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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Simon


  2. ._. I swear to god if this starts another AMA wave.. What's the origin of Combat Medic precisely? Also, grats on the 500th post.
  3. Yea if we get a server for it that would be cool. I could host it, but my net is eh. I'm getting better at the game at least, I can solo most of the Boss Monsters but staying alive in Summer is annoying asf.
  4. Just a thread I guess to talk about both versions of the game as well as to see if anyone else here plays it (aside from the people in the Gamer Tag thread).
  5. MEET ME IN THE PIT Happy birthday though Skelly.
  6. DAMN IT. I was gonna do the thread, but was busy getting ready for work. Happy birthday to my boi Spade. Love our funny conversations and how chill you can be. Enjoy the rest of your day man.
  7. It's a somewhat complicated route, but you can get to there via the entrances in Route 2.
  8. Wow, thank you for the kind words mde. I really do appreciate it. I also have to say that thanks to you as well as other members of the fourms for help keeping those sections looking clean and spiffy. But yea, congrats on the post milestone. Here's to even more post milestones! i really do need to post more oml. alot of people have more posts than me that joined way later :[
  9. Kinda late and forgot to post this here, but here are some of trailers that came out recently regarding the gems of Spring 2016 (Jojo: Diamond is Unbreakable and Boku No Hero Academia) Jojo: Diamond is Unbreakable Trailer Boku No Hero Academia Trailer
  10. Ah, I assumed you had one already if you played Pokemon Reborn. But yea, WinRar and 7Zip are ones that I've used in the past so try them out for it.
  11. It should be like any fangame on here where you download the file, extract it to your computer, and then open the game via the Game icon inside of the folder.
  12. It was probably the Specs Jellicent set. But yea, typical behavior on Showdown.
  13. Rest in Piece Phife Dawg. What a legend.

  14. I'll respond to each of your questions individually. If I make an error, someone else can say what I messed up. 1. The fee that you have to pay Gallade is only if you use a custom Trainer Sprite. Otherwise, the card should be free. Also, any modifications made after you made the card (excluding change your moves when still in the 1st Bracket) will also require you to pay a fee. 2. The currency is indeed the Reborn currency, aka Rupees. You get them from either posting, asking for some from other members who are kind enough to give you some, or donating to the Reborn site. 3. There are no trainers. Just leaders. You have to beat at least two leaders to advance from the 1st Bracket, and it increases by three from from that point forward. 4. You have to be on the Reborn Server during the time when League runs, which Friday through Saturday from 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM EST. From there, you can ask how to challenge a leader and such. There was a post actually regarding the whole system either in this thread or in the Hype thread. You must have missed it.
  15. Based off of what I've seen from streams, it's not just farming. IMO, you should get it since the price is relatively cheap compared to other games nowadays and you'll be able to spend a large amount of time playing the game.
  16. Thomas can PM me or any of the Global Mods to do so. Nice and sleek list though Thomas.
  17. Happy birthday Murdoc. Even though we're fellow auth, still haven't talked to ya much. Hopefully we can in the future. Enjoy the rest of it.
  18. I'm not all the most knowledgeable regarding competitive battling, due to me not caring for it all too much, but I would recommend getting a Defogger/Rapid Spinner on it since hazards (particularly Stealth Rocks hurt you badly). Replacing Ninetales with mons like Latios/Latias, Starmie (best choice imo), and Excadrill can work since you have Zard-Y as a Sun Setter. Also, your team gets beaten pretty badly by common Scarf Ground Types such as Lando-T and Excadrill so watch out for them. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will put there thoughts on here so expect a better analysis/recommendation soon.
  19. Simon

    Move Tutor

    I don't believe there is any in Rejuvenation yet. Sorry mate.
  20. Ah, splendid improvement on the sprites. Can't wait to see my trainer possibly getting a sprite Looks like we should be getting the beta for Episode 3 pretty soon. Looking forward to it Caz.
  21. Well, Digimon Adventure tri. 2:Ketsui aired awhile ago and I have to say compared to part one, this definitely an improvement. Aside from the fact not much happens with the first two episodes, you definitely get to see more of characters and their mindsets. Particularly with Joe and Mimi, which I prefer over the duo of Taichi and Yamato. Animation still has its issues, but it has improved alongside the music. Overall, you'll most likely enjoy this if you love Digimon as a whole. Also, the last episode in particular brought up a lot of speculation so I'll wait for others to watch it before discussing it. EDIT: Here are some things I found online that bothered me as well. Beware spoilers.
  22. Ah, my bad Korlif. I honestly haven't looked at this section or rather this thread all too much. Uh.. I guess I could trade you one for a Pawniard.
  23. As others have already mentioned, there is a thread for this. Post there/keep the discussion there instead. Thank you.
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