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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Noir

  1. Yay for having Satanic 666 post count


    1. Dypatome


      Next goal: 666 community reputation

  2. Merry Christmas for everyone who is celebrating the day now

  3. Got my training license YAY

  4. I gave you your gift c:


  5. I am a sad sad sad sad sad little thing rn :C

    1. IntSys


      It's fine to feel sad now and then, but recovering from the state is important too~


  7. Quote

    Notice me Rose senpai

    I'm going t


  8. I want to be happy about me being free for 3 months but the fact that I borked today's exam probably saddens me more

    1. Ironbound


      When in doubt, always choose happiness.

  9. Notice me Rose-senpai

  10. I am in need of a person experienced or familiar with Wordpress. Please help me if you are one of these people.

  11. Haha, current centralized metagame is giving me the time of my life now, Bisharp is cleaning all the test teams

    1. Swampellow


      It's crazy and I love it

  12. I'm literally laughing at the amount of high school kids this year who can get A+ in English simply because they watched Shigatsu Kimi No Uso

  13. Alright, I'm going to be inactive until the 23rd to go out to war with exams. Wish me luck.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Gives him Excalibur, the holy study guide

    2. laggless01


      Let's hope the numbers rack up in this case

  14. So I just graduated. Yaay.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spineblade


      Congratulations! What are you planning to do now?

    3. laggless01


      (confetti pops everywhere) Congrats!

    4. KingRyan
  15. Tfw my best review on my work is on a work that's trash compared to my current work spanning years ago, kek

  16. Tfw your brother gets a PS3 in the middle of exam period, and now I'm watching WA2's EE on it. I regret nothing though. This VN is fucking quality for a reason.

  17. Huk if you're seeing this check this out: Poor Aurelion Sol gets rekted by Jhin
  18. Someone get Kataware Doki out of my head

  19. Tfw your brother sneaks into your room, steals your laptop and leaves for Japan for two weeks without telling you and calls you in the middle of the night for the password. God have I never been angrier.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      What the actual fuck man... like just fucking damn, some people...

      Well... he's in japan, so no point making it easier for him. Tell him to get off his ass and find someone who can crack it if he's so damn desperate to use other people's shit without asking...

    3. Noir


      I have every intention of making him miserable, but the damage will stay harder on my end either way.

    4. Tartar


      Am I the only one who'd actually give him the password, to try to make the best of a bad situation, and not have both of you have a miserable time?

  20. Imma play Kimi no Na Wa OSTs during graduation next week

  21. Tfw you've slept 14 hours today because you've been studying a lot for the past few days with only 3 hours of sleep.....I need the coffee

    1. Ironbound


      Praise coffee

    2. Grizzlybrand


      Noir it's about survival

  22. Tfw you forget FF.net deletes your docs after a period of time and now some chapters I was supposed to edit are gone now.....:C

    1. doombotmecha


      wait, really? why would you use such an ugly site then?

  23. Tfw you get best Law student award on top of Best E.Lit student award. Jesus that was unexpected.

    1. Ironbound



  24. My English Literature teacher told me to cut off the words in case my other examiner penalizes me for excessive word count during my A level exams....but fuck, how can you ask me to refrain form writing 2-3k words in 2 hours or so? Why does the stupid limit have to exist :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Neo


      If you can't get your point across in less than that you're deadass just rambling and not adding anything of substance to your writing

    3. mde2001


      I get word limits can be frustrating, but they're trying to make sure you convey your points in the most effective way possible. They want you to think carefully about how you construct your writing to convey deep ideas and understanding without rambling.

    4. Code: PIRULUK

      Code: PIRULUK

      It's okay because having a time limit for an essay is a stupid idea anyway so why care :/

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