Hello everyone! It's been a week since V13.5 has been released (already?!?!?!?!? what the FUCK) and that means it's time for me to start uploading the new music and artwork I've done for V13.5! I'm also including some of the artwork that's been in previous posts, but am including it just in case someone missed it since I know people like having stuff in one place!! In other words, consider this a compilation of all the art that's been done between V13's release and now.
Some keen-eyed people going through the post may notice that some characters and new music tracks are still missing—but do not worry, for those will be uploaded next week instead, or will be drawn at a later point. We're giving people a liiiiittle bit more time to (re)discover these characters. Or we're just keeping them for the next batch bc they're spoilers, lmao. We know a lot of people are on new playthroughs, so unlike V13 we're taking a little bit more time before posting all the funny spoiler bits. (i'm personally gnawing at the cage bars for next week to arrive as soon as possible for a VERY specific reason, but that's an aside. if you know you know and i prefer it if people don't point it out in the comments LOL... let's keep the comments spoiler free from stuff that isn't shown here shall we?)
And speaking of new files—if you haven't done a new playthrough yet, PLEASE start a new save and continue on from that one with future update releases. I promise you it's going to cause way less issues in the long run. Not only is there a lot of new stuff to see and do (including some very neat stuff you would probably miss on an old save if you've done most side quests before), it also just doesn't snap your save in half when entering some older areas like it does right now with old, converted saves LOL. Unfortunately we can't actually fix all the problems with due to how some variables are used. :( We're trying what we can to make the converter catch as much as possible, but some stuff will inevitably break, and we won't be able to fix it. If you want to start a new run of the game but don't want to take a super long time to catch up due to game difficulty, I highly suggest starting on Story Mode and switching back to Classic through Mr. Luck's contracts once you're at current content. The mode is significantly easier than Classic and will be plenty easy to go through for people who normally play on a harder mode. Or don't and stick to Story mode, or just play on Classic! It's up to you!!!!!! The world is your oyster and making use of passwords can make your life easier or harder as you please.
Tiny tangent aside, let's move on to the actual contents of the post, shall we?!?!?! GOSH. I'm putting everything in separate spoilers and categorizing so the post is easier to navigate and not flooded with a bunch of... uh, more separate spoilers. You can just skip to whatever piques your interest the most!
Yes, character artwork and CG's! I figured people would enjoy having the CG's in HD now, considering some show up a bit crusty in-game (thanks RMXP for being SHIT at resizing large images). I've separated everything by chapter, so you can find stuff at your leisure and not get spoiled if you don't want to. Sidequest and main story characters are put in the same spoiler bc otherwise we'd be here another 23094820398 years LOL. Again, note that it includes some artwork of characters that had been revealed in older dev blogs, but it's just to have everything in the same spot!
CHAPTER 1 (Piano Lady, Mr. Luck, Truck Guy & Novae)
CHAPTER 5 (Cairo)
CHAPTER 6 (Melia (New Terajuma attire) & Talon)
CHAPTER 7 (Jenner (Terajuma), Cera, Kreiss & Patty)
CHAPTER 8 (Odessa & Martin)
CHAPTER 9 (Spector (Nighttime))
CHAPTER 11 (Adam (GDC) & Particia)
CHAPTER 12 (Tiempa & Spacea)
CHAPTER 15 (Celine, Erin (Demoness), Amber (GDC), Xara & Jean)
.KARMA FILES - PARAGON (Xenogene quest cast (Saber, Wynn, Adelinde, Enya, Lucile & Sierra))
.KARMA FILES (Registeel quest, by @Cerise)
At the time of this post being made public, the playlist is still being updated! Every 15 minutes a song will go up, totaling at 9 new tracks being uploaded for the first batch. There are three more that will be uploaded next week Sunday on the day the spoiler embargo lifts!
Next to that, Jan has also done an official upload of Ana's Lament on his channel with permission from Glitch!
Finally, Glitch herself has uploaded the new track for Grand Dream City to Youtube and will be posting another track that is used in .Karma Files later!
That's right! As of today, a bunch of the official illustrations for the game are available on my new INPRNT store to buy as prints! If you have a particular fully detailed illustration that you like, there's a pretty big chance that it's available on the store. I plan to add more in the future, but we're starting off simple with what's currently available.
...there's also two, uh, tiny bit saucy prints of two specific characters on there, which some people might recognize them from my twitter shenanigans from the past year or so.
i'd say i'm sorry for also putting them up there, but i'm really not LOL. do with that what you will
I will note that this is my personal store, so I'll likely be uploading things from other series and hyperfixations as well. The store won't be 100% dedicated to Rejuvenation for that reason, but there'll still be a lot of it available there. I'll also post about it if any new Rejuv themed prints go up! INPRNT takes roughly half of the earnings as they do all the production and shipping work, the other half will go directly to me. Soooo, if you want to support me and my work, consider buying a print from there!
That's all for this post! So again, next week the post with all the more spoiler-y stuff will go up. If there's some stuff missing even after that, it's simply for another time in the future, likely somewhere between now and V14's release. Thank you again everyone for having been so patient with all of us over the past few years, and we hope you've been enjoying the update!
As per usual, all the official art can be found back in the official art thread.
Now, we've finally got V14 to look forward to and work towards... Spicy.
See you next week!
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