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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Hiss13

  1. I feel so out of the loop about this new status trend...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flux



      But I might as well be computerchippy about it, eh?


    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Everyone seems pretty chipper tonight, lively it would seem.

    4. Zetaark


      Between computers, nightclubs, and spoilers, who wouldn't be?

  2. Run! It's Godzilla!

  3. An entity known as the Unbreakable Dark takes the form of a little girl and proceeds to wreck everyone in sight.

    1. Felicity


      assuming this is Toaru, this is the next loli for for the harem

    2. Hiss13


      Nah. This from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's: Gears of Destiny.

      Something like that would never happen in ToAru. Though an OP loli would...

  4. tfw you realize that you've spent an entire day doing side quests in Tales of the Abyss...

    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      This is good. You are good.

  5. I wonder…if Reborn and Rejuvenation had characteristic genre names like the 'Tales of' games, what would they be…?

    1. Maelstrom


      Tales of Rebornia?

    2. Sutoratosu


      Tales of Rebirth (Reborn- obviously)

      Tales of Revival

      (Rejuvenation- obviously)

  6. Been re-reading Index. Forgot how awesome the God's Right Seat Arc was. Remembering all the hype I had when I first read it…sometimes I wish I could erase specific parts of my memory and re-read the stuff I enjoyed before and enjoy it for the first time again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Caradius


      i can only find the new testaments one cause the old ones were copyrighted.

    3. Skeleton


      i only fell asleep during a stream of the anime 3 years ago but consider this: last order

  7. Someone needs to invent anti-gravity shoes. I want to be able to fly through the air without abandon...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hiss13



      Sadly, I am but a mere biomedical engineer. My specialty directs to the field that would invent cyborgs as opposed to anti-grav shoes


      Personally, I'd be a Speeder who specializes in dogfight type play. Screw the buoys. dogfights are where all the fun complex maneuvers happen.

    3. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Or you can just speed so fast no one can even catch you so you never have to dogfight :^)

    4. Hiss13


      That's why I choose Speeder type. So you can never escape dogfights. Plus, fighting inertia in midair sounds fun.

  8. Walk the path of explosions.

    1. Exalted


      in this brandnew movie walking with julia 2 electric boogaloo

  9. Hey, Mister. I am mad scientist. It's so cool! Sonuvabitch.

  10. If Donald Trump had a Stand, what would it be called?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Caradius


      'Another Brick In The Wall'stand ability: To relocate enemies to different parts of the world.

      Destructive Power: C

      Speed: C

      Range: Infinite


      Precision: B

      Development potential: E

    3. Sutoratosu


      "God's second born son"

      Oh no wait... that's something that Jim Sterling once called himself. NVM

  11. tfw you haven't eaten your favorite food in a while and forget how spicy your parents make it.

  12. *sees the summary for the next volume of Index* "After the fight, Touma and Kakeru meet up at the same school canteen holding a menu. A half naked raincoat girl appears in the city, she's the little sister that even Kakeru fears."…I don't know what to expect here...

    1. Exalted


      expect all kind of shenanigans son

    2. Hiss13


      The thing is, this is definitely not going to be what it seems. Knowing the author, this is a front like NT07's summary...

  13. *hand/arm puns inbound*

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      hey when arm puns are involved its always humerus

  14. I should not have looked at the spoilers for RWBY episode 11…

  15. Hmmm…the more that I read Mitou Shoukan://Blood Sign, the more I realize that it actually could work as an RP setting...

  16. Apparently, "Concerning the Matter of my Former Girlfriend being the Last Boss" was a rejected proposed title for a light novel I'm reading. It's beautiful.

    1. Shamitako
    2. Cepheus


      sounds like a part of "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" xD

    3. Hiss13


      If the former girlfriend in "Scott Pilgrim vs the World" was a summon who was beyond even the gods and was a complete yandere, then yes. Yes it does. (Never read Scott Pilgrim so I can't say)

      (Just playing around here :P)

  17. Liar, Liar. Plants for hire~

  18. Current Mood: My eyes can see your death. It ain't pretty.

  19. Current Mood: Potato

  20. Who is the Best Yandere?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Maelstrom


      There is no best Yandere. Someone who doesn't have the emotional maturity to not react violently as a result of extreme feelings is not attractive in the least. Get a grill who isn't broken.

    3. ShadowStar
    4. Chevaleresse
  21. Okay. Shiroyama Kyousuke is awesome. For someone who's supposedly an OP protag, the guy knows how to fight craftily and against all accepted conventions instead of powering through like most OP protagonists.

  22. So, I finished Kara no Kyoukai 7: Satsujin Kousatsu (Kou) and while it is a damn good movie, I think Paradox Spiral was still the best one. Though Satsujin Kousatsu (Kou) comes in a relatively close second.

  23. Starve Venom Fusion Dragon actually looks kinda cute…is it weird that I think that?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot


    3. Hiss13


      The part during the fusion summon where they pan down on it, it kinda looks like a hungry dog seeing food.

    4. Hiss13


      Now that I have another look at it, it looks kinda like OERD.

  24. *insert obligatory status about Rejuvenation v7 here*

  25. There's a charm in hearing a friend's reactions as she plays through Tales of Symphonia for the first time

    1. Flynn


      Things I remember from that game..

      Kratos is the best

      Lloyd is Robin

      Dwarf codes

      Ironing board achievement

      Sheena is also best

    2. Hiss13


      Oh, she's using the Japanese Audio so 'Lloyd is Robin' doesn't apply.

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