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Everything posted by Dana

  1. #wrongmasteries biscuits taste better than potions though
  2. rev up those fryers

  3. Keep in mind that this is still PBE and is likely subject to change. now I'm not bashing your guide too much because at least you'll get a right mind for his kit and abilities as well as test them out before it goes live. If anything it reminds me of a half-assed mobafire build that never get updated. then again this is just a basic summery with a few suggestions, not even considered a full guide. but you did at least do your homework and at least played him a couple times to get a mindset of how a champion works. the standard items fit an average build for any burst mage which anyone can understand, I'm assuming that was your reasoning behind that since you were comparing him to ziggs. Though it may lack and optional items or situational items (not counting you're "little more defense-oriented" items) it does fit the category as a build that someone can recommend to players new to the game. which brings me to my point that if it's still PBE then I would definitely hold off on the build until he goes live. you can talk about your experiences with him and play him some more to figure out what "Exactly" works best with him. I can tell that this is just a really simple thing you put together but I think you can work on it a little more come release. the only really problem I find is the items for your build. now since it's what you use and works for you, that's fine. but they're are better alternatives for "little more defense-oriented" I wouldn't exactly put it into an official build and it actually makes it look less professional; if you wanna fuck around in PvP then it's not bad but if you're going to be serious (and judging by the layout of your review that's what you're trying to go for) you might want to change it up a bit. cause remember, people look at guides so that they can learn the best way to play any champion. So play him some more in PBE, take a look at the the new patch notes, and play him some more when he goes live and then make your final thesis. thank you from putting up with my bad grammar. I hope to hear from you.
  4. In an town where it's winter for 9 months, I laugh at those who complaine about cold weather that I would find warm!

    1. Maelstrom


      Did you move to anchorage too??

  5. Oh Ryan, you are such a Troll. :3
  6. So "Wake Up, Girls" premiered the other day
  7. Wake Up, Girls!

    1. Shanco


      I'm awake, I'm awake!

  8. Pupa

    1. Nico Nico Nii~

      Nico Nico Nii~

      i wish they didn't censor it but oh well

    1. Amethyst


      You have no new messages. To return to the main menu, press 1.

  9. for anime: Madoka - I'm a huge fan of tragedies, and Madoka pulls it off so well! Cowboy Bebop - Probably my favorite set of characters I've seen in an anime. Tamako Market - I really enjoy the slice of Life genre and Tamako's is at the top of my list. (Can't Wait for the film^^) Spice and Wolf - Currently reading the Manga and found interest in the anime and It was truly beautiful. Baccano! - probably my favorite story out of most animes I've watched. For Manga: Attack on Titan - The anime was amazing but I couldn't hold myself back when it ended so I had to read the manga which I caught up to in a matter of hours. Spice and wolf - Started reading around its release, it claims to still be ongoing but I've waited years for a new chapter to be released. Negima! magister negi magi - I was looking for a magical genre and found this little gem. though it's filled with a lot of fan service it had it's moments that stood out and is probably the biggest set of manga volumes I own. Black Butler - Something about Victorian London always has my interest for some reason. A town where you live - Not exactly sure why this is here because It's been at more than 3 years since I last read it and haven't bothered to catch up since, but I do recall getting emotional over some parts in it, then again I was only 15 at the time so I could just be overreacting. Honorable mentions - UQ holder (sequel to negima), To Love-ru, (what got me into reading manga when the series was first released, haven't caught up with the series), My Balls (A wierd manga I read when I was younger and thought it deserves some attention xD) BONUS these didn't make it to the favorite anime list because I haven't finished watching them. but I did play the Visual Novels and thus would recommend you watch the anime adaption of the following: Steins;Gate, Clannad and Clannad after story, AIR, Little Busters, Ef: a Tale of Memories, and Kanon(2006 version). Don't hold me to this list because for all I know the show would try and pull what school days did and pair the main protagonist with every female character in the show. but most of these from what I hear are pretty good!
  10. Lately Kyoto Animation has been making some pretty great ending animations/themes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQv05S090N0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uomsEhfkAJ8
  11. you have to admit, KyoAni did a good job with the animation.
  12. I'm excited.
    1. The Fush

      The Fush

      I'm STILL waiting on this.

    2. Dana


      it airs next week.

  13. let's see what difficulty? VERY HARD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dana
    3. Chevaleresse


      What game are you talking about?

    4. Maelstrom


      So I see you like dying and grinding. You have what we call Naruto Syndrome.

  14. Seriously, who thought it waws a good idea to add Valentines day to the game?!

  15. I think It's easier just to call yall devon. makes it easier to remember.

  16. After taking the MTBI test 5 times I found out that I have (I)nroversion, I(N)tuition, (T)hinking, and (J)udgement. INTJ/Mastermind which sounds pretty accurate.

    1. Dana


      in one of theose test i got INTP/Architect which was 51% (P)erception and 49% (J)udgement

      but the others were about 52% J and 48% P so honorable mention to INTP

    2. Chevaleresse


      INTJ master race

  17. http://prntscr.com/2el2lt I finally have something to look forward to on mondays now... Tuesdays on the other hand...
  18. HAMSTER NO KENKYUU REPORT That is all. Edit: Negima is probably my favorite manga but I don't suggest it unless you mind a countless number of fan service. other than that I strongly recommend Spice and Wolf for It most certainly has been the most enjoyable manga I've read.
  19. Why is it that something bad always happens to my favorite characters.

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