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Everything posted by Notus

  1. Uhmn, lot´s of servants there. As I stated, I cannot play two characters, but I could play a Master and drop my Servant. If anyone wants to use her (Hua Mulan, first page, if you missed it) please be my guest. I´ll write a Master right away and post him/her as soon as possible. Dibs on best family, Tohsaka.
  2. Sorry guys, I had to travel for a race on friday and my modem didn´t work on the town I was in. Ansering in order: Murdoc: Really nice character mate, you´re in! I was waiting for the firt character from the Monstrous Races to show up, and that´s a great one. Jory: Jarvis is in as well! How could I turn down a lightsaber wielder? May the force be with him XD. Cool Girl: Welcome, and if you need any help starting on RPs just throw a pm to me . There are also guides by Hukuna and others pinned on the forum, those are quite useful! So, about your character. Myriad doesn´t actually have a known "Underworld", and if you´re speaking about a demon community than that´s a no. No characters here are the chosen ones who´ll rule the world (At least not yet. Who knows?) so two options. You can either tone it down a bit, or have this whole backstory happen in another world and after that she stumbled on a portal and arrived in Myriad. Also, could you that you explain how is she linked to any of the Allied Races´ armies? Other than that, pretty nice character, balanced and with interesting weaknesses. Sutoratsu: Heeeeey Strat, it´s great to have you onboard mate!!! I can´t wait to see what you´ll play this time. YagamiNoir: No problem at all, that´s just their specialization. As long as they keep balanced, I´m ok with it.
  3. Ok Krim, good to go and Bargus is also OK. Welcome aboard guys! Waiting eagerly for your´s, Murdoc, either option would be really interesting.
  4. Hello RPers old and new! There´s a new story in the making on the RP forums, check it out!http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21926

  5. Nice to have you guys aboard! Dobby, Jorgen is ok to go and I´m eager to see him in action! Krim and IntSys, I just have some considerations about your characters. Most important is to avoid having them on high rank positions, as I already have a government system and characters devised for that. On Raziel´s case, I don´t know how much influence the position of Sage of the North would give him, and that might get trouble later on, so I´ll have to ask you to scratch that or maybe make it into a not too important role. Same thing goes to Bargus. I already have the ones who forged the Alliance as NPCs. Bargus could perhaps have contributed on a smaller scale as a local leader though. Also, his feats are a bit too big: although it is expected pf your characters to have distinguished themselves on the battlefield, saying that he basically stopped a war by himself is a bit too much, specially knowing that the other people in Myriad can get really powerfull as well. Try to tone it down a little and maybe add some weaknesses. Other than those modifications you´re both also good to go and look like promising characters!
  6. Hey guys, does anyone remember where do I find the old Reborn League Hall of Fame?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cobalt996


      ...I almost expected Kam's quote to be ":]"

    3. Notus


      ^Kkkkk that would be awesome!

      Also thanks a ton Morshu

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      always been bibs or pineapple to you :]

