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Status Updates posted by Oscarus

  1. I was a little of a dickhead, I know. 

    • Not saying or responding to wishes during Christmas' and New Year's seasons
    • Being overall silent in the forum
    • Being serious and hardly laughing at all
    • Forgetting myself and accidentally spoiling plot of the gang just because "it's been public for a while"
    • Not giving a fuck about other people's deaths or tragedies (perhaps the most insensitive was my reaction on Joseph Ratzinger's passing, which was like: "Well, I saw that coming...")

    In fact, I feel like I'm slowly becoming insensitive, bored and way too straightforward, but in a bad way. Just like Larry. 

    But there's a difference here - Larry is a fictional character, within a fictional universe, fullon unique personaliies. And I am pretty much real. And... I don't wanna lose the will to live!


    Maybe it's just me getting desperate over lack of any human contact ("quite unique" for an introvert since early elementary school), or my life is getting repetitive, or it's real depression... or combination for all.

    I know I don't need to say it... well, I guess I just did... maybe because not even my family doesn't want to hear my problems, even daring to say that "depression and all 'mental illnesses' are a figment of lazy humans"



    Do I need to say more? 

    Maybe it's on me for not having close friends in real life... because I wish NOT to be in the vicinity of vandals, drug dealers and third-rated racketeers. 

    And- and why am I saying this? Who will care? Are you trying to make a victim out of yourself, Oscar?


    ...y'know, forget it. 

    Maybe I shouldn't type it... but, somehow, I have the urge to speak about my problems with others whenever I'm feeling under the weather. 

    1. Aphelli


      I don’t know why I’m writing this. I usually give a wide berth to personal advice or comfort talk because many kinder, more empathetic, more eloquent, more reasonable, more insightful people write it better than I can, and I don’t trust myself to strike the right chord. 


      But here, I guess the worst-case scenario is that you decide that at least you’re not as bad as I am. 


      First things first: it’s universal of to have issues, and want to talk about them – if not to a person who can understand you, then shouting about it from the rooftops or writing them on the walls… 


      Second: everyone needs human contact. Even those who used to think they didn’t – I should know, I’m one of them too. It’s not victimhood, just about a need about as deep-rooted as food or shelter. Do you know the rule of threes? About surviving three minutes without air, three days without water and three weeks without food? I read about a fourth “three” lately: three months without social contact. 


      I hardly know anything about your personal situation, but you might need to cast a wider net, as I struggle to believe that everyone you have ever met was as base as you described. 


      As far as I understand, the prevalence of mental health issues in students (I think you’re one) has skyrocketed from an already high baseline. So I guess the main takeaway from this part is that you’re not alone, and other people struggle with similar issues.


      I wish I had material advice to help you “snap out of it”. I suppose that the best way to prevent your life from being repetitive is to just do something new or unusual – but that’s not that much help. Maybe something outside, one way or another? While you can find a lot of excellent content on youtube or different derivatives on other parts of the internet, these coping mechanisms may be insufficient, perhaps because they’re too passive. 


      While boredom may be fought (for instance, by seeking out novelty – be they books, shows, topics of interest, content creators on social media, challenges, IRL projects…), I don’t really have any advice on the topic of insensitivity or being straightforward.


      Finally, regarding the behaviors that you’re accusing yourself of: I think you should keep in mind that you’re obviously not in the best frame of mind to judge yourself.


      Spoilers are a blunder, as are a lack of answer or just acknowledgement to well-wishers (Jan 4th is still completely fine in my book though), but it’s nowhere near the end of the world. “Being serious” is not particularly unpleasant behavior, neither is “being overall silent” – lurking is fine! I have little to say these days too (TOOO is quite stuck, I’m not very good at the game and the rest isn’t really worth talking about). 


      As to deaths… I think it’s fine to not sink in grief every time someone slightly famous passes away. It’s sad, certainly – but it’s usually not unexpected, nor do I think it should be incapacitating. If they didn’t mean much to you, why should you mourn them any more that the other, less famous, dead of the day? And how could we keep going ahead if we’re mourning each day the dead of this day? So I think it’s fine to be unaffected – so long as you’re considerate to those who aren’t, regardless of the reason. 



      Happy new year, and I hope that you get better. 

    2. SharlaSmith44


      *Internet hug from a fellow introvert*

      Edit: At least people acknowledge you exist. Sometimes it feels like people purposely ignore me..


