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Everything posted by Ringabel

  1. Ringabel


    banned for liking digimon
  2. Do YOU THINK that god god is real? If you ask me well. I don't think so.
  3. Not to be rude but. Is a dislike button too much to ask for?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amethyst


      There's an option for disliking, yes, but I disabled it. I don't see the point in encouraging negativity.

    3. Maelstrom


      Negative is relative. It's just interest/opinion that goes in the opposite direction, so negative is really at either end. /Mindcrush

  4. i'm gonna try to take out Sigmund or Siggy as i like to call him tonight wish me luck

  5. hey league i'm not really giving up on pnwing you

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ringabel


      thank's for the support FraRPetO

    3. Hyouka


      ._. I remember when I pend last season's x-league then triples tailwind iver dragons happened

    4. Hyouka

  7. Wow pokemon fan base took ya a long time but it was worth it
  8. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm sorry WHAT?!
  9. Well guys i love customizing my sprite but the backgrounds are a fail. Why? There all filled with the colors of black and bladness! But the background that's just a wave and i'm 75% sure you guys got from the surf animation from the gen 3 games. Nothing like places you'd think a real person would be like a forest or cave or courtyard or something that has more then one color in it!. It's really bad when it ruins some cool stuff you get for your sprite like most anything that's black. heck if going to take a pic of "The End" from minecraft as a background then take some other places from video game. Like in the Mario kart games before the race when it pans over the track take some pics from that it could work out well. Or in "Drawn To Life The Next Chapter" for the Nintendo DS some of the level backgrounds are very good looking. And on the over world on the top screen of the DS you can see a map of the place you are in of take pics of the top screen in some of main over world places with a DS emulator and hyper cam or something like that i can see that working out really well. I know some mite think it's a small thing to rant about. Well i have a two things to say to them. #1A small thing is still a thing care some about be it bad or good. #2I'm try to make this a better place with what i think could do some good. And that's all i really have to say. I thank all you for you're time and hope you have a wonderful whenever your reading this.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ctCl2H4UJk
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWkFBAYrKJY
  12. "Oh you have got to be kidding me" -GLaDOS
  13. hi crashed sever

  14. i just got my butt kicked bye aya and i give up on beating the league some day i think i'll make a new league team but for now i wave me flag in defeat

  15. Waiting for a video to upload and i am so bord

    1. Bullet


      It's been scientifically proven, rotomfan statuses alleviate boredom.

    2. Voctrode
  16. i just uploaded a video can't wait for comments


  18. the grass snake is over rated i'll take the sea otter
  19. (21:17:47) Poeseph: Thunder blot isn't a move. Yeah right

    1. Bullet


      I'm pretty sure Thunder blot isn't a move.

    2. Poetic


      Really, feel free to google it. The move is Thunderbolt. Not Thunder blot.

    3. Diana


      Just spell right. Learn how not to make mistakes.

  20. i got the "Mega Man zero collection" for meh DS. just wanted to tell you guys that.

    1. Bullet


      We appreciate your telling us immensely

    2. 片思い


      I don't know what I would have done if you didn't tell us this.

    3. Voctrode


      My day is now 20% better now that you've shared this.

  21. so gen 6 i want so i can haz team with one poekmon from each gen

    1. Bullet


      you could make a 5 Pokemon team.

  22. (08:37) rotomfan63: stop that god damn it (08:37) dinofski: never (08:38) rotomfan63: i used the inonre button i don't even have an ubers team (08:39) rotomfan63: hyicrit (08:39) dinofski: im soooooo funny (08:39) rotomfan63: f*** you (08:39) dinofski: screw you too (08:39) rotomfan63: same here (08:39) dinofski: (hi cass here bad word uwu kthxbai) munch of afghan land (08:39) rotomfan63: your geting baned . and that's what i did to day

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Voctrode


      Also, if you read this.

      (08:39) rotomfan63: hyicrit

      What is that word supposed to be?

    3. Cloud


      what did I just read

    4. Skeleton
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