  7. I´d call that a much longed for sight XD. Welcome back, Rose! Aaand starting the inquiry: What did you dream of being when you were a child? What do you think about it now? Favorite story (movie, series, book, game, whatever the means used to tell it)? One thing you´d like to change about yourself? Your best advice about life in general?
  8. Welcome to the world of Myriad, brimming with life like no other, for it is the intersection of countless universes. Portals scattered across the land generate a constant flux of life and cultures arriving, departing and changing the world with their presence. But a world full of life is a world full of conflict. A long period of wars amongst the many civilizations that inhabit and pass by Myriad has just recently come to an end, but peace is already threatened in the shadows by forces that wish the fighting to rage on. Now the members of the Alliance that has put a stop to it - an improbable group consisting of Angels, Demons, Humans and intelligent Monsters - will have to assemble their best warriors to uncover and stop the plot that threatens not one, but several worlds at once. Will they be able to overcome their differences and work together for the greater good, or will they break apart and fail miserably? The fate of a thousand worlds rests upon your hands. * Welcome everyone! For those who don´t know me, I´m Notus and I´ll be your host in this journey. Before we get started on how to make your characters, here are a few golden rules to follow when playing this RP. * -Respect the other players Everybody here is just looking for fun. Bullying other people is NOT funny. Anyone disrepecting this rule will be excluded from the RP with no chance of coming back. -Respect the Mods Be it me or whoever else is acting as mod, keep in mind that we're using our time to make something entertaining for you. -No Excessive Violence, Sexual Content and Swearing Yes, this RP will have fighting and some dark content, but let's try to keep it civilized. Breaking this rule will also cause expulsion from the RP. -No Bunnying If you're new to RPs, bunnying is controlling someone else's character, and it's not nice in a bit. If you have to interact with another PC, post your actions and wait for the other player's reaction. * In this RP you´ll play as part of a search and destroy team made up of monsters, humans, angels and demons, in an explosive mix of old enemies working together for the first time. It´s more than just stopping the bad guys, it´s about the limits of cooperation and understanding between races. For that, you´ll have to choose between one of the race options listed below, as well as a combat style. When building your character, keep in mind that they should be somehow linked to the armies of one of the Allied Races, since that´s were the government will be choosing from to form the team. Races The most proeminent races of Myriad, who have been stablished in the world longer than others. Due to the nature of Myriad, you´ll have freedom to come up with variations of those, as long as those are not too OP and are approved by the host. Humans Angels Demons Monstrous Races Classes The class sistem in this RP, just as the Race sistem, is somewhat loose to let you build your character more freely. Since characters are all members (or former members) of armies, classes are based on the jobs they chose inside it. Warrior Sniper Mage Spy Character Sheet Pretty instinctive really Name: . Race: . You´re not limited by the ones above, but keep in mind you´ll probably have an easier time dealing with your team mates if you do, since even with all their differences, they´re still allies. Go wild. Race: . Class: . Primary Weapon: . Your character´s weapon of preference, and the one they´re most skilled at. It has to be related with the class you chose. Backup Weapon: . Another weapon you can use effectively, but not as well as your primary one. Mostly guarded for emergency situations. Appearance: . Personality Overview: . Skill Level Overview: . Give us an idea of what your character can and cannot do. That´s specially important for mages, whose power limits tend to be pretty blurred. Try to keep your powers reasonable. Backstory: . It´s best to give this one lots of thought in order to make a realistic character. You may hail from another world or be a native of Myriad, but you must be linked somehow to one of the Allied Races armies in order to be selected for the team. Accepted Characters Jorgen Von Bashfist (Dobby The Elf) Raziel (DragonMasterKrim) Bargus (IntSys) Gabriel Ardelan (Adamance Ascendant) Jarvis Masterson (Jory) Rhaeza(M_Cowher) Jesse Nuscoupe(Ragnar) Luna "Bom" Bomoriel (Hukuna) Karol (InnocentBoy) Misara Vorera (Cool Girl) Lucille Blood (Sutoratsu) Map of Myriad ((In Development))
  9. I can edit mine into an Archer with some ease due to her legend saying she was skilled with a bow and arrows. I might also be able to have her pull a Lancer if needed, since there´s really not much detail on what she did during her time in the army. I don´t plan on making a master though, I´d be a bit too overloaded If I did that.
  10. Aand it´s out in Brazil! Got my first fifty-something mons, beat some gyms, and got Vaporeon and Tentacruel as my best battlers. Also, Mystic all the way.
