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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Evan´s speed power remembered me of Nice-kun in Hamatora. Pretty strong if used right, even with a short range. Nice´s was fifty meters or something like that. Soooo game is on guys. Don´t mind the lone blind girl shouting around please.
  2. Ellaria felt the cold stone floor beneath her feet and shivered. She had to take a moment to get her balance back after swinging in the platform like that... And also to listen and feel the place she was on. This is the last circle, right? Then we should be close to getting out of here... Ellaria had mixed feelings about finally reaching the bottom of Hell. The thing she wanted most right now was just to get out as soon as possible. She wanted to end all this endless suffering they all had been through and get off the place along with everybody. At the same time, she knew it was not possible. If Minos´ words held true, then only one would find the way out... and gaining her eyes back to boot sounded tempting. At the same time, she was aware that this would mean leaving Rose, Mr. Ethic, the painter boy and the others inside. She knew all too well the feeling of betraying a friend, and how that had haunted her soul - in fact, she even considered the ride through hell fitting punishment for herself. Sooner or later, she would have to do it again... Or resist the temptation and get locked in this hellhole forever. The girl pushed that thought out of her mind with a movement of her head. It was no good to think about it now. When time came for it, she would show herself and the world who she really was. It was dead quiet. She walked a bit forward, only to abruptly stop at a smooth, polished stone wall. After testing her surroundings for some moments, she realized she was in a corridor of sorts. It would be tough for her to navigate at a place like this, so if she could find someone to help it would be great... "Rose? Miss Rose?" Ellaria shouted out loud, while walking carefully to the right of the corridor, oblivious to the warning written on the floor.
  3. ... Well, my stomach is contorting in pain from diggesting those. You guys are puntastic! Not that I´m called the president of the bad pun club of my school, you know XD Just to note, puns will mean certain death for the characters that use them. It´s PUNishment.
  4. It´s great to know that this thing was enjoyable enough to you guys for it to be reborn after this much time. The time I spent hosting UtH was the best since I came into the forums, and I´m really gratefull you all want to give it proper closure. Thanks a ton, and count me in to the bitter end. And now; You shall prepare for the ride of your life. Only one can emerge vitorious from the Hill; for the rest, an eternity of darkness and despair awaits in the pits of Hell. This is the time to separate the children from adults, the cowardly from the heroes, the weak from the strong. This is when you´ll show everyone your true self. As the circle´s name suggests, you can trust no one, you can love no one, or the pain will be unbearable whatever the outcome is. Do you have the resolve to do so? If so, then - once again - welcome to Hell. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
  5. *eyes sparkling* I´m... not crying. Just passing by after one more busy week (and losing my main modem) and finding this... Is priceless. Next week I´ll probably have got a new modem, and then I´m totally in! You guys made my day.
  6. Welp, after vacations and some two absolutely crazy weeks of classes, I´ve finally found some time to get back in here. Nice to see everything ok and the game getting better (online stuff OP =D).

  7. *jaw drop* Ok, that was great news! Playing online with the Reborn Game... That will be awesome!
  8. Happy Birthday Arkh! Here, have a scarf:
  9. Niiice thread Arkh! And thanks for the theme Stratos, it´s a great song! Already added it to my phone´s library. Here goes my try at it. Stratos This one was presented to me in the RP forums, and it remembers me of the action-packed characters and stories you like to play, mate. Hope you like it! Sheep Just had to be a Fate song XD. Also, Sheep is that guy one can always rely on. This song gives me that impression of calm strenght for some reason. Rose Another one I found the other day, and thought "I have to show this to Rose". Obviously ended up forgetting it, but better late than never XD. It is cheerfull and gracefull like you. Hukuna For Reborn´s greatest story teller. Guess no more explanation needed.
  10. I tore through all episodes with my Swampert and don´t want anything else regarding starters. The level caps are the fairest way of playing I´ve ever seen in pokémon games, since it´s not anymore a question of "capture two-three pokes, overlevel them and go for the kill". For once, you actually need to think to beat the game. Blaziken´s speed is not that good, EXCEPT for the hidden ability Ame let us have from the start, what does not happen in any pokémon game - how that relates to "nerfing anything usable", I don´t know. The fields are easy to use against the leader with a little forethought. And finally, if you try competitive battles online in the Reborn Server, then you´ll see what is a tough game. Reborn is challenging, not overly difficult, but there´s no way a single pokémon will beat the game. It is a great school to open a trainer´s mind to new possibilities and styles of playing. Try different stuff, face the challenge, and you´ll come out a true master, mate.
  11. Ilhabela Sailing Week starting on Saturday. Leading a group of sailors from my school´s team... Takes work, but it´ll be nice ;)

  12. I´ll try to be on as much as possible as an assistant host too, when time comes for Aftermath to keep going. This isn´t going down that easily!
  13. Guys... really sorry. This last month was WAY busier than I antecipated. I ended up taking the lead on some projects of my school´s sailing team, and that combined with end of semester exams... It was crazy, to say the least. I also don´t see my routine getting much easier on the near future, so I can´t promise I´ll be able to keep up with this RP. I honestly think that, unless someone wants to help/take over the hosting of UNbOUND, it will be better to drop it. Thanks for playing with me, and again sorry for letting you down.
  14. /cry Noooooooo, I can´t believe I lost it. Damn end of semester exams. =( Good luck everyone, I´l l try to go reading along!
  15. Kkkk it´s ok, it´s been a tough week here too. Great to see we´re on the move again. I know it is a bit slow now, but fear not: there´ll be plenty of action when time comes.
  16. Oh... That´s a good one. I wake usually spiritually broken and phisically exausted, at around a quarter to six AM. Then I shave in supersonic speed (yes, every-single-forkin-day), put on my uniform and then run to the alley in front of the student´s messroom. There me and four hundred-so sleepy young men and women wait standing, in formation, for 20 minutes to go up and eat. On weekends, I usually don´t wake up. XD
  17. Woah. I thought he´d go with the Crimson Knight for sure. Welp, fighting against him would be cool too. =) Just don´t think it would be a good idea to end up in Seeker´s team. I think Marcus wouldn´t get along too well with a Scholar Knight.(/Blue ofc)
  18. Weeell, that´s what teamwork is for right XD. If you´re ok with it, I´d accept this drawback with no problem at all. As for the amount of time of his second life, I think you might have a better idea of how much is good.
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