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Everything posted by Azeria

  1. Try To use the Chespin, Bulbasaur, Piplup or Mudkip which you can get through in game events
  2. wait Mr bigglesworth is the cause of the Shit in the Wasteland 0_o wtf i got to go replay this game i am losing it i hope that roar if it isnt Terra is a pUlsa Tyranitar how cool would that be right &^^
  3. Kisharp Dark/Steel Evolution of bisharp if holding Kings rock Basically a Bisharp with a cape and the horn has been extended into a crown Stats Attack 150 Defense 115 Sp Attack 50 Sp defence 90 Speed 129
  4. Good job bro but you know that XY has not a lot of replay value cause of the pretty much nonexistant post game as iits only looker missions and Mega stone colecting
  5. Yeah but remember close combat is ussualy used on rock types if they switch in or have low hp cause their high defence will ussualy let them survive 1 and you know staraptor is dead after that
  6. Swagger Luxray from daycare grinding muhahahahahahhahah th Mechanightmare could nto handle the SWAG
  7. Welcome to the dark side in here we have Monkeys with their hair on fire ................. Infernape master in da house if i had to use 1 pokemon to use for my entire life it would the gen4 starters those guys have been getting ignore by nintendo no Mega's why blaziken got one so why not infernape ..... Pokemon Platinum is the shit Pokemon gen 5 is freaking broken with the badass pokemon cause come on Hydreigon scrfty bisharp samurott volcarona wtf gen 5 you too badass
  8. I havnt played Cod but if this is what goes on i will rather buy gta 5 and Battle field soz to anybody who likes CoD but i dont wanna get murdered by hackers wo know my personal info
  9. Well the arguing seems to have stopped .......for now Damn i didnt think so many people on this forums ha family troubles kinda makes me happy ^^ lol Now i have to go ihave a maths test today
  10. i think aron is gonna go cause remember you get it just before the last 4 GYMS first is serra who he has DUal super effective stab on Then is noel he got a resistance then we have radomus Whom he has resistance against and finnaly luna he isnt resistant to her anymore but can easily knock out 1 or 2 pokemon. Plus he has Rock head stab HEAD SMASH dude over freaking powered
  11. Swagalicous Flygon is Swag. WHat Stunky CANT learn poison jab WY Gamefreak WY Good job by the way
  12. Probably would involve trying to get all pokemon and steeping on every tile in opal and peridot wards ^^
  13. Valiant Barrier : If the pokemon with this ability was knocked out by battle damage (offensive attacks no entry hazards or Status) the next pokemon gets a Protect for 2 turns
  14. Still good enough to take on Serra and Radomus with resistances and he also has a resistance to noel and is super effective against Clefable
  15. War is on Hand this .... This ............ this is SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. No prob its your live ^^ i understand you have problems i just put this up to see how many others have prblems that involve their family
  17. My family have been arguing recently and i cant get out of it.Its making me go bonkers my Mom keeps on screaming at me to do something but i mpretty tired after coming home after judo which takes 3 hours after school. So i decided to make this topic in case any of you have troubles at home Edit.1 School is making me go crazy and My parents telling me to study for tommorows test isnt helping either .... i should really get into another sport to take of some more time from hearing them scream
  18. Yeah Google Chrome has been a Derp recently being super slow and unreacting Probably from all the shit my little sis has been downloading on it
  19. Get an Aggron thats right an!!!!!!!!!!! Aggron this beast has only been used by the champion in his game debutes he is so defensive he can toake on a garchomps eq and still live easily you wan AGGRON for Steel Type PRESIDENT 2014 vs LUCARIO
  20. I feel for you On another note i dont understand why anyone has any problem updating episodes what i do is just download the new episode and move the old folder somewhere else
  21. Dude you just named my favorite Unova starter ^^ unova why you have 1 good starter
  22. Why do You Roar like a Tyranitar Do you liek mudkipz
  23. Now you understand cool ^^ now if only you admit that fire beards are cooler than tongue scarfs
  24. What you sayin i love Greninja more than charizard but dude look at the swag it has it looks like its younger brother Shiny emboar gave it some lessons on how to grow a blue fire beard ... then again froakkie looked weird starting out but grew to become a badass later on damn you greninja WHY you so Badass
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