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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Kurotsune

  1. ...If by ghost crew you mean a crew member of your own, I don't see why even ask - Others have done it, so it's a non-issue. If by that you mean an actual ghost, nope.
  2. For everyone who's wondering how working with Amethyst is like:
  3. Ailios quietly listens to all of the members' descriptions of themselves, then finally nods. "I see." As Caprion does it's thing, blundering about the place and spraying whatever-it-is everywhere, the Sorceress merely pats herself off. When the antics were over, she peers not at the summon, but it's master. "Contain your goat." She peers at all of the members individually for a moment, careful eyes seemingly measuring her worth. When her eyes meet those of any members, they shine with a faint white glow for only a sliver of a moment. Those familiar with arcane magick, an ancient form of the Art long thought to be forgotten, would recognize it's activation, but would not be able to tell it's purpose. Clearly, Ailios is hiding something from you - Interestingly, she doesn't seem to care about hiding the fact she is. "It seems our team has a simple composition then. Our melee attackers will stand in front, me and the summoner in the back, and the spirit sieve will fulfill whichever role the entity possessing him is best suited for. We should be reaching Eachann soon. Once we do, I will take only one of you with me to meet the Duke with me. The others will be tasked of scouting the city, to find information that can help our cause and to find those that are willing to join us." Without a doubt, the woman that stands here now is not the same as the one who stood moments before. The once-shy Ailios now exhaled confidence, and in her voice echoed command. Maybe this was the Sorceress' magicks you heard so much about. It's said that their use of spellcasting is ritualistic in it's nature, and to the sorceress, even arousing. The energy that courses through them as they cast their Art empowers them and surely, affects one psyche as much as it does one's body. "It will not be long now. I will allow you to convince me, but my first choice is the obvious one of Lady Silef. I'm sure she'd like to meet with the duke as well. If anyone disagrees, state your piece." (( We are now in party-break. Turn order can be disregarded until a conclusion is reached on who shall accompany Ailios to meet Duke Byrne. The ones that do not will be partaking in a new mechanic, called the Exploration mechanic. I will be adding an explanation on how it works in Starting Point as soon as I'm done with the World Map. ))
  4. The main post has been updated with Joining clauses, explaining how the joining order for new characters will work.
  5. ...So I'm really curious by this. There are 18 gym leaders in Reborn. One for each type. By the time you beat the last one, you'll have no pokemon left you can use. How are you beating the E4 and finishing the game?
  6. So, I initially planned to have Iain's party hang around with Asgall's until they arrived in Sigeto, but seeing the confusion that has already caused, I propose to you, players, this question; Would you rather have the separate thread for Iain's party now, or would you prefer to have them stay together until the time comes they do in fact separate? (( Another reason for this, frankly, is that Asgall's party has only two PCs and will remain with two PCs until after they arrive in Cás Dullahan, so I wanted to make the thread meatier. ))
  7. After all crates were loaded, Asgall took a final swig of his mug of grog, and chortled merrily to the rhytm of his crewmate's songs. "Ahoy! We be ready to set sail, men! Get to yer positions! It is high time our boss explains how we plan on getting past that nasty beastie!" With a large wave of his hand, his crewmen immediately cease their singing, all gathering in the portside of the larger vessel, sitting onto the ground and waiting patiently. "Well. They certainly don't lack for discipline." Iain's amused remark invoked another chuckle out of the pirate by his side as they made their way to the starboard directly opposite of where the crewmen - and you - waited. "Alright men, I will only explain myself once so pay attention." "As you well know, the Leviathan is a fearsome creature. Too many men have tried to down it. Tried and failed. Yet a wealth of knowledge has been acquired from these failures. We have learned how the Leviathan attacks. How it behaves. What it does - And we have tested it. We've been conducting experiments with the Leviathan in secret during the last three months - All thanks to the aid of Asgall and his crew. Many good men and women have died to give the information we've acquired, so honor their sacrifice by listening, and doing as you are told. If you fail to do so, do not find yourself suprised to find yourself at the bottom of the sea... Or the Leviathan's stomach. We have discovered the creature moves with a purpose. It targets the larger vessels first, and goes after the smaller vessels second. It's likely it follows the simple logic of causing as many victims as possible, eating the largest meal it can or simply targetting the largest threat. Why it does this is irrelevant, however, what is important is that it does so consistently. And so this is our plan - My crew and I, who will be going to Sigeto, will take the larger vessel. We will sail during the storm, which makes this trip especially dangerous, but this is vital to our success. The Leviathan sees by sensing the water vibration as well as using it's eyes, and so by sailing during the tempest we partially blind it to us. The waves will be in too much turmoil for him to read our position. The storm will strike a few days from now for sure, as we will conjure it ourselves. We're working in a clock here - The mages of Eachann will conjure the storm over the Morzengeri sea at roughly three days from now. That's when, assuming we sail at the correct time, we should be arriving near the Leviathan's territory. At that time, the larger vessel will engage the beast. - Calm yourselves." Iain says in a commanding tone as murmurs of turmoil begin to form within the crew. "You will be in no danger if you do things correctly. The crates you have loaded in your ship contain not just supplies. They contain a more important weapon. Dry ice." Barely containing his excitement, Asgall jumps in "Aye! Dry ice, lads! Magical, at that. When it touches water, that thing's gonna brew up a cloud of mist that no one can see through! And when that happens, we'll deceive the Leviathan. We weill trick it into believing we're moving towards the tower to attack it by sending out smaller boats in the tower's direction. Unmanned, of course! We will use special torches that will emit a bright light that will make those ships seem larger than they are in the clouds... The beast oughta be fooled by 'em, and move towards the tower to protect it's master, while we will be moving in the completely opposite direction!" Iain nods. "And we will be long gone from it's territory by the time it realizes anything is amiss. Assuming everything goes to plan, that's also when the storm will cease. At that moment our smaller vessel - Which will be rowed by hand up to that point - Will unfurl it's sails, and I will use my magic to guarantee our distance over the beast. If everything goes fine, we should do the three-week voyage to Sigeto in less than one. As for Asgall's crew, your game plan is to take refuge in the nearest island to Éire, the island called Cás Dullahan. Once there, their objective will be to travel from island to island, gathering all information you can on the Leviathan's weaknesses... The people of those islands know much, and should not be underestimated. When you are confident enough in your knowledge, your mission is to kill the beast. Do not worry, however. Should you not succeed before me and Ailos do, we will meet you at Cás Dullahan and aid you in your efforts. That is all. Crewsmen, prepate to sail. All others, go to your ships and train, converse or rest. We will discuss our individual plans in more detail at our own times." As usual, Iain dismisses all with a wave of his hand, and as the crew begin dispersing, you can overhear him and Asgall exchanging farewells. Soon after, the Lord is in his own vessel, awaiting for your arrival. It's time so set sail. ((Please, check the OOC))
  8. Radiata Stories. That game was great.
  9. Well, I'll bite the bullet. Theme me up, scotty.
  10. Note: The members of Iain's party will be temporarily posting in this thread until the parties have divided.
  11. I'm staring into your soul. (˵◕ᴗ◕˵)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Sazane I got some in my soul warehouse, have them stored away for...purposes. Might be able to find some. ((I recall the stock on blue being small though...))

