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Everything posted by foovy10

  1. I have two question before i make a request. 1. Are you able to put a background behind the pokemon and words? 2. Can you make the picture so it is big enough to be a background picture? I understand if you cant but it would be really cool if these can be used for backgrounds on computers and such.
  2. well db joined tsm because he got kicked from clg(WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT) so not all of those are possible i think unless tsms roster influences them to join.
  3. well he is some part of the staff i forget which tho
  4. lustboy is actualy a coach or something now for the team so yeah they are getting a new everything besides mid

  6. Just because the championship was on the same day doesn't mean they should delay skins made for halloween. Putting skins and removing the login doesn't have disrespect i dont think cuz it doesn't say skt won it just states that the final was today. Again if something is made for a certain day/ holiday I think it should be available on that day. And riot will still show the news on the client that skt won (without spoiling it of course) so it would have affected anything with the championship besides the login screen.
  7. i understand that but they could of done that after like a hour of the finals being over and it makes no sense not to bring the harrowing skins on halloween.
  8. umm did riot delay the harrowing skins for some reason orrrrr...
  9. Ok so have here about 6 games so here we go If your wondering how im so good at zed but im only lvl 2 :Kappa: on him its because I used to main him before they added mastery and then i got bored of him for a bit. "I dont know why tank amumu is a thing"-Einstein 2015
  10. game four* and yeah that was a well deserved win
  11. tfw you wake up a hour later then you wanted too...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      At least it wasn't 7 hours. I've done that before.

  12. Why is everyone besides me going off multiple times in a row lol.
  13. i have to wake up at 8am and get snacks and stuff UUUUUUUGGHGHGHGHGHGHGHG
  14. YOU HAVE TO PUT THE MILK IN FIRST YOU MAD OT NAH *drops the mic and leaves the room*
  15. well i got a quadra kill with one Lux ult against intermediate bots and then continued to get a penta so they are about the same thing. People fear my khazix in urf *hops hops and hops* IHOP IS THE BEST. Oh and here is the victorious Sivir
  16. I just made a new smurf while i wait for preseason. You guys can add me if you want Name: Sao Foovy p.s i just got a quadra kill with one lux ult
  17. I made a application like... 2 years ago and there is nothing lol. And riot said that friendly and positive players got first dibs on accounts
  18. and im here chilling without a pbe account like I want in on the fun D:
  19. Darius is the funnest top laner or champ you will ever play the end
  20. yeah the sentences were to long for me to type up so I just put the sentence stating them removing it in. But yeah they said its very cost effective and it only works on champions with mana problems.
  21. ok so im gonna quote everything that i see in the post that makes my jaw drop and im halfway through reading it so ill edit in some more. 1. For the second goal we are removing stealth wards from the shop so teams have to rely more heavily on pink and blue trinket ward to get the vision control they need. 2.Like Cull- a light skirmishing AD starting item that provides less defensive stats then dorans blade, but gives bonus gold for killing a set of number of minions. 3.Mana potions, on the other hand, are being removed. I swear they are gonna say Faker is retiring in a sec. 4. "Wtf is that"-Einstein
  22. Yeah i changed mine to Korean for a bit but I like seeing advertisements for my region that I understand so I changed back to english but i might change to french since i think that could help me with my french class in school.
  23. ohhh this the same thing as osu which is pretty much this but on pc and your not bad at this at all your probably like 5 times better then me lol
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