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Zephyrus the Priestess

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Everything posted by Zephyrus the Priestess

  1. ... oh oops okay let me edit that okay fire away. This is going to be a ton of fun for Gunther... hey, at least she'll have that extra fuel to keep her going at the sports facilities!
  2. Kakogo cherta-- Disbelief was written all over her face and body as Gunther stared at the bespectacled, noisy girl, and wheeled to look back at the aqua-haired one from earlier. What was happening that would cause these other girls to essentially choose her or wait for her? Actually... What made them think that they could choose for her and tell her what to do? But before she could take the nearest luggage bag-- who cared whose it was?-- and lug it at the girl, she'd disappeared into the room. Forcing herself to take deep breaths as she squeezed at the little black puff balls around her neck, she tried to convince herself to look on the bright side: at least this way, she was saved the trouble of having to choose whom to share a room with. None of the girls would've made a likable choice to her anyway. As long as she stayed away from her stuff-- especially her penguin stuff-- Gunther could probably... Probably tolerate her. I'll be spending most of my time out of the room, and outside, as much as possible, anyway, she thought. That placated her a bit more. Not like she ever enjoyed staying cooped up in rooms anyway. Normally, she'd just drop her bag at by the doorway, but she didn't really trust this new girl not to touch it, so she headed straight for the bedroom... ... and discovered that there was only one bed. A big one, sure. But one bed. "... Okay, what kind of a sick--" started Gunther. Incredulous, still gripping the handle of her duffel bag to the point her knuckles were white, and grumbling curse words under her breath, she headed for the couch in the living room. Exhaling sharply just so that the girl wouldn't see just how much she wanted to punch a hole in the wall and in an attempt to calm herself, she flung her bag onto the cushions of the seat. "I want the sofa. Gonna head out for a bit," she said, resisting the urge to grunt or speak through her teeth. Then she walked, briskly, towards the front door.
  3. Shapeshifting, maybe. ... Or be that many-things-hybrid that I often declare myself to be.
  4. Welcome, newchild of Blue \o/ wololoooo
  5. At the moment, a rather vague recollection of how her grandfather liked to tell tales about how he was a descendant of the Spartans of Greece. Knowing her Greek history, if he truly were of Dorian descent some way or another, it didn't really show in him; he was a jolly, pot-bellied man who loved wine and beer. It was a fun idea to play with, in her mind, and somehow, the image of her being a Spartan woman fit. She was often more than not laconic and, needless to say, well-built. To cater to the thought, she merely gave her name-- "Gunther. Kerrigan 'Gunther' von Hertz--" and said nothing more. Not like they needed to know anymore about her in this agonizingly long trip up-- they'd all be working together for an indefinite time anyway.
  6. Traditional art! I kind of miss drawing using a pencil instead of a tablet and pen... I kind of miss drawing altogether. >> Incidentally, I wrote a paper on child discipline for school. If you'd like to ask me some stuff such as my views and whatnot, feel free to PM me and I'll get to you whenever I feel like it I can. ~ Anyway, welcome to Reborn \o/ wololooooo. There, now you've got nice, hot, blue flame going on ~
  7. kuna pls if I could I would upvote your interest check a gazillion times over ;-; fkin Graterras man also on that note am leave Umbreon request as reminder
  8. something something stay away from my dark and dragon babies anyway, welcome to Reborn \o/ I hope you like shiny Sylveon cause you've all been wololo'd to blue
  9. Welcome to Reborn! \o/ You'll find lots of folks around here are fond of Water types. Which, though it might not be my favorite type, is a great choice, cause most of the things are color blue. Wololoooo
  10. I was the first one to notice Hukuna's weird tags back in the first Graterras js I should really be working on my character instead of just posting here