  2. Nowadays, in my life, there's either superluck, or no luck at all. Recently, I've experienced the first one.


    I have a love-hate relationship with gacha games; the thrill of seeing whenever I receive 3⭐️, 4⭐️, or 5⭐️ is addicting... too addicting, in fact. Even though I maintain my F2P virginity, I feel like I'm craving the lottery-like adrenaline a little too much.

    But moments such as those are worth the trouble.


    I haven't rolled for a quite some time in Pokemon Masters (no wonder I have 22k gems right now), so I've decided to test my luck; on Master Banner.

    Master Banner are pretty rare banners with event-exclusive Master Units: those are not only better overall than most in-game units, but also have the Master Passive Skills, which give large boosts to the entire team, which are getting stronger the more allies share the Theme with the Passive (either Type Speciality or Region)

    Now, Master Banners include wholly new "Champion Outfit" for Calem and Serena; those appear to be better Sygna Suits. And, as all Master Units, they have only 1% to be pulled, unlike 2% for all the other 5⭐️ banner-leading units. But, since I ultimately decided not to pull for them, trying to sum up on some other banners, I've decided to do "one random pull", just for gigs.


    For Calem, I got Bugsy (3⭐️), so nothing special

    But for Serena... the screen of Kalos at night made me screech for real, not believing it actually worked.

    But, it did - Champion Serena on my first attempt. I felt like all those Poketubers who got Shiny Legendary from Ultra Wormhole on the first encounter. I was, and still am, stoked. 

  3. A question... Is peace and harmony in life too much to ask for? 


    I know this is not quite the place to ask, but I honestly can't find a better place, especially since my "friends" are apparently defending the bullying-and-toxic kind of behaviors everyone around me loves to present in public and in private life. 


    I honestly could write down an entire article about my life situation... But right now I'm feeling under the weather (and not even Pokemon Scarlet/Violet - perhaps the best canon Pokemon games in terms of plotline - lightened my mood), so maybe one day, one day... 

    1. NeoBolt


      It is a really tough question to answer; but what could assist would be journalling.  Journalling can help quite a bit in dealing with hardships and helps you to strategize on what route to take so that you can tackle a situation.  It can assist you to chisel you into the person you want to be one day.  A suggestion is also to use a self-coaching model (you will see on google) to assess the situations, so you can form strategies that are suitable to you and what feels right to you

  4. The games' not out yet... And many websites, including YouTube, are full of spoilers. 


    While I don't mind spoilers like: "Oh, this Pokemon's gonna get a new evolution/form", or "That plot-irrelevant characters will be one of the Gym Leaders", or just soundtracks, the spoilers about plot, ESPECIALLY those including end-game twists... I HATE THEM WILL ALL MY HEART


    So imagine my reaction, when I listen to Scarlet's & Violet's soundtrack (which, side note, it slaps (at least to me)), only for a brief moment when one OST switches to another on the playlist, when I was awaiting to see what OST it is... and seeing top comment with a MASSIVE, MIND-TWISTING END-GAME SPOILER ABOUT MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS! WITHOUT ANY WARNING!!! 


    And it's not like I entered the comment section to see comments, it just popped up with the OST.

    I was completely NOT prepared for this... And I'll never see them in the same light ever again...

    Which is, is, I... I wanna have that person's fingers cut off and mouth stitched! 



    ...i don't think i'll recover from this disappointment till christmas, I'd say... 

    1. OmegaStellarSolare


      Even if it comes from Serebii.net?

    2. Oscarus


      ...there are spoilers there? I had no idea. 

      Maybe that's for the better

    3. OmegaStellarSolare


      They will come maybe after tomorrow. Just like always did. But not everything at once.

  5. Spoilers to Scarlet/Violet 


    After hearing that Tyranitar will have a Paradox form (either Past or Future Form), I couldn't resist but to see it, and... and... 


    Oh, my, GOD. 

    It's so BADASS - looks almost like Armored Tyranitar from Insurgence, but with more armor, and green spikes. 


    If to trust the leaks about typing and stat spread, it will have Rock/Electric typing, the same HP, Attack and Defense, but only 70 Special Attack, 84 Special Defense, and 72 Speed. That means its' BST is only 570, which is by no means bad, but it's not the 600 BST normal Tyranitar has. Yet, seeing that all Paradox Pokemon have 570 BST, including those based on other Pseudolegendary and Legendary Pokemon (like Salamence, Hydreigon, Suicune, Virizon), and likes of Delibird and Jigglypuff, I think this was to be intended - they would be an equivalent of Ultra Beasts (but cooler) 


    And about the typing... I think Rock/Electric is a bit better defensively than Rock/Dark:

    • Rock/Electric has 4 weaknesses (one of them being x4), and 5 resistances
    • Rock/Dark has 7 weaknesses (one of them being x4), 6 resistances and a immunity

    Offensively they fare rather similarily, with Rock/Dark having a slight edge in "how well they fare against Pokemon in general". 