  11. Name: Boreas Race: Wandering Spirit [Primal Spirit of Air]. A Primal Spirit not attached to a fixed place, one that roams the world. Reasons for this behavior vary wildly from spirit to spirit. Age: 507 years old Appearance: .Generally chooses to manifest as a bird of some sort, which may vary depending on mood and situation, made of air. It´s form of preference is a huge Albatroz. It uses a black feather as an anchor to his manifested self, so this detail is always present no matter what form it chooses. Personality: .Carefree and quite an egoist, one could say. Boreas lives for itself, and only does what it judges interesting or amusing. Although it may be friendly towards others at times, as soon as it loses interest on them it doesn´t hesitate to abandon anyone. It is pretty difficult to form a true bond with it. Class: Air Spirit [Mage, Arcane] Lesser Abilities: Tier 1 Tier 2 Signature Abilities: Storm Caller ((Activated)) Background: Boreas is an old Air Spirit from the North, and one that has decided to live the life of a wanderer. Since it took physical form for the first time and awakened as an individual conscience, it felt the urge to see the world. It first manifested by being bound to a black feather by a human wizard who planned to use it in combat. For some time, Boreas did keep him company in his travels and beared him no ill will for this life was quite entertaining to itself. When it eventually grew bored of following the wizard, it simplly managed to snatch the feather and left. After decades of travelling and watching the world from above it heard of the Underdark. At first it paid no attention, there were other things on it´s mind. But slowly the concept of a city for the Night Races grew to seem interesting enough to make it change course. Unfortunately upon it´s arrival, the city itself was on the ground and Castle Dour, the last bastion, sealed. Since time was a matter of no importance to it, it decided to stay close around to wait for the day it would open up. Is this all right?
  12. Count me in! I´m gonna write my character right away. Question: are half-human / demi-human characters allowed? I think it would be interesting to see how well would one be accepted among monsters, and humans.
  13. Niiice, that is already more than enough for me to get it started: quite a bit of the old gang and some new faces as well XD. Thanks for showing up guys, I hope you´ll have fun with this one!
  14. Welcome to the world of Myriad, brimming with life like no other, for it is the intersection of countless universes. Portals scattered across the land generate a constant flux of life and cultures arriving, departing and changing the world with their presence. But a world full of life is a world full of conflict. A long period of wars amongst the many civilizations that inhabit and pass by Myriad has just recently come to an end, but peace is already threatened in the shadows by forces that wish the fighting to rage on. Now the members of the Alliance that has put a stop to it - an improbable group consisting of Angels, Demons, Humans and intelligent Monsters - will have to assemble their best warriors to uncover and stop the plot that threatens not one, but several worlds at once. Will they be able to overcome their differences and work together for the greater good, or will they break apart and fail miserably? The fate of a thousand worlds rests upon your hands. * Hello everyone! It´s been quite a while, hasn´t it? Things have been going quite smoothly at school lately, so I found time to come back with a new project. In this RP you´ll play as a member of an elite squad set to investigate and supress the movements of pro-war groups in the New Age of Myriad. You´ll be able to pick a character from one of the Allied Races - Angels, Demons, Humans and Monsters - and choose their combat expertise for the journey. I hope to be able to start in another week or two, but while I work on the details I´d like to know how interested you´d be in the idea. Sooo comment away!
  15. Re: Zero Tales of Zestiria the X Arslan Senki (2nd season) Danganronpa 3 Hitsugi no Chaika (suggested by Flux, really good!) Mob Psycho 100 All of the above look great up to now. I think the highlits are Zestiria´s absurdly good animation (Unlimited Budget Works strikes again), and Re:Zero, which is great plot-wise.
  16. Uhmn nope. Forcing anything, even development on others ain´t cool Swampert, that bulky guy who can always be relied on. Helix, of course XD
  17. Potato for sure Nope, sharks are cool with humans as long as there´s enough fish for them in the environment (I dived with some small ones more than once) Showers. Ain´t got no time for a loong bath lately
  18. Time to try and go back to activity in the forums, and this looks like a neat place to start. For those maany people who don´t know me, I used to be pretty active here until about an year an a half, when the fire nation attacked college happened. I used to be a regular at the RPing subforum, took the old Reborn League up to twelve badges and started the EV training guide in the On the Hunt subforum (though that is probably reeeally outdated now). For more info, just ask away
  19. Oh hey. My post count just got past my year of birth. (random unimportant status, episode 1)

  20. Ok, you get points for the Nao avy and the anime reference (won´t be spoiling that for the others XD ). Welcome to the madhouse!
  21. What do you like to do IRL? Do you practice/like any sports? Favourite book? Favourite TV series? Any anime recommendations (since the last one of these I saw from you was a freaking treasure chest)? And most important; Have you been well, mate?
  22. Oi, looks like I´m late. Happy Birthday Arkhi, you´re a really cool guy and never fails to make everyone´s days sound better! All of the best for you mate
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