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Everything posted by foovy10

  1. I really don't like Adele because her music is extremely boring and slow but I found this and really like it.
  2. These are my sales what did you guys get?Im probably gonna buy pp lee and prestigious lb
  3. Tanks: build hp, armor, or magic resist. If a team has a lot of magic damage buy mr, if they have a lot of attack damage build armor. If the team have 1 very strong champ thats ap build mr, if a team has one strong ad champion which should be pretty much every game build armor. Tanks are very simple and common but other roles make you have to think more about what you buy. I used to use mobafire.com. Just search your champion and make sure the guide has a lot of votes and is updated to season 5/6( usually you would search season 6 but its preseason so a lot of ppl still keeps their guide as season 5). After using it a lot you will understand and get a general idea of what every champion builds and why. Oh and btw firefighter trist is 50% off today so if you want it this is your chance
  4. Tfw when you turn into madlife and start flash hooking ppl EZ MONEY oh and yes that is mid gangplank and yes i prefer to go mid on gangplank.
  5. Well if you watch pros and see what they do and why that will help you learn. If you can figure out which items are useful for what and why you will almost never need a guide unless your confused between two items or something.
  6. Im sry i have to borrow your video Ikaru As I play this 1000 times in a row I will laugh my ass off cuz tsm has won at everything and nothing has started yet.
  7. I'm not getting dragon Trainer Trist so i might as well get the other dragon traier skin on that champ that i will be playing a ton in ranked cuz of how ez it is to win with her.
  8. Ok so I said i was gonna get Dragon Trainer Trist on the 23(i think) so I can get the mystery skin with it like a lot of people are BUT on the 16 firefighter trist will be available and 50% OFF and I really like the blue visual affects in the skin so i'm gonna get that. Look at the list to see if there is a legacy skin you wanna get. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/store/sales/caution-snowstorm-sale-incoming
  9. nidalee nerfed, Elise nerfed,Diana nerfed, fizz nerfed, ap Amumu nerfed, ap Blitzcrank jg nerfed, and evelynn kinda nerfed.I play most of those champions and all the other ones aren't as good for specific reasons(fiddle, ap Shaco, Nunu, Cho'gath, etc.)
  10. patch notes came out and there are 2 changes im looking forward too: More azir players after this bugfix Can't wait to see those baby rockets And of course the new poppy EDIT:RIOT PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME
  11. try to look at a different opponent when u try to hook someone because that throws ppl off a lot of times.
  12. Tfw shopkeeper has a mana potion but he doesn't wanna give it to you. When we figured this out the chat was 11/10
  13. When i got 6300ip i had to think hard about who i wanted to get but i think i made the right decision
  14. https://youtu.be/8n_TIBvxvCM Someone wanna explain what happens at the end of this video?
  15. yeah im also waiting until then to buy it.
  16. I dont know what is happening but i guess im gonna go along with it. Summoner Name: Foovy Gold V and i main Leblanc and Zed Smurf: Sao Foovy Both accounts are on Na
  17. Roams early kills in lane distracted me from cs but i think thats more then fine in a 25 minute game as leblanc.
  18. #SecondTimeAnivia Here is the guide by bjerg which really helps if you wanna learn Anivia https://youtu.be/HE4ptWjf7tc Oh and why did a lot of the threads get unpinned?
  19. i do the complete opposite of almost everything u said. I take ignite most of the time on split pushers, I always take ignite on assassins, the long range or utility champs really depend on who your vsing like if i vs a assassin ill take barrier but if its a champ that is not gonna 100 to 0 me in seconds then ill take tp. I also always take tp on tf and im pretty sure same goes for karthus.
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