    Whenever Paradox Tyranitar will be better than Johtonian Tyranitar will depend on the Ability; Sand Stream helps normal Tyranitar being more bulky specially, and makes it a necessary stable of Sandstorm teams. 

    If Paradox Tyranitar doesn't have Sand Stream, it means that specially it's gonna be quite fragile by comparison. Plus all Psyhical Electric moves which are widely accessible... suck. 


    But the Pokemon looks badass 

    And that's what matters 



  6. Quote

    If you are to settle things right

    First use words, and then swords 

    ~ Oscarus 2k22

  7. One question I have, to which I have absolutely no logical nor satisfactory answer, and I wish to know if it even exists.

    To warn you, this is about the latest episode of Pokémon Journeys


    I've seen SO MANY comments where others were whining and crying about Ash's Lucario being defeated and that now Ash won't defeat Leon for sure... All their "opinions" and "analyses" are more pathetic than political campaigns and public discussions in Poland. And trust me, I know what I say. 


    Does the entire Pokémon fandom, like, share a single living braincell, or are they actually that stupid? Everyone that pays just a little bit of focus on plot and anime rules knows that Ash's ace was, and still is, Pikachu - even in situations with him having objectively stronger Pokémon, namely Charizard and Greninja. And he's currently Ash's strongest in PCS; defeating Steven's Mega Metagross even without Mega, and almost singlehandedly putting down Cynthia's Gastrodon and Spiritomb, and he could take out at least one or two more Pokémon was it not for Destiny Bond.


    And even if Lucario WAS the ace... does no one know the one unwritten, fundamental rule existing in, like, almost every sport event? That nothing is certain until the very end? As someone who was watching Inazuma Eleven from years to come, even before knowing what "anime" is, that rule has been engraved in my mind and soul; telling me every time that as long as there's even the slightest of slivers of chance, the tiniest amounts of time left, you should try to pursue winning, no matter the circumstances. 


    I wish to know what the more, ekhm... "human" part of the fandom has to say about the incident. I say that Ash still has a chance - 4 Pokémon left standing against Leon's 3, and Pikachu is completely healthy (I know, he has taken Libero-boosted Scorched Sands, but c'mon, it was not only at the very beginning of the battle and Pikachu is extremely tanky).


    So, If you have an opinion and wanna share it, do it.

    And, from the bottom of my heart, to all non-believers, a very sincere S.T.F.U!


  8. For everyone that've through Grusha has facial hair (hairy beard, goatie, Dali's mustache, or at least some stubble)... 

    I have some bad news. 



    He's clean shaven. 

    And looks a little less feminine when his full face is shown. 

    1. Oscarus


      Screenshot taken straight from one of the older Scarlet & Violet official trailer, so it isn't neither a leak nor a spoiler. Just saying 

  9. S-seriously... will Paldea have ANY new Pokémon which I can say are "bad"?


    Because as of right now, all I've seen are intriguing, badass, derpy in a funny way, or so cute I'm getting diabetes just from looking at them. 


    That includes the new Pokémon from the trailer - at first I thought it was a Paldean Litwick, but... it was an adorable af puppy... which unfortunately I couldn't pet because apparently playing with it causes the exhaustion, lose of consciousness, and even death.



  10. There's a lotta of opinions about newest Paldean Gym Leader - Iono. 

    Barring fanbase's whining and lamenting about character, design, personality and voice acting (which, in my opinion, are awesome... or at the very least unique; like c'mon - Gym Leader who's a influencer/V-Tuber? I don't believe that even in fanmade games I found such a combination), the main 'problem' (or should I say 'conundrum') is her... real identity 


    According to available news, Iono is a character/personality of sorts; a fake persona in fact, just like most (if not all) VTubers have. I don't know if she's just a cyber creation, or also the one with the role poses as her in real life (especially during Gym Battles), but for sure that look and personality isn't the true one, because:

    1. As I said, many/all VTubers and influencers of similar functioning have their public character changed, differing from their real one, more or less
    2. Iono's German and Spanish names, Enigmara and E-Nigma come from "enigma", meaning "unknown". And her Italian name, "Kissana" comes from  "Chi sarà?" - "Who will it be?". That signifies that no one knows truth about her, at least in the public sphere of things. 

