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Everything posted by foovy10

  1. well mid laners taking tp has been getting more and more popular for a while now but idk about the supports. I usualy take tp on mages( veigar, brand) and then ignite on assassins
  2. Hey guys just wanna say that I made a guide for my Leblanc build and its in my signature if you wanna check it out!
  3. She does so much damage from so far away and im looking at ppl not putting cait in a top 5 adcs list. Dont mind me im just doing Leblanc things also if anyone wants i can explain the build which i think is really good.
  4. THE POPPY CHAMPION UPDATE IS REVEALED http://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/11/champion-update-poppy-keeper-of-hammer.html#more
  5. well like make it 2 minutes or something
  6. yeah im bad with internet sarcasm but that sounded like something that would be said in a patch notes if they actually did that.
  7. Is that a idea or legit? If legit a link would be wonderful.
  8. blitz and tahm are the funnest to play supp in my opinion
  9. interesting i think i will use this. *takes a screenshot*
  10. but the thing is that legit looks like a good page for zed and i didn't think about that keystone on zed at all.
  11. For the zed/talon players out there this is a page that faker used on zed against a lissandra and went 7/0/2 in a 20 minute game. Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOt-qzzHQOY Oh and what page do you guys use to look at player's stats and such because lolking isnt working for me atm. I dont know why but non of the pros masteries that im looking at show up on that page.
  12. ok all of you need to watch a good twitch play or be good at twitch to understand. A lvl 4 combo on twitch is get out of vision, q, then w and auto once or twice and e then back off. lvl 6 combo is same thing but ult before you throw a w. Twitch has a pretty good laning phase besides against champs like blitz and cait(pretty much the poke or pull ones) To just make it simple, twitch poison is strong enough to win him fights most of the time unless the supp destroys him.
  13. First of all Twitch has a great laning phase and Im good at playing passive and living through the laning phase when it comes to kog. Savagery for last hitting and a tiny bit more poke damage early game. I get the red buffs most of the time after 20 minutes and i play with randoms so i take that. And again the SS mastery is totally based on the situation. If they have a blitz then take the SS mastery but if your confident your gonna live take the other.
  14. Ok so this is the page you should use if you want to make sure you do well in lane. Also take dorans blade if you really care about the laning phase thats just what i think you should do. Also perseverance and insight is a little tricky to pick from. Depends if you plays safe and probably wont get caught or if you play very aggressive and might need that flash more often. Also i dont have it here but fervor of battle is better early because you can just last hit multiple times and then just fight with that extra ad but i like to get some crit chance early and that would help me heal and do more damage. I would probably use this page on a cait, draven, graves or any lane dominant or reliant champ And this is what i usually use. This is a page for players that care more about scaling to team fights like me and dont mind going even against their lane opponent. I always take cull unless i forget the item exists in the beginning of the game which i still sometimes do. runic affinity for the longer red buffs. Savagery for easier last hitting but you can go wander if you believe thats better for you. I always take warlords bloodlust here because again you dont care much about trading in lane and the heals help you live through fights. This is something i would use on twitch(TRY HIM HES PRETTY GOOD), jinx, kog, or any champs that love scaling.
  15. Tsm are going communication>skill. As i said a few weeks ago, tsm can make good players into great players but sometimes the synergy doesn't work so no imports this time and sven has played with bjerg before so they can get along really well which is important for a jg/mid relationship.
  16. Regi stated that the main focus of this roster was communication and having a very close relationship in and out of the game.They thought of this because the top 4 teams at worlds all spoke the same language with each other and got along well it looks like. So they went for english speaking players and players that were close with double or bjergsen.
  17. THE OFFICIAL TSM ROSTER: Hauntzer Svenskeren Bjergsen Doublelift Kasing https://youtu.be/8JEHII941cQ
  18. To answer the people about not knowing who cloud was on my other post I never really looked into ff and never really came up in a conversation when me and my friends talked about games

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. foovy10


      yeah but like i have never heard a person in my area say i like ff it just isn't very popular where i live

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      I recognized him when he appeared, mostly because KH, but I could not remember his name for the life of me until it popped on screen.

    4. foovy10


      like everyone who watched the direct live would of hyped up but i would have just opened up a tab and searched him up lol

  19. All you guys have to do with the masteries is just think about who your using this page on and what fits best. A lot of things will be hard to decide and when that happens just try both out until you find what you like. Sometimes your also gonna need to change pages before matches because there are so many pages to make but not enough space.
  20. tfw when you watch the direct and you see cloud is revealed but your like who da fuk is cloud lol im like the only one

    1. Maelstrom


      Yes, you are the only one.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      By the amount FFVII has been rereleased and talked about in nearly gaming circle like.... ever have you really never heard of him? You can;t say "JRPG" or even "RPG" without people bringing up FFVII and Cloud as a result these days lol. I guess it's possible though very very unlikely lol.

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