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Everything posted by Hypa

  1. 60 rupee's and like 20 posts till ace .... hype

    1. Neo


      Save your rupees, fam.

    2. Hypa


      lol i mean i have 60 rupees to go, well just 3 to go now

  2. Lol sorry but tampon starved npc what exactly is a tampon in these situations
  3. it happens to us all dont worry people have their momments like not being able to work out why i couldnt get my helioptile forgetting that he needed a sunstone to evolve
  4. seeing lionel richie fail trying to get the glastonbry crowd to sing his songs i lolled i felt bad after that tho xD
  5. ummm everyone forgot about the beast that is Lapras its easily my favorite tank its strong has a decent sp.A and Sp.D and with leftovers , Toxic,Rest,Sleeptalk, hydropump/icebeam/surf or you can go for the stall and go with A lapras with Hydration with a damp rock spam rain dance then rest when you need to , then set up with dragon dance and the waterfall everything xD
  6. milotic seems like a good one to try for i will probably save for that then
  7. thats pretty close to reborns mega stone idea so i doubt that'd be the case, maybe a help quest reward or something "i found this i dont know what it is but you can have it"
  8. true story but im still unsure on what to use my link heart on ... do i go for alakazam (worried about his survivability) and hope we get his mega stone or go for something else
  9. pardon the pun highlights the word the pun is based around ,im guessing when the kids get out for school you guys get busy 30 Posts from Ace Now (inb4 ame changes it again to keep me outta ace )
  10. recently i had a massive wave of nostalgia when jak and daxter was metioned in a comment today i had a massive ammount of fun playing jak 3 on ps 2 when i was like 10 years old defo one of my fav games for ps2
  11. i approve for speed hacking i use speed hack to speed up shiny getting time (and female eevee(seriously ouch)) but when people use it to spam gold to get healing items dont forget guys i have to go through your bags to actually catch these pokemon for you i know when you give me the save file pre 1st gym and you have 99 pokeballs its pretty obvious ...
  12. yeah its possible ive done it on 3 savefiles so keep at it wait till you try to get a shiny beldum you will want to rage quit really massively
  13. oh yeah and on another note if anyone asks me to get them axed mons and i find out they have been using CE to affect the game i wont be getting them axed mons, recently had alot through that had a serious use of CE >.< you are already ruining the game you dont need axed mons :0 Rant Over Hypa Away! -zooms off like a superhero-
  14. ive already done a guide on how to get fenniken but i was thinking bout making a seperate guide for hide n seek mons im just not sure if there is enough of them to justify another post
  15. lol crawli's gym puzzle lol await the rage quit xD .... Oh yeah and if you guys can think of any other of the hide and seek mons from rejuv apart from mudkip,fenniken and gothite lemme know
  16. he seems to be on a break from it atm but im sure he will get back to it he seemed to be enjoying his playthrough
  17. more side quests ? yay i get to do more guides :3 unless someone beats me to it, i think i might start doing a guide for the hide and seek pokemon, there is fenniken and mudkip and gothetille if you guys know of any others let me know :3
  18. more of a inacuracy than a bug , shouldnt it say the rock collapsed rather than the wall collapsed when you are mining ? xD
  19. woo welcome to the party im glad you are enjoying yourself you still got about 20 hours of playthrough ahead of you
  20. yeah but i dont think you know how bad bible belt texas is, this stunt by Top Gear Uk went down really well after writing "man love rules" on one of their cars, so i think in texas anyone brave enough to get publicly married has my greatest respect https://youtu.be/pKcJ-0bAHB4?t=5m7s
  21. im kinda scared if its a game changer does that mean some gym leaders will be getting a nice change ? or something if houndoom gets removed i will riot... i would actually like to see bugsie get a bit of a strength boost ive steamrolled him in every playthrough maybe its down to the nature of bug types and their weakness to fire but in any case it would be interesting. New earlier pokemon will be something fun to mess around with and could prove to be a potential nice difficulty increase
  22. gay marriage legal in texas i bet that went well with the religious nutbags, i wouldnt be surprised if they protested against it.
  23. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14712 go to the trade quest and you will find where aipom is , it only appears in one of the trees all you will see is nothing appeared when you headbutt untill you get the aipom
  24. welcome to reborn, the place where you are reborn as an insane version of yourself which fights to regain its sanity from the evil ame :0 but she is all powereful and you shall never escape Hypa Away! -zooms off like a superhero-
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