    The question is... Who IS Iono actually? Who's hiding behind the mask/image of the most electryfing star of Paldean pop-culture?


    And, a very popular theory says that Iono is actually... Penny. Yes, you heard me right, the 3rd, shy and timid "rival", being one of the most extravagant and flashy Gym Leaders in the entire Europe? I'd lose my shit if that turned out to be true. But, still, that would be one hell of a plot twist, and a very positive one, because the last mega plot twist GameFreak gave us was a bit... heart-breaking, not gonna lie... 

    At first I thought since Nemona would lead us through Paldea League, and Arven would "hire" us to help him gather Herba Mystica, Penny would be a key character in hunting down Team Star... only to be revealed as one of the Admins, if not The Head Boss of all fractions. And now... I don't know which would be more sick from story-telling point, but I sure know that I'd rather be proud of her... rather than feeling the urge to break her back in three pieces. 


    But that'd mean that our passionate chef Arven would be the only "rival" to not have any plot twist/sudden reveal to his character:

    • Penny being the one behind the persona of Electric Leader Iono (or Team Star's Head Boss) 
    • Nemona rumored to be one of Paldea League's Champions
    • Arven... has nothing

    I, honestly, don't want him to have some super mind-breaking twist (like... using the power of Herba Mystica to turn his Pokemon into Titans and, by controlling them, conquer Paldea Region, and then the entire world), but something as impactful, but without breaking immensions. Maybe have some other important character, like some truly competent Trainer, be revealed as his relative, and then reveal that his lack of talent in battling has caused them/his family to reject him, so he decided to use his cooking skills, and gathered Herba Mystica, to show his value as a human being. 


    Why do I say it...? Maybe 'cause I love theorizing, and story creation? And I wanna talk about it? So... @SolareInferno, @Evi Crystal, @Q-Jei, anyone?

    Anything? Any ideas? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oscarus


      If there is one... I'm betting on Clavell. 

      That old man is weirdly silent and peaceful... 

      I believe that his "Treasure Hunt" is a way to garnet great power in order to accomplish vile goals. But I may be overthinking 


      Also... What do you mean "beyond my understanding"? This isn't complex, is it? 

      This theory is but a fast one. 

    3. OmegaStellarSolare


      I might be relieved if your guess might be right but I'm scared when you might go into wrong conclusion.

    4. Oscarus


      Why? If I was wrong, but the actual concept was even better, then that means I have to hone my prediction skills, but I get a new trope to analyze 

      But if the actual concept was objectively worse, then that means I'm better than I thought. 


      It's a win-win, sorta. Panicking and blaming won't help - just pushing toward the future. 

  11. I swear to all what is dear to me - if you ever call a character like N, or Taka "villain", I'm gonna come to your house and snap your fucking neck by 360 degrees! 


    How come people still cannot get the fact that not everyone who's fighting the main protagonist is villain? Those are antagonists, because they are anti-protagonists; it's THAT simple! 


    Not every antagonist is villain. Villain is a creature which commits vile (evil) acts. There are antagonists which aren't villains, like afromentioned N and Taka - they are actually friendly toward MC and, in some cases, create a bond between. But purely because of their association with evil teams and the fact both them and MCs have different, contradictionary goals, they are forced to battle each other. 


    But, in the same vein, not every villain is antagonist - some of them are PROTAGONISTS. Perhaps the most known examples are Light Yagami from Death Note, Momonga from Overlord or Frisk/Chara from Genocide Route Undertale. They all commit acts cruel and evil, while having either little to no remorse about their acts, have no actual, tragic or sympathetic reason to act that way, or both. Because of that, they are classified as THE EVIL, despite being the main characters of their journeys. While the main antagonists (in those cases, L and Sans especially) are the defacto heroes - the good guys fighting the bad guys. 


    I'm ranting about it, because as writer and creator, I'm getting mad about that cardinal, in my eyes, mistake. I know that people might not know about anti-heroes (characters, usually morally good, doing bad things for noble reasons) or anti-villains (characters doing bad things for causes they believe to be noble, yet those are far more complex than one might think, or the true cause is obscured from their sight), but for Arceus' sake, STOP CALLING NICE, KIND CHARACTERS "VILLAINS"! 

