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Everything posted by Shgo

  1. If I hear one more do da shofu... I don't even know ._.

  2. If I hear one more do da shofu i'm killing myself...

  3. The world ends with me... not Zeke c:

  4. If there is a way to notify me when Ikaru posts songs in here let me know q: that's legit a really nice song c: Anyone else feel like it's not right to type something in here without posting a song? xD This is what I was listening to a second ago, enjoy!
  5. ^ reminded me of this ^ you have to admit sometimes dubstep can sound really nice x:
  6. please just call me more about going out... i'm clearly not sick or anything ._.

  7. I feel a bit better now c:

  8. yeah... i'm definately sick :c

    1. Tiggy


      Of love songs?

    2. Shgo


      bc i'm so sick of love songs, so tired of tears.

    3. Shgo


      but yeah i'm actually sick you insensitive jerk :c

  9. I don't think so but his headphones are out of this world. it. looks. so. cool. nicely done c:
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlGiA0mtG-Q solid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYy5ctb9HAQ also solid. pretty much here so you don't hate on me too much for the first 2 songs... but still an amazing song.
  11. amazing valentines with an amazing girl <3 hopefully you all have an amazing valentines day 2 (me being a day ahead and all)

  12. I think I need new minecraft people bc steph sucks... I mean is completely amazing in every way possible o.o Should probs just switch to hardcore LoL seshes since every person on here plays it and enough people ik have been bugging me about it anyway :J

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shanco


      Reborn has a Minecraft server.

    3. Summer


      Minecraft has a Reborn server.

      Server has a Reborn Minecraft.

    4. Shgo


      Tony no has an IP.

      IP no has a Tony.


  13. Anyone who uses the word fagtard needs to seriously reconsider how they are living their life... I need to stop editing this but fk it q: I just remembered the time when my friends and I had to present this assignment in front of the whole school and I messed up (I think I forgot what I was saying or something) then followed that up by saying shit (you know how you fk up something and you're all like "shit! that really just happened?") so everyone could hear. Not exactly my best moment xD
  14. Hate how every time I buy new earphones they end up breaking or getting lost within like a couple of weeks. Anyone else have that problem? J:
  15. So I put this on fb but was curious to see what people here would comment (if they do) so here goes. Comment below your favourite song atm so I can check out some new music :J

    1. Tiggy


      Cmon-panic at the disco ft. Fun.

    2. Maelstrom


      I Could Be the Best Time of Your Life- Charles Perry.

    3. Diana


      Riot, or maybe Break, from Three Days Grace. Awesome workout music right there >>

  16. Kingdom Hearts <333333333 bc a normal heart doesn't express how much i heart this game c:

    1. Wild Monkey

      Wild Monkey

      Kingdom Hearts is one of the best game franchises EVER in my opinion...

    2. Shgo


      ^ everything you said above deserves a Joey face :J

    3. Tiggy


      It deserves a PK face also :]

  17. I told you it makes your stomach feel messed... I bet you did it straight after eating tho, that may explain why you feel sick xD Rookie Mistake buddy :c
  18. to me it is :c also, arceus is weak pikachu 2strong c:
  19. That moment when you let someone else play your minecraft and she kills you and loses all your shiz... Girls I know and gaming just don't mix :c

  20. MY BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Happy Libra is good Libra ccccccccccc:
  21. Opening that new protein powder container thingy for the first time <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      is that some secret code for using steriods Tony? :]

    3. Shgo


      @Mael ikr. @DD I don't use steroids i'm a good boy c:

    4. Tiggy


      I take steroids i mean what >>

  22. @Hark I may have had a bit of a shuffle sesh to that second one :J I think we all remember this one.
  23. That feel when I completely agree with The C c:
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