  11. HOLY SHIT IT'S FINALLY HERE IT'S FINALLY HERE IT'S FINALLY AAAAAAHAISDHGIOWHTOIJSJTWIOJFEOITMCOISGMKSDLGMLKWEJTKL Zephy.exe has crashed okay I just had to I was waiting for this for like forever akasjglkjsglksjk and now that this happens I can't decide on at least four archetypes ajkghlkjsghjlksdhg anyway rambling and fangirling aside this is still a WIP and a post that signifies that I give all of my yes to this RP even with the long walls of text and detail, which, in themselves, aren't bad things either and kind of help explain how the Graterras world works more. #FIRST BITCHES ... okay sorry I'll stop now
  12. "A Rather DANdy Ode" For the you here now, then, and tomorrow A bit of your time, may I please borrow? I want to let you know how thankful I am To have met somebody so neato, like, dang! For the you who works hard everyday Keeping the lot of us in check day after day No matter what they say, you'll always be Our favorite superhero: Spiderman Danny! For the you who makes us smile even if It ain't your day and you're back's all stiff I know words aren't enough to show the love But lemme ask you: did it hurt when you fell from above? Now my words are running thin and so are my rhymes But remember now and then that you're so fines Grammar ain't got nothing on a person as cool As the one and only SpiderDan; he ain't no fool. #HappyDanAppreciationDay #makeintorealholidaypls #notarap #copoutrhymes #Itried #seriouslythough<3Dan
  13. actually Dad knows how I look actually you all know how part of my face/my body shape looks
  14. Biting her lip and a potentially harsh response back, Gunther gave a brief and rather stiff nod. Probably wasn't enough of a sign. Stepping forward, she jabbed the button for the sixty-third floor-- and, rather gingerly, for closing the door. The sooner the harrowing journey began, the sooner she'd be rid of the damn closed box. Absentmindedly, her fingers fiddled again with the black fluff that was her penguin hat tied around her neck, and her feet tapped without any actual beat or rhythm.
  15. Omo. Dad is gorgeous too. shit from who did my looks come from am confuse
  16. Funny, I joined at first just so I could use the Trainer Card Maker... Then I ended up taking the What Type Are You Quiz, making friends, and here I am one year later, ordained to be the Blue Priestess of Reborn. \o/ The game? Oh, dear child, it's certainly not for the weak of heart. Are you strong enough to survive? ... anyway all that aside welcome to Reborn \o/ wololooo ~ You've arrived at the time when most of Reborn's asleep, but rest assured, you'll be here forever receive a warm welcome from the rest of the community, as well as a welcome song from Arkhidon and EXLink, and greetings from Vinny. Let's see... Rules are to the left underneath your avatar and Member Info, and the Reborn Showdown Server's the place to go to chat, hang out, and battle. Oh yeah, please feed your sanity to Yash's Snorlax. Have a great day!
  17. [13:22] +ZephyrEnyalios: lol, didn't get paid enough for this shit [13:23] %King Murdoc: can someone else continue recording? [13:23] %King Murdoc: i need sleep [13:23] &Blιnd gυardιan: (where are you recording this) [13:23] &Blιnd gυardιan: (and maybe I can stop in a few more sentences and call this a "part I") [13:23] %King Murdoc: the quotebook of course Noivy57 and %King Murdoc left [13:25] • %King Murdoc was one of the whip-bandits [13:25] +ZephyrEnyalios: part I is okay [13:25] +ZephyrEnyalios: is late Anthony810 - Ⓢⓛⓔⓔⓟⓘⓝⓖ left [13:25] &Blιnd gυardιan: Battle-worn and tiring quickly, JanICE falls to his knees in the mess left behind from his battle as the last bandit disappears over the horizon, clutching at his wounded arm. [13:26] &Blιnd gυardιan: Tearing off a sleeve, JanICE makes a makeshift bandage about as easily as an exhausted one-armed man could, and after doing so, collapses upon the red and green sands. @Dark Desire joined [13:27] &Blιnd gυardιan: It is here that his world fades .. to darkness...... [13:27] &Blιnd gυardιan: end pt. I [13:27] Succubus Sazane - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ: Dan. [13:27] &Blιnd gυardιan: TBC [13:27] Succubus Sazane - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ: What [13:27] • +ZephyrEnyalios applause [13:27] Fezzdog: woo clapclap o// [13:27] Succubus Sazane - Ⓖⓐⓜⓘⓝⓖ: The Fuck was that. [13:28] &Blιnd gυardιan: how the fuck should I know LOL [13:28] Succubus Sazane: ...................................... stay tuned for Pt. II of "The Adventures of JanICE", only here on the Reborn Showdown server \o/
  18. when I'm doing something and people disturb me by calling me to do something else when I'm listening to music and somebody calls/texts me, which interrupts the track when people walk slowly in front of me and there's no sign that they're moving out of the way and other things
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