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Everything posted by Shgo

  1. futures tomorrow <3

  2. holyshartthatlastpictureisamazingwtf?!!?! ..I mean. You looked alright >>
  3. i. want. dant- i mean vladimir so bad!!!!

  4. tfw jory makes you dc mid LoL sesh and you know he's still going to be in game for at least 30ish more minutes ._.
  5. when amazing songs play that you completely forgot about <3

  6. Didn't end up going out so... Name:Tony Age:18 Birthday:June 20th Location:Australia (city/beach area not the "everything around me can potentially kill me" area >> <<) Height:Last time I checked 6'1" Hair Color:I want to say light brownish? Eye Color:Blue Live With:Brother, Sister, Mum, Dad Pets?:Nope. Relationships?:Semi-recently came out of one :c Crushes lately?:Yep x: Dream Job:Fitness Model Currently Playing:League of Legends Favourite Food:Anything asian Favourite Drink:Grape bubble tea Favourite Color:Purple Favourite kind of Music:I listen to pretty much everything Favourite Band:Rise Against/Evermore/Sick Puppies Favourite Album:Evermore/Man on the Moon: The End of Day Favourite Game:Kingdom Hearts Favourite Genre of Game:See Favourite kind of Music (change listen to play) Favourite Hobbies:Working out (wog stereotyping), NOT cardio, Soccer (more wog stereotyping), MMA, Guitar, Piano, Shit I do when i'm out and sitting in front of my computer in a dark room <3 Favourite Movies:Bleach: Hell Verse Favourite Shows:I didn't know people still watched TV x: Took me over an hour to finish. #distractions
  7. Bored... Considering going out again tonight :/

  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM5oPVCRoOg I less than 3 this so much, you don't understand <3
  9. Yo momma so fat people consider her to be slightly overweight dayum.. DESTRUCTION! what chu got? nothing? yeah, that's right... *shofu style BITCH!*
  10. Way to show us up :c Also, I was forced into posting that pic. soz
  11. Now i'm no Jory, BUT I like to think i'm decent c:
  12. Today was sort of... I don't think there's a word for it x:

  13. tfw you're in chill mode and don't feel like working out, but you don't wanna be slackin' either
  14. So like, i'm pretty sure most of you play LoL and since I actually talk to a few people here. Pop a username below if you're keen!

  15. Front Squats are and always will be the bane of my existence :/

    1. Conor


      legs day in general is the bane of my exsistance

    2. Shgo


      idk i like doing legs, but dem squats ._.

    3. Summer


      Its funny cuz I liked doing squats

  16. Sunkern God used Absorb GIGA IMPACT!1!1!!!!!!!1111!!12
  17. when it gets really hot to the point where even i don't want to walk around shirtless... it's a problem :c

    1. Shgo


      andddd the one person i know who lives close to me with a pool isn't going to be back until friday. fmllllllllllll

  18. tfw you have to wait 2 days until you start LoL bc your internet is being a major bish ._.
  19. I C this tour... and I like what i'm Cing o: so yeah, sign me up please q: Also, Just in case his earlier post doesn't count or something. Jory told me to throw in this post that he will also be participating in The C's theme tour. kthnxbai~
  20. remember what i said about not doing anything... that didn't last long x:

  21. Just going to throw out there that Adaptability makes Crawdaunt a fair bit stronger than Gyara. It also has a better typing x: Other than that i'm loving this post. There are obviously some things that aren't going to be viable no matter what you do, but if more people started making new teams with uncommon threats on them, it could influence people to make teams with uncommon pokes to counter said threats and possibly have their own original sweepers that work well based on their team etc.. More to the point, we'd see new shiz instead of the same old stuff all the time. Either way, I agree and think it's cool that someone finally brought this up q: or we could just keep things how they are and make pokemon boring (come on... i'm not the only one who's thinking that)
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