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Everything posted by Xiri

  1. Uh... just out of curiosity, I'm guessing people that already fought the next leader were beta-testers? What are the requirements to be a beta-tester?
  2. Waterfall is in Ametrine not in Agate - but I think we will face Hardy once we solved the mystery of Agate. ...oh and by the way, may I ask why you always spell the Gym Leaders' names wrong? (No offence intended)
  3. The baby inherits 3 IV values from its parents. In your Venonat's case, it inherited 1 IV from the Ditto, 1 IV from the Venomoth and I don't think you showed the final inherited IV (which I'm guessing is HP) The Ditto's IV doesn't look too spectacular, so yes - if you want, you could try getting a better father (the Pokemon hatching from the resulting egg will be identical to the female of the couple - so you won't end up with a Venonat if you get a 'better mommy') Getting a Destiny Knot will also help in the process of passing down IVs - as it will allow the baby to inherit 5 IVs from its parents, compared to the normal 3.
  4. Xiri

    two questions

    Uh... I'm not too sure about the first question, but for the second question - try posting again here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10709
  5. I'm guessing its just a sidequest... and finding out that Mr. Bigglesworth was responsible for the amount of waste in the area - despite peoples' efforts to try and clear it up.
  6. We can't go back to Reborn City until we have solved the Agate crisis - so I guess we won't be facing Adrienn before Hardy.
  7. Uh... Amaria IS the Water Gym Leader. I'm expecting it to be Ciel too.
  8. Hmm yeah.... don't forget that he killed Kiki, tried to kill us and got his Tyranitar to use Superpower on Amaria (I'm surprised she even managed to survive that).
  9. In Blue: Blastoise Dewgong Articuno Starmie Nidoking Gengar ...But this probably belongs somewhere else. This section is for Reborn Pokemon teams - not competitive.
  10. The only reason I'm doubting Radomus is because well... he seems a bit too obvious (if you don't count Titania that is...). I don't think many people will be too surprised if Radomus betrayed us or something. But otherwise, I agree with your reasons.
  11. ...What did I just see. The hype is getting intense!
  12. I agree that Team Meteor is the most evil organization I ever faced in Pokemon. But Solaris being intelligent...? I never really got that feeling of some sort. Personally, I feel that both Lin and Solaris are beings of brute strength. I have a feeling that these two will be involved in some sort of conflict though. I don't think Solaris is a type of person who will readily take orders from someone else. I wonder when we will be able to fight Lin? IIRC she was a Dragon Leader in the past - so I'm guessing a lot of Dragons are expected on her team
  13. I think this is a careless comment. Hey, if you were in that person's perspective, I doubt you would find it funny. Laughing at others' misery is really disrespectful, just in case you didn't know. The RL Amaria is still alive - so I don't think the IG Amaria will die (unless Shade is incorporated into this somehow and he brings her back to life or something)
  14. I don't specifically have a Pokemon I 'roll' around with very often - particularly because I like to try and use different Pokemon in my team on different playthroughs. But here are the Pokemon I think I used the most number of times: Gen 1 - Tie between Starmie and Lapras Gen 2 - Again, a tie between Espeon and Lanturn Gen 3 - Milotic Gen 4 - Tie between Glaceon and Froslass Gen 5 - Chandelure Gen 6 - Never played Gen 6
  15. Xiri


    I second. I caught a Sableye through this method in Episode 13 too
  16. Hmm... the one that I can think of on top of my head is all the Foongus in Azurine Island
  17. I think Ciel will be given Talonflame... and combined with that field effect... she's going to be deadly *shudder*
  18. Firstly, please don't (in your case) triple-post. It's a rule around here. ...and the next person to talk to is a member of a Team Magma gang that is in North Obsidia Ward. The event ends (for now) on 7th Street. So you can still advance with the event.
  19. You should run into a youngster in the slums. I can't remember exactly, but he should be close to where you fight the Scrafty Gang (I think it was the room before that)
  20. Episode 14's teaser involved Shelly, Blake and Heather. I doubt its going to be Saphira or Charlotte or Noel... because well then they have to side with the Doctor, who has treated them like garbage. If Saphira turns out to be the betrayer, I'm going to hunt you down Amethyst! hehe
  21. Try looking in the Obsidia Slums. And note that this event is not complete yet - so you won't be able to get the mysterious Pokemon in the current episode.
  22. Uh... just a question: I think I recall someone saying that in one of the episode teasers, we were shown Radomus 'maniacally laughing' at the player or something along these lines. I started playing Reborn from E12 so I only know the teasers of E13 and E14.... so can anyone confirm this?
  23. If Radomus IS the orphans' father, why did he abandon them? Lots of people have already speculated this theory (and I too, sort of believe it as well) but why did he leave Anna and Noel at the orphanage while he could have raised them himself? And he DID happen to have a Meteor outfit - which was shown when we were leaving the Castle after our Gym Battle - which is quite suspicious if you ask me. As I have said in my other post, I have a feeling the 'betrayer' will be someone that we least expect - in order to boost up the 'shock factor' - such as Serra or.......... Terra? Lol I guess we'll find out soon enough
  24. Well she did give us Flamethrower (which was surprising - I was expecting something like Incinerate) - so I'm guessing that Thunderbolt won't be too far (I hope so anyway lol)
  25. Your best bet is probably searching for Wild Luvdiscs.
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