON WHO ARE GETTING SKINS MY GUESSES ARE zed: it talks about shadows, marks, vanishing, etc no way on earth is it not a zed skin lucian: peircing light is his q, away from the dark is refering to defeating ghosts like thresh, etc will be surprised if this not lucian as well, akali or irelia: this one is very hard to guess blades dancing, balde weaving, orbiting the target yeah this can be a lot of champs. kayle or leona: its definantly between these two. The top one is either a new champ or people saying its yasuos brother since its the same numbers as him.
  8. foovy10


    yes, and his name is Kirito
  9. Oh and i forgot to say that the music is unchanged when in this mode. And to answer vinny,I believe this feature will be used by ppl that r playing reborn for the first time especially cuz u don't get fly until the end of ep 15 so this will help many ppl when traveling the reborn region to find Pokemon, get items, etc.
  10. So I have been play insurgence again recently cuz the new update came out but i already beat the episode before but lost the save and watched shofus playlist, so i know everything that happens. So i have been using this feature almost the whole time to get through the game quickly. What it does is that it speeds up everything in the game from movement to dialogue to animations. This isnt just useful for ppl that want to get through the game fast. Let me list some examples: #1 Much faster training but not faster then cheating You can run through the grass quickly to find pokemon and finish each wild pokemon in seconds depending on how many moves it takes to beat it #2 Travel Wanna get to a previous town but u dont have fly? this makes getting there much faster. #3 Vsing El multiple times If you have done this you know what i mean. If u have problems doing this and soft reset there is so much dialoge before the battle that it takes like a min to get through it and get in the battle. this fixes stuff like that. cant think of anymore on the top of my head. So why is this in reborn city? Cuz i believe it would be a good feature to have in reborn. I understand that cheat engine already has this but it would be nicer if it was just implemented in the game and some ppl dont even know of its existence probably That is all.
  11. I thought u were underestimating viktor cuz u destroyed him and was talking sarcastically about him being the best mid laner right now but he is the best mid atm. I noticed the sarcasm im just bad with it need to get better at me sarcasm skills
  12. Taking cleanse depends on the laner you vsing. I most of the time take heal, sometimes ghost if there is no threat in the laner, and cleanse if the team/laner has something like that to kill me( veigar stun, ahri charm, etc) oh forgot to say that viktor is a beginner i can just tell, cuz all he supposed to do is lane is: farm, wait for ganks, at lvl 9 afk farm with lazer. I understand that he will sometimes die to his opponent but unless it took a long time to get first blood then he shouldnt have died that early. If viktor just made it to teamfights with very low deaths and with a lot of farm he would destroy your team with peel cuz ur team had nothing to get to him besides shaco and even if shaco got to the backline vayne can just condemn him or blitz just combo him while irelia and grag are in front line.
  13. If you want i can make this CS screenshots so you can show off as well
  14. oh shit i need to go get a good game and post it brb. EDIT: FOUND ONE
  15. Yeah I remember the part in the story you were talkin about. Oh and the beginning confused me after i read the rest. Did u play the campaign before or no cuz u said u went back to cod b02 but u dont play multiplayer so... me confused unless u talking about ur first reaction a while ago and u just replayed it and thought about this
  16. I dont know why this isn't here already but i feel like this should exist. Here we will post: Amazing scores Bad scores Sexy weapons from cases Ugly weapons from cases Sexy weapons in general Ugly weapons in general You ranking up You getting demoted You winning $50,000,000 in jackpot You losing $50,000,000 in jackpot And everything else about Counter-Strike that you wanna post
  18. I GOT GOOD AT J4 MID What u do is hit him through the lane since a lot of ppl have a habit of staying behind minions or just hit him when the laner goes to cs since that person should be next to minions(unless the champ is ranged, then u hit them when they behind minions) Also victors ray is hard to dodge( u havent vsed a good vik in a while have u) the range plus the animation makes it easy to hit ppl
  19. there are a few things wrong in this #1 viktor pokes with the ray and if he trades then uses q of course. #2 not a lot of things out range viktors ray not counting any ults. #3 well im not sure if its just me but i just afk farm using lazer and a few autos starting at a certain lvl then just wait under tower till the next wave comes or roam. I do this so its harder to gank me. #4 if there is one way to stop viktor its to just get a vi or something and just target him. If you dont think thats necessary look at this game(proceeds to look for the game from yesterday where nukeduck nukes everyone) I cant find it.
  20. Is it bad that i woke up at 2pm?

    1. Meruem


      my sleeping schedule is finally fixed (for now :[), but i recall waking up at 8pm-12am at one point.

      so no, if anything that's weak as shit. the me back then would probably be praying to god to wake up at 2pm tbh.

    2. Simon


      nope, sounds like me occasionally.

  21. Why every time i go up from s3 to s2 or s2 to s1 i freaking lose like 4 game in a row and get put back in the league before then go freelo this is so stupid and annoying Anyone else have this happen?
  22. axew ralts and evee are available in the machine and ppl have been attempting to get one of these pokemon for longer then u did.
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