    3. Cepheus


      Lay thine eyes upon my soul, and you will stare into the nothingness of the void...

    4. Gaunt


      No soul here sorry

  12. Sciences are amazing. Music is, in my opinion, a worthy field to pursue. It ressonates with the heart and soothes the soul. Welcome! I hope you enjoy yourself.
  13. "Well then... So we shall." She taps the staff three times at the floor of the carriage, and it immediately begins to move. "It will be a while until we reach Eachann... So why don't we take time to discuss what we know of our enemy? We should also take our own abilities in account so we can properly devise a strategy... As your party leader, it's only fair I go first: As you know, I am a sorceress. I specialize in the field of thaumaturgy, that is, reality alteration. I am at my most effective when near things I can manipulate either by a more direct control like swords or armor, or simply by hurling them around like stones, furnitures, and at times even our enemies themselves. I also have proeficiency in the creation and manipulation of illusions. Most human beings, if caught by an illusion unaware, will be affected by it - Not because they actually are, but because of how our minds work. You see... If you believe you're on fire, your imagination fills the gaps. The smell, the sound, the pain - you feel them, even if they are not real. However, while human beings should be affected, I'm not sure about vampires. I suspect the stronger ones can see through magic, which means my ability to fight those is effectively cut by half... We will need help to circumvent that." She sighs, then nods. "That's it for me. How about you all?"
  14. Perhaps it wasn't clear enough, but it was directly mentioned in the Starting Point IC: As for Deahman Scail... Perhaps I should've especified, but I was working under the assumption the carriage would be moving until a certain amount of posts so there was time for some character development. I'll write a post making that explicit, I guess.
  15. So, since it seems interest for this has died off, should I kill the project? Or are people simply not posting due to reasons?
  16. Oh, hey, that's quite a nice drawing you made there. Have fun in (and with) reborn!
  17. 1-> Cain also happens to be my favorite character in Reborn. I've asked Amethyst to let me meet him. Several times. She said that if it ever happened she'd quit, the world would implode, or both. ...I think it'd just be fun. 2 -> The link doesn't seem to be working. 3-> Welcome!
  18. 14.5 will run with the new essentials' AI. Whether that's for better or worse remains to be seen.
  19. Right right, swell. Now about that deal regarding your firstborn.
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