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An older version of Reborn


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This might seem like an odd question to ask, but is there any way to get an older version of Pokemon reborn? Any websites that can be found where they might still have Reborn that isn't the most updated version? I'm actually, in particular, searching for Episode 9. I'd appreciate any help I can get on this odd request or even just being told it isn't possible,

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Thanks. I figured out I had an older episode in my downloads (funny enough, my save file actually carried over to the older episode), although I might try to find someone willing to give me an older episode. I'll see what I can do then.

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To Episode 9, there are definitely people who have older episodes than that but I don't really think you would need to go that far back.

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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It shouldn't harm your savefile. Depending on the episode, you need insert pokemon in the PC or your game will crash. In this case, place all of your 6th Gen Pokemon inside the PC. Also, if you open the PC and there is a 6th Gen Pokemon in it, it'll crash again.

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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you need to put all gen 6 pokemon in the PC.. extract it and run the game.exe file.. thats it.. also you should be in or near the grand hall.. just so that the map error doesn't occur..

EDIT: dang it.. ninja'd again by simon..

PS.. np simon.. :)

Edited by Aquibex
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That's a shady site. It scares me.

I'll take your word for it.

Thanks for posting it Aqui, I was too tired to do it yesterday.

Can I still request episode 9 from you if it's not too much of a hassle? I agree with Arkhidon here; the site's a bit shady and the link is actually for episode 7.

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I've noticed also that the game keeps the save file from a later episode and translates it into the earlier episode, and so I was planning on using it to get obtainable Pokemon from earlier versions only (because, and I'm sorry for saying this, but the options you get early game in later versions are just awful compared to earlier versions and I need every bit of strength I can get to defeat this insanely difficult game). I know episode 9 has certain obtainable Pokemon in it for a fact that I want on my main team and I think this method is legitimate for a game that uses competitive teams during Gym fights and already has a limited number of Pokemon obtainable in the game at all. To me, I want to have the chance everyone else had when Reborn had just started, and so that is my aim.

Edited by Nightblade370
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