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Status Updates posted by Hiss13

  1. I. Hate. My. Goddamn. Allergies. I swear I'm going to get a concussion from all the sneezing fits I've had today...

  2. I had actually completely forgotten that the Velvet Room Attendants in Persona 5 were going to be twin lolis until this trailer. Bring on the twin lolis.

  3. *watches the new Persona 5 trailer* Wait...what happened to Igor's voice...why does he sound so different?!

    1. Marcello


      Assuming the trailer is Japanese, his Japanese VA passed away a while ago now, I think

    2. Hiss13


      Seriously? Oh...that's...Welp. RIP mister voice actor. Your Igor voice will be missed.

  4. "It's a prank, bro!"

  5. Someone...anyone...I need brain bleach...

  6. Ah, the feeling of a fresh new avatar~

  7. I will one day build a mansion like the Scarlet Devil Mansion and fill it with immortal waifus...like the Scarlet Devil Mansion...

  8. When I was a kid and I played Pokemon Gold for the first time, I used to call Ho-oh 'Ho-ho' and postulated a possible relationship to Santa Claus. Good times.

  9. So many characters slowly breaking. So, so many characters.

  10. Ahhh, Sakuya's Fiery Night is amazing. Nuke the Field, Crit Bonuses, Kickass song. What more could you ask for?

  11. Have I mentioned how amazing Aimer's songs are to listen to? Because if I haven't, I definitely should.

    1. Garnet.


      saw my profile and was inspired :]]]

    2. Hiss13


      Nah. That had nothing to do with it. I've just been looping Aimer songs for the past couple of days.

    3. Ikaru


      you are correct!!

  12. A Certain Magical Index Anime's Producer: Season 3 is "plausible". Me: *snorts* You've been saying that for 5 years. Skip to WWIII and the Magic God Othinus Arcs.

    1. Flux


      Give Index 3

      ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  13. It's finally happening! Aleister's finally going to take action personally! Touma and Mikoto vs Aleister is finally going to happen!

  14. In the end, a huge railgun is still a huge railgun.

    1. Anvilicious


      Well. You're not wrong.

  15. Thank you, Flying Witch, for having a little sister character who actually acts like a likable little sister.

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      You should be thanking their parents, not the sibling.

  16. tfw a character's brain disappears for a few moments and tells the enemy how to activate their OP ability, throwing away their one and only advantage...

  17. I actually quite enjoy protagonists who are selfish, hypocritical sophists, especially when they are fully aware of it.

  18. “I am Kihara Yuiitsu. I am the one who seeks romance on a level no one else can ever reach." I love this woman. She's gone fully insane.

    1. laggless01


      Has she ever tried pizza?

  19. M. Night Shamamalamadingdong was here.

  20. If 'Big Brother' in 1984 was instead 'Big Sister', what would be her defining visual feature (like Big Brother's mustache)?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Oh wait... put it into Google Translate just now.

      Well... that uh... that explains everything.

    3. Halloween


      I'd be very disappointed if big sister didn't also have a stache

    4. Shamitako



      おっぱい OP

  21. L-lewd...

    1. Chevaleresse


      But do you approve?

    2. Ojama Yellow
    3. Shamitako


      Yes, you are #SensualLesbian owo

  22. " How could you not know?! That's...that's practically blasphemous. Say you're sorry! Apologize to the funyarinpa! Goodness, you are such a rude woman."

  23. js06 is truly a blessing for the ToAru fandom. There's something about a guy who can translate the light novel so quickly after it's released that's mystifying.

    1. Sutoratosu


      It ain't mystifying... it's called being highly fluent in japanese and having a shit ton of free time on your hands...

      Well, alright, I guess the first part could be counted as mystifying. The shit is incredibly hard to learn fluently

    2. Hiss13


      Learning Japanese in a fluent enough manner to be able to read it and translate it competently is incredibly difficult.

      But yeah, it's more that compared to the translation speed of other light novels, this is pretty damn good~

      Just me being grateful for there being a dedicated fan translator in the fandom~

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