  12. I know I haven't been active in the past weeks... But honestly, I'm in trouble. 


    Since the beginning of the academic vacations in June, my self-esteem and feeling of worth have been constantly dropping, just like my physical health (especially in my left injured knee). And in October, when starting my 2nd year, I felt so bad... (especially since the first few days I'd been suffering from gastroenteritis) 


    Frankly speaking, my mental health has reached THE minimum; lowest level since the knee operation 3 years ago. I don't have  depression (I... hope?), but will all the incidents and accidents that happened... I feel like absolute shit. Maybe someday I'll find courage to speak about it... But not now... 

  13. https://youtu.be/vk3Fr9ysPYo


    In all honesty... I fucking love this Pokemon. 

    Not only it is derpy in an adorable way, but also a very interesting way to show the... convergent...? (is that how you type it?) evolution. And that's fascinating - even though I'm not into biology at all, as a creator, I'm amazed at it. 


    I don't give a shit about others trashing Wiglett, because I find it very, VERY, cute, and if I owned a Switch, and had the spare money for the game (I have neither lol), I'd picked Wiglett on my playthough team. Because I would - on playthoughs I hardly care how useful and balanced my team is; I use Pokemon which I wanna use, and that's the bottom line. 

  14. In our world, we've had "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton 


    In Pokemon world, they have "The Champion Killer" Ash Ketchum 


    Excellent performance, Ash! 

    2 down, 1 to go! 

    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Can wait to see the battle between him and Leon. Hope this will be a spectacular and intense one😄

    2. Oscarus


      ...at least I hope Ash won't be curbstomp'd like Alain and Diantha

  15. I'm planning to participate in the newly created Polish "Pokemon Online League" of sorts based on Radical Red game and on Showdown. And the stakes are high, as there's a chance that the best might join the now-forming Elite Four (or Elite... I don't know how many - as of right now there is Elite Two). 


    I've been playing on Showdown for a few days to sharpen my skills and to test new strategies and... yeah... OU and National Dex of Gens 7 and 8 aren't very "friendly" to me - except like, literally, 2, 3, maybe 4 players; all the others had at least 3 Legendaries/Mythicals/Ultra Beasts at their disposal, which is a huge problem because:

    1. That Pokemon League bans the usage of all Legendary and Legendary-like Pokemon (you can only use normal ones + Radical Red exclusives) 
    2. Many of those Legendaries are so unique that I can't find any equivalent of them in standard fare 
    3. Many of the Legends are broken and can hard-counter my strategies if I make ONE wrong mistake (and it doesn't have to be a mistake; just wrong lead Pokemon is enough). Trust me, not even Surging Strikes Floatzel is on their level. 

    And, yes, Doubles DO exist, but almost all battles are in Singles; and I've seen Gym Leaders and challengers use rather weird yet effective strategies, like end-game Special Sweeper Meganium. 

    UU tier and lower could solve the Legends problem... but many of the Pokemon I wish to use are in OU (or even Ubers; but still legal there), and that screws things up, in my opinion. 


    Eventually, I might just go YOLO there and test my luck and experience. 

    ...welp...i'll contact ya if I finish it. 

  16. So~... In Scarlet and Violet there WILL be a three different stories. If I understood correctly (which I doubt it), those will be:

    • fighting off the school's rebellious group 
    • seeking the legendary herbal treasure
    • good ol' Gym Challenge 

    But... Will we have to complete all of them in one go, or just one at a time... or just one per save file? We'll see. 


    The new characters introduced were few, but not worse than the previous ones: 

    • Mela is extravagant and lousy as fuck; but at least that's unique to canon Pokemon universe
    • Brassius is a very unique Grass Leader; as all previous Grass specialists (Erika, Gardenia, Cilan, Ramos, Mallow and Miło) are very nice, cinnamon rolls, or both. But he looks kinda... dead; but judging by dialogues, movement and the selection of Pokemon, he's just doing his impression of Andy Warhol. And also, is his ace Sudowoodo? A Gym Leader who's ace isn't in their type speciality? That's unique. 
    • Geeta looks like a truly responsible and professional, yet emotional (in a positive sense) woman, yet there's one "but", which I'll discuss later. 

