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Everything posted by starkidcosmo

  1. I keep sleeping through my alarms....

  2. Curiouser and curiouser

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Garnet.


      & knuckles.

    3. Ironbound


      Simisear is garbage. Ugh.

    4. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Well, I've already done Sage and Pour, so these will be the last Simipuns.

  3. *internal screaming* *external screaming* *eternal screaming*

  4. Please don't stress too much! Your health absolutely comes first, especially right after a surgery.
  5. i have a lot of anxieties I didn't know about before getting into a relationship

    1. Garnet.


      hollow laughter in agreement

  6. Accumula Pokecenter- Mio Mio stayed quiet throughout Marcella's lecture, staring down at his feet. She was right; they were lucky they'd gotten off with just a few scrapes. Next time it could be worse. He clutched at Meena and Loam's pokeballs, eyeing the friendly EMT with suspicion. However, as the others acquiesced, he reluctantly handed them over. His leg jittered impatiently, even as Marcella's berating continued. He was too nervous to listen with his normal intentness, and he'd pretty much gotten the point already anyways. It wasn't like he wanted to go after some helmeted psycho. After the intense redhead had stormed off and the EMT from before had handed back Meena and Loam, Mio sighed, snapping on his rollerblades before pushing himself to his feet. "She's right," he muttered, avoiding looking his fellows in the eye. With another sigh, Mio glided his way outside, hands shoved deep into his pockets.
  7. caravan palace is so good holy shit

  8. This restaurant I'm at is giving away free chocolate chip cookies for national cookie day

    1. Zargerth


      I wish cookie day was a thing here too

    2. Juniper


      In the least creepy way possible, I absolutely need to know where you live.

    3. Ironbound


      Are they Magnezone-shaped cookies?

  9. anyways so now I have like, a boyfriend

    1. koboldsftw


      But do you have a gender?

    2. Alex



  10. So... cheat right the hell back? Except right now we're just straight up too weak for any of that obvs
  11. parties where u only kno one person more like: aaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  12. my cat is sitting on top of my armchair and at first i thought i was cute but he keeps fuckin kicking me in the head

  13. writing out a background should not be this hard honestly

    1. Grizzlybrand


      You gotta channel your inner Andrew Hussie, have a long, extensive background for every char that shows up even if they're there to die

  14. Accumula Pokecenter - Mio Mio listened carefully to everything Marcella had to say. When she asked them her second question, he took note of her defeated tone and the way her Marowak reacted. "Well, no, actually," he said. "He was wearing some sort of black helmet with gold detailing. There was a red visor covering his eyes, too. Um, I'm sorry if this sounds rude but... I'm getting the feeling you were expecting that?"
  15. god im so fuckin bad at really detailed character sheets what in earth was I thinking

    1. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima


  16. I woke up feeling like I'd slept for years and that it must be like 3 or 4 am... nope. Barely even 12.

    1. InnocentSerenity


      Just means you have more time awake.

    2. starkidcosmo


      i'd rather sleep through the night honestly but i mean... i guess i need to work on stuff anyways

  17. Capsaicin more like capaincin

    1. laggless01


      More like Capspaicyn

  18. the last time i went to class i ended up a gibbering mess so you can understand why im a little reluctant to go today, right

  19. why did I stay up late again?? oh right... cause I have no common sense

  20. I was gonna go to sleep at a reasonable hour but now i have like boatloads of energy

  21. Ok so... litten is fire/dark, I honestly think rowlet is gonna drop that flying typing for psychic.... but what about our little navy seal?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skeleton


      pure water type

    3. Ironbound


      It's a sea lion. Not a seal.

    4. starkidcosmo


      ok, true, but like "navy sea lion" isn't a joke

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