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Everything posted by starkidcosmo

  1. So basically all the clone Pokemon have perfect IVs and are fully EV trained...

  2. Staryu and squirtle 100% forgot that everyone else has to breathe air

  3. "gee this missing nurse sure looks familiar" well Brock could it be because she looks exactly like every other nurse in the region

  4. !!!!i didn't remember this beginning part??

  5. startin off w mewtwo strikes back

  6. so anyways I'm gonna watch all the Pokemon movies in order let's do this shit

    1. Ironbound


      They aren't exactly good after the Latios and Latias one, but I'm sure you might have known that already.

  7. persona q more like persona "why am I even surprised"

  8. Tfw ur friend gets drunk and starts hitting on you... #awk

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. starkidcosmo


      actually I take that back its only weird and awk if they think I'm a girl and they hit on me

    3. Exalted


      the last statement is what i meant in general

    4. Exalted


      when your frineds are straight but cant decide if what there seeing is a lamp post or coffe machine

  9. tanaka-kun wa itsumo kedaruge for best new slice of life comedy anime

  10. well that was a weird and somewhat disturbing dream

    1. starkidcosmo


      like half of it is way too graphic for the status bar but basically there were like??? wolf people??? and some of them were like... idk super violent and then the regular ones could turn super violent because of... some reason

    2. starkidcosmo


      so I kept getting chased by the crazy ones and people were getting murdered p violently all over the place and then there was some weird shit that's too gross for the status bar and idk. idek. weird shit.

  11. Accumula Town- Rest and Relaxation - Mio The sight of Bianca's furrowed brow left Mio even more on edge and disturbed than he had been. Somehow, even the sight of the half-dismantled stage felt foreboding now; like some kind of portent of destruction. Mio chewed absently on his lip, staring at the remains of the rally. Maybe Brendan was right and that hard-looking woman was simply rich or sponsored, but he couldn't shake the feeling there was something shady about the whole thing. He continued to bite his lip as he lost himself in thought, his reverie only breaking at the sharp taste of iron. He blinked, only now realizing that he'd been ignoring everyone in favor of staring off into the distance. Embarrassed, he turned his attention back to the group, a hand at his bleeding lip, only to spot the coolest girl he'd ever set eyes on. Everything about her was the height of fashion; her clothes, her piercings, her hair, her pokemon-- Mio was immediately smitten. As the group begun moving, Mio noted the similarities between Alecks and the new girl. Twins? Although, somehow, she seemed more mature than her brother. "Uh, hi!" Mio chirped, although the cheery effect he'd been going for was somewhat ruined by his bleeding lip. "Sorry... but do you mind if I scan your Gothita?" It wasn't entirely an excuse to talk to her; Mio was genuinely interested in the Pokemon. "Oh, uh, I'm Mio by the way." Meena, who'd been napping inside her Trainer's BAG next to Loam's pokeball, perked up at the sound of a Pokemon's name. She poked her head out and stared intently at the psychic type, squaring it up.
  12. anyways persona q is fun even if it seems like it's a lot harder to level up

    1. starkidcosmo


      I'm so glad I can be even the slightest bit gay

  13. ok but,,, why must I suffer for a whole week every month,,,

    1. Zumi


      i feel you

    2. Skeleton


      last week man,,, got me fucked up

  14. how do stop porn bots from following me on tumblr

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Diana


      Block them; they won't be able to see your stuff. You can't stop them from following you at first, unfortunately, but you can stop them from staying there.

    3. starkidcosmo


      they're like spam except with porn

  15. somehow it's only like ten?

  16. I'd like to thank god and also Jesus H Christ for the invention of painkillers

    1. starkidcosmo


      oh and whoever like, actually invented otc painkillers

  17. diancie and the cocoon of destruction more like "how many times can we avoid saying the word 'death'"

    1. starkidcosmo


      Wow ok nevermind thanks for that last one-liner xerneas

  18. Ok buuuuuut why do the carbink need all that energy??? What do they use it for... it's "powering the kingdom" but what is it doing what exactly is it powering

    1. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      Probably because of stability, order, to prevent their home from collapsing, stuff like that.

    2. starkidcosmo


      But like,,, why do you need to "power" a cave system why would it collapse without power

    3. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      Well Pokemon logic destroys physics. You could call that "power" the "heart" of the cave with it's magical aura flowing and keeping the cave system in tact.

  19. Ok but why do Pokemon have kingdoms what do they accomplish by having monarchies or hierarchies where did they even get the concept of "princess" from

    1. Shamitako


      Obvs they have kingdoms for the same reason they have phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species owo

    2. starkidcosmo


      u got me there

  20. this dude in the diancie movie won't stop eating chocolate and like..... same, my guy

  21. I can't believe how Not infuriating the voice acting in persona q is

  22. these days I watch let's plays instead of movies...

  23. Look I like bungou stray dogs so far but tbqh imho is Naomi's like, entire personality really necessary

    1. starkidcosmo


      like if we're gonna do a brocon character can it at least be a cute "nooooo don't take my brother away from me!!!" type and not... that

  24. oh btw beat Lenora #handily. her herdier came close to wrecking me tho

  25. im never gonna shut up about how the striaton triplets and the shadow triad are one and the same

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. starkidcosmo


      forreal tho why would the triad give two shits about them???? they didn't even fight plasma (suspicious!!) they didn't have anything to do with ghetsis so if ghetsis didn't tell them to go beat up on the triplets they wouldn't bother

      I'm not buyin that whole "lol we're bored" spiel

    3. starkidcosmo


      The #1 piece of evidence against my theory is that the shadow triad would not tell such a bullshit lie but I mean maybe that's part of the ruse!!!!

    4. starkidcosmo


      I'm sorry guys I just really like talkin about this

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