    And when it comes to Pokemon, Paldea hasn't disappointed me yet, in even one bit. There's not a single Gen 9 Pokemon that I dislike, all are at least "ok". As of those from the trailer:

    • Klawf is yet another funny Pokemon with a funny name (and it's cool to see some aquaric-like Pokemon which aren't Water-type; the only other that comes to my mind are Dratini and Dragonair). Plus its' signature Ability - Anger Shell - is a Shields Down/Berserk, but with Shell Smash effect; alright Ability, not gamebreaking but it can exist 
    • Armarouge and Ceruledge are badass Pokemon, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were Legendary/Mythical Pokemon. Unfortunately, they're version exclusives, which suck, as I'd love to have both of them. Both have amazing signature moves, with Armarouge getting Special Fire equivalent of Close Combat, and Ceruledge getting Physical Fire equivalent of Leech Life. I expect them to be effective in competitive. 

    Overall, I'm excited to see what GameFreak will present to us, because as of right now, Scarlet and Violet can appear to be my favorite canon Pokemon game (but not overall, because I doubt it's gonna overthrow Reborn, Rejuvenation or Xenoverse). 

    Of course I'm not buying the game - I don't own a Switch and I have no intention of getting one, especially now, but that doesn't mean I cannot get excited over new games! 

    1. Leenu


      Gamefreak will never produce a game with the amount of passion that goes/went into reborn and rejuv imo. Just because they have hard deadlines and profit margins to follow.

    2. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      That's true *looks at Let's Go and SWSH games*

  17. Anime spoilers for Ash vs Cynthia ahead:


    Just one episode, midway through, and the battle is already miles better than Leon vs Diantha. 


    The number of different strategies and combinations pulled off from both the sides, could easily tell us about their fighting styles and ways of dueling. While some events were... unfortunate (like Dragonite being bodied by Spiritomb... although it looked almost like Charizard losing to Brandon's Dusclops), the battle as of right now was enjoyable... for the standards of Pokemon Coronation Series Finale. 


    And, as I said, this match tells clearly about both competitors: Ash has talent, but Cynthia has experience. 

    Ash was able to pull out many various tricks and combinations to fight his opponents despite the odds (like Gengar using Will-o-wisp to minimize the damage of Roserade's Leaf Storm and to burn it, Pikachu cutting Gastrodon's Stone Edge with Iron Tail and attacking the slug with its own attack, or using "Counter Shield" to protect against Spiritomb's Hypnosis), and can quickly adapt to any situation. 

    However, Cynthia is far more experienced, which is shown in battle by constantly switching in and out her Pokemon to adjust to the situation and to have the handicap against the opponent. Her Pokemon also have a different types of sets so they might function a different role which suits them the best. She is also seen to be very patient and unleash the ace up her sleeve at the least expected moments - when her Spiritomb's Destiny Bond took out Pikachu - Ash's ace who has taken out 2 Pokemon by himself, and could still fight well. That was a masterful play. 


    As of right now, the situation is 4-3 in Cynthia's favor, but out of the 4 remaining, Togekiss has received some damage from Pikachu, and Roserade is burned; while Ash's three next Pokemon are completely healthy. So actually, the chances are equal for both of them - the one who will use given opportunities the best, will win. 


    To be honest... I don't really care who wins. As long as they put up a good show, it's fine by me. But with an asterisk saying that if Cynthia wins, she may suffer the same fate as Diantha before, so... Yeah. 


  18. Remember how GameFreak presented Leon as one of the greatest Trainers of all time? 


    Anime might've gone a bit too far with that, wouldn't ya agree? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oscarus


      Yeah... I get the reasoning... 

      But wasn't that supposed to be the tournament full of strongest Trainers in the world? 


      I get Leon is #1, I fully do... 


      But to squash Elite Four/Champion-level Mega Evolution specialist, and then the Grand Champion, without even going all out; without Even trying...? That's bullshit. And that comes from a guy who has seen dozens of extra OP Champion+ level characters in fanmade Pokemon games. 


      At that rate, Ash ain't gonna have the slightest of chances. He's on the same level as the others; heck, he even fought Alain and Diantha and was close to defeating both of them - so it's safe to assume he's very close in overall strength to them. 

      Without plot armor or other bullshit, Leon's Charizard will have Ash's Pokemon turn into Ash. 

      I know that I'm "infamous" for having my OCs be incredibly OP in what they do, but... at least they have some other negative traits - mainly mental - that balance things out. 

      But Leon in the anime... The only, ONLY, not-positive trait he possesses is panting with directions. He might be even more broken than Tobias back in the Sinnoh saga; yet Tobias was justified as he was having Legendary Pokemon at his disposal, and was facing Trainers which the strongest of them were on a level of Gym Leaders. Plus, he even couldn't defeat Cynthia. 


