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Everything posted by Masquerain

  1. I'd like to see Scald, personally. Sometime soon.. I'd like to see more poison TMs and more Bug ones, possibly flying too
  2. Are you saying Cain is a douchebag? D: Cain is pretty cool But you have a point anyway. Fern looks like your average deluded asshole. I do wonder what his motive is for joining the Meteors though, knowing they'll annihilate everything including his sister
  3. Music can not completely alter my day , but it surely can for a short while distract me from a sad mood, or make me feel pumped or fired up for a good day ahead
  4. The name is absolute taurospoop, Paul is too awesome for a Bidoof this one was the 1st ever nickname i gave my 1st ever starter so here goes Cyndaquil(eventually Typhlosion) named Foiry (named after cyndaquil's german name Feurigel which back then I thought was spelled ...the same way as the nickname i gave :v )
  5. I think it would be downright retarded to release it only for the new 3ds especially given that the new and old 3ds are essentially almost the same thing
  6. TIL that some people are quite possibly born with hibernating brains
  7. The field functions to prevent them moves from saving you :V
  8. Yeah, If I had to choose, I'd probably believe in Arceus if anything But who doesn't want access to Amaura's fossil??
  9. Where exactly are you? edit: nvm, you're probably heading to the chrysolia forest, you'll have some fun raging there for a while before you reach Serra(ice gym leader) Until then, nothing much to expect
  10. At this point I think the next one will not be Titania at least, but I still think Amaria or Ciel is possible I think Adrienn will be the one we will have to face before heading off to the desert
  11. Masquerain


    Oh well they DID make a ditto imitate an Arceus so...everything is possible I guess
  12. Masquerain is a category of its own . It has earned itself a place as my name due to its graceful beauty, underrated awesweetness and grace ! But my all-time favorite has always been Absol for its unparalleled design of sheer perfection, and being the disaster pokemon! There's a tragic beauty in an Absol's story ( I'm named after Masquerain but my avatar is an Absol gijinka :> )
  13. Masquerain


    Well, we still have 5 episodes to go, who knows what we will see O: I somehow believe their control over pulses will expand for plot's sake, because there's no way Arceus would succumb to their control if they don't have proper means for it (unless they dont intend to control it and just let it destroy the entire world ...but that'd include themselves I guess :huh: )
  14. yah, well I did say -if we ignore the part where pokemon can murder people and destroy things- xD In reality it really would likely be us being in danger of pokemon than the other way around.. You have a point either way. Pokeballs must have SOMETHING in them to be able to make a pokemon tame as soon as you catch it... As if it was never wild and hostile. what we don't know for sure is whether pokemon as hostile by nature. Probably not all of them are, but they surely would turn hostile if humanity tried to use and control them.
  15. Budew? Cherubi? Cleffa , Pichu?
  16. Don't forget that time when the fake Gardevoir just snatches your key without you lifting a finger or reacting in any way to it xd
  17. Masquerain


    Albeit true, who's to say they won't have developed a pulse that can better control stronger pokemon as well? I sure don't imagine how else they plan on controlling an Arceus
  18. I think it's possible that they announce a game that won't be a spin-off. I mean, if they'd announce it now, it'll probably be out around october/november just like XY and ORAS so it makes sense. If it's a main-series game, my hopes are that it won't be a kanto remake , because.. just..ugh. In theory, we've had so much kanto ... RBY-graphics kanto, gsc-graphics kanto (yes, it counts because kanto is kanto and it's not like it had much of a story to begin with) , FRLG-graphics kanto , HGSS-graphics kanto... basically we've had kanto remade in some form for every generation of a console except the 3ds, so really, i don't wanna see another one. Furthermore, I don't think it'll be another remake so soon, but at this point who knows. They did say in an interview that they try surprising ppl and going for the less-expected choices. My personal hope is that we get a sort of prequel to the XY-verse, possibly in that mentioned region which isn't any of the other known 5. After reading the many theories concerning Zygarde, team E(nergy?) and harnessing energy, it's quite possible to make a fairly good plot out of it in a prequel/sequel to XY . I'd imagine a prequel featuring the mentioned region + kalos or something. (i'd like to see a pokemon war but we all know that deviates way too much from the hand-holding friendship is magic that is the mainstream pokemon games) If the announcement will be a spin-off, well i wouldn't mind a ranger or mystery dungeon game. p.S. @ nepeta100 - I loved pokemon conquest actually xD it was a surprisingly fun game
  19. You guys inspire me to do a 3rd playthrough with a mono-type team o-o I guess i'll be changing my plans and have 4 playthroughs instead of 3 (1 mono-type and 1 when reborn is complete)
  20. Masquerain


    While my first thought was Hypno or Drowzee (after all, a clauncher was sufficient enough for destroying entire buildings and surfaces, image dat howi-imean clawitzer) , but after thinking back to abra, I started having my doubts. In the end however, I decided that maybe Abra couldn't be controlled because Alakazam specifically is rumored for its supercomputer IQ, while other psychic types might be intelligent too but don't specifically possess super intelligence
  21. Masquerain


    Wow you sure lvled that one fast o.O
  22. Bronzong. Don't ask why, just. I have terribad memories of facing it
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