      Well... Let's see at least if Ash vs Cynthia will live up to its' name and rank of a "dream match" 

    3. Oscarus


      Actually, Sol, I did notice something pelicular about Leon's style. 


      In (almost) all of his matches which aren't 1vs1 or other battles where Leon can use more than one Pokemon, there's a ongoing scheme: Leon's lead Pokemon faints first, then he basically dominates the rest of his team - very often with one, single Pokemon; but he may occasionally use more. 


      Which makes sense; Dragapult is defeated by (I assume) Hawlucha, then Rillaboom KO's them and all but one of Diantha's Pokemon. 

      That strategy reminds me of Masquerade from the first season of Bakugan; mainly after heroes defeated the alliance of World's Greatests (highest ranked Bakugan fighters in the world - #10 and from #5 to #2; Masquerade was #1). 

      He let the opponent easily defeat his first Bakugan, then defeat all three of opponent in rapid succession (usually using his 'ace', Hydranoid). 

      The difference? We know both the reasons and source of Masquerade's might, but Leon... we don't have any backstory of his,  other than he was growing up in Postwick, he was rivaling with Raihan and Sonia, he's a battling prodigy (just because), his overall knowledge outside of battles is limited (according to Opal) and was the youngest Grand Champion of Galar and one of the youngest in the world, becoming one at the age of 10...   But why and how did he become such great Trainer? What motivations, other than "making Galar great again", does he have? The facts are so limited, no wonder fans are furious over his domination in the PCS - he's like Tobias, but without Legendaries. 


      While at first, while I was presenting my Pokemon OC to the masses, there were some critiques of him being way too strong (in fact, he's in lore even stronger than Leon, defeating him one time in 1vs1 match), but at least he has both backstory and motivations to be strong, plus his talent is justified by his lineage. Leon doesn't have any of those - he's just a overly competent Trainer. 

      Which usually isn't too bad... But in this case, and THESE results, they sure are. 

    4. OmegaStellarSolare


      There’s only one answer :


      Leon trained his team not only physically, but competitively.


  19. Oh shit. I've forgotten about your B-Day! How could I-...?! 


    Well, we haven't known each other for a long time, yet I believe that we might share a few commons with each other. Also, I am constantly blown away by your creativity, and ability to create (many things are incredibly broken beyond belief, though, but concepts are without a flaw). 


    People like you, and you as well, are the reason why I haven't decided to give up on everything and end it permanently... I am thankful that you, and others, exist, because you're making me believe there's a chance for humanity...

    I'm being late, yes, for almost 2 weeks, but... All the best for you, Evi ;-)

    1. OmegaStellarSolare


      I’m very sorry, too. And happy birthday, Evi Crystal. Well, I’ve been a terrible friend to you, have I?

  20. Somehow... I got Archie on my first x11 pull, but I couldn't get Maxie after 4 of those... 

    With Archie situation, I had only 10,46% chance for at least one, while in Maxie's, whole 35,7%


    Is it because I was openly favoring rain over sun - both in Pokemon competitive and in real life - and liking Team Aqua/Aqua Gang rather than Team Magma/Magma Gang? Was that a karma? 


    Yet, I'm not panicking - with banner ending in October the 2nd, and 3rd Anniversary starting now, I've got a plenty of time to get him - and even 3/5'ing both of Hoenn Antagonists. 


  21. Good news: I've gained 3/5 Sygna Suit Steven (Deoxys) in Pokemon Masters


    Bad news: I'm broke lol

    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Congrats on getting them regardless😁

    2. Oscarus


      That unit is truly broken

      While 'tech'nically a Tech, they can be either Strike, Supportive Tech, Offensive Tech, or Support. 

      My favorites are Attack and Defense Forms, with Attack functioning like your average top tier EX Strike, and Defense be like: https://youtu.be/mFpks7EvkQY


      I've had a lot of fun using him... But unfortunately, unexpected Crits can really ruin the experience. 

  22. I wanted to create an potential Pokemon Masters character for Oscar (my OC/avatar) and CHRIST! I've never realized how many Passives are there! Some of them aren't even used... 


    Still, at least it's gonna be interesting to figure out what moves, stats, passives, grids, etc. to give in order to make the unit viable and not broken at the same time. 


    If there's a PM expert here, they are allowed to help me if they want to. 

  23. With Pokemon Presents already presented, I can say a few things about Paldea Region.

    First, let us acknowledge that fans were just joking about Legendary Pokemon being rideable... And it turns out to the true?! Th'fuck?
    But at the very least this is a truly unique usage of box art legends.


    Also, the name of the schools are "Naranja Academy" and "Uva Academy"...?  

    Welp, at least the logos are accurate, as 'naranja' and 'uva' are 'orange' and 'grapes' in Spanish. And those logos have those. 


    About characters, some of them are interesting and I'm intrigued in them, like Principal Clavell (who I wouldn't be suprised if he was the main antagonist with ulterior motives, under the demeanor and appearance of old, intelligent man; and that the 'Treasure Hunt' is to have students help him in his plans), Arven (Spanish Brock and probably the other rival), Grusha (Ice Leader of Paldea League; i think she's usually shy, but in battles she tend to show fangs) and that yet unnamed muscular man with mustache and a big ahoge (I don't know his name, but judging by appearance he might be Gym Leader or League Chairman). Of course, I also have interest in Nemona and Sada/Turo, but we know them from previous trailer, so I skipped them.

    Plus... We didn't get to see the Grand Champion yet... Which is surprising; by that time we've been presented to the Champ of a new region, and it's not like Paldea League is fresh off the oven; it's apparently quite old. Maybe the Championship spot is vacant, like in Uranium, and we have to get all 8 Badges to get to the League Conference and win it. And I hope that there'll be an Elite Four in the game - we don't necessarily have to fight them, but at least they should exist. 


    We didn't see many new Pokemon, except (I think) Poison-Ground Wooper, Normal and/or Fairy Fidough, and Ice or Ice-Steel Cetitan. The last mentioned is my favorite from Paldea so far, with Sprigatito and Wooper behind them.

    Perhaps the biggest relevantion is the "Terastar Phenomenon", which appears to be a 'tad downgraded Mega Evolution'. According to the trailer and the website, Terastar Phenomenon works on every Pokemon, and can give them "Tera Type", which is one from the 18 different types, and replaces the original. It can be once per battle and last the entire match, just like Mega Evolutions. And that moves with the same type as Tera or originals are said to be "extra powered". I don't know how much, but I bet it's gonna be a x2 boost - bigger than STAB, but not ludicrously overpowered. At least I hope; I don't want every attack falling under those categories to be as deadly as Black Hole Eclipse on the New World Field. 

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch
    2. Oscarus


      ...i've fallen right into a trap...

    3. Oscarus



      That was completely accidental, I swear! 

  24. I've finished Pokemon Masters' Main Story on Hard Mode. Basically after completing the Normal Mode, I "spedrun" through Hard Mode... Well, not quite as I didn't use my strongest Trainers, but those with whom I have won the PML Championship (and went through the entire tournament): Partner Pikachu, Professor Oak and Lisia.

    ...but to be honest, I didn't complete ALL Hard Mode battles with them, as, well... they were just lv 100, with absolutely no investment whatsoever (only after completing Hard Mode I did realize I could get Pikachu and Mew to 5/5 Sync Level...oops). But I did all but one - the final battle of the Story Mode; in it I used SS Blue, SS Leaf and SS Red - my strongest squad as of right now. It was an overkill, however, as they were lv 120, with minimal Grid investment. 


    The story itself was great, especially Lear's development; realizing that even the mightiest might need friends and bonds to overcome the hardest challenges. Also, I love how he didn't do the complete 180 of his character, and still was an ass sometimes


    Especially when, at the award ceremony, he was bickering how we have 'postponed' his coronation due to the defeating him in the semifinals - it was golden XD


    Honestly... I kinda want to write an fanfic about Pokemon Masters story: with a bit changed plot, protagonist (Scottie) actually being a bit more talkable, and adding on a perspective of other teams - seeing how they meet, train, etc. (I mean they DO show that up in the game, but I want to show MORE of it!). Ah, and of course, more anime-like battles! Because while they are more anime than in the games with mainline mechanics, I wanna have the teams use a truly unique strategies, impossible to do in the games due to limitations (like, maybe covering the battlefield with smoke, and attacking from it, or having one member of the team to serve as a shield, and protect the more offensive allies). 


    But... I say that, but I probably won't do it because I'm either working, loafing around, having art block, or sleeping. So.... yeah, another fanfiction which I won't do. Add that to the list, alongside with Danganropa, Bakugan, One Punch Man, Future Diary, Saw, Swords and Sandals, and... even more. 

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