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Surge Story: Chapter 2- "GAOWS" [Completed IC Thread]


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Jory and Neffi walked slowly through the forest, amazed at area's natural beauty. He heard rustling behind him and turned quickly, causing his GAO to start in alarm. He saw a green blur darting through the underbrush, always hovering on the edge of his peripheral vision. It didn't seem to want to get any closer to the pair. Maybe it's another GAO! The thought caused him to grin in anticipation. Since the beginning of training, Jory had fantasized about the possibility of using more than two of the creatures in a battle. The strategic potential was incredible. With three GAOs on the field, it was possible for them to cover each others' weaknesses more effectively. If he captured another, he would finally be able to test his theories. However, he knew Neffi would never be able to catch up to whatever that was. "Let's keep moving," he said quietly. The Nidorina nodded her assent. She knew her trainer had something in mind.

The pair continued on their way for another ten minutes. They had kept on seeing flashes of movement in the canopy, and occasional flights of birds gave their follower away. Finally, they came to a clearing. Jory walked out to the middle, followed immediately by Nefertiti. Then, he turned toward the forest. He scanned the treeline, looking for any sign of their pursuer. Finally, a small green form leapt from a tree and landed roughly twenty feet from Jory and Neffi. Now that it was closer, it was much easier to make out its appearance. It seemed to be a green lizard or gecko of some sort that was walking upright. Its bright yellow eyes shone with intelligence and intense curiosity.


Jory was quivering with excitement. He grinned wildly at the GAO and then at Neffi. This is what I've been waiting for! "Hey, you! I'll make you a deal! If we beat you in a battle, you come with us. How does that sound?"

"Tree," it said resolutely, taking up an aggressive stance. Neffi responded in kind, getting down on all fours and growling at her opponent. Neffi looked back at Jory and nodded. She was ready.

"Alright, Neffi, start it off with your poison spine attack!" Jory ordered. His GAO responded instantly, opening her mouth wide and firing a stream of small poisonous stingers at the gecko. As the needles began their flight, the smaller GAO's eye shone brightly for a moment. IT waited until the attack had neared it, then immediately darted out of the way. It bounded off a tree and flew toward Neffi, winding its tail up for a striking attack.

"Neffi, clamp onto its tail with your teeth and throw it to the ground!" the trainer shouted. Nefertiti leapt toward her foe, latching onto its bulbous green tail in midair. Her momentum carried the pair forward, falling to the ground in a tumbling heap of flurrying claws, hands, and various other appendages. "Now give it a final couple of kicks and hold it down!" Jory said excitedly. The larger GAO easily delivered her final couple of blows, then pinned the smaller gecko-like GAO to the ground.

The small green GAO nodded slowly, closing its eyes. "Tree..." it said slowly. Jory took out one of the newer capsules and touched the button to the creature's head. It disappeared in a flash of light. Then, the ball shook several times before coming to rest in Jory's hand.

"We... We did it!" Jory shouted happily. "We did it!"

"Nido!" Neffi added, jumping in circles around her trainer. Jory pressed the button, releasing the new GAO. It looked up at him expectantly.

"I wonder what I should call you. Are you a male?" The gecko nodded, seemingly grinning bemusedly.

"Then it's settled. You'll be Oliver." The new GAO nodded his head once more.

"Tree!" he said excitedly. Jory put away his ball and took out Sampson's, releasing the fiery steed from confinement. Sampson whinnied, looking down at the new addition to the team. He simply snorted and turned away from Oliver, who in turn crossed his arms and looked away from Sampson.

"Great..." Jory muttered as he raised his wrist, using the Scanner to check his new GAO's status. He smiled lightly and lowered his wrist.

"You'll walk with me for now," he explained. "Let's go explore a little bit more before we head back to base." Jory smiled at his GAOs. This was going to be interesting. It was time to see just what the three GAOs could do together.


Nefertiti (Nidorina, F)- Level 21

Sampson (Ponyta, M)- Level 23

Oliver (Treecko, M)- Level 19

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Kenny released his newest Partner, who jumped onto his Left Shoulder, and was about to start heading back to Ft. Bexly when he heard a voice nearby.

"Let's go explore a little bit more before we head back to base."

Kenny looked down to his GAOs and asked them a question.

"Did you three hear that just then?"

All three of his GAOs nodded, signifying that he wasn't hearing things. He then spoke to his Newest GAO.

"I don't know what to call you, so I should probably come up with a nickname for you. But before I do that, I'd like to know your Gender. If you're a male, fly onto my other Shoulder. If you're Female, stay on that Shoulder."

The New GAO stayed on Kenny's Left Shoulder in response.

"A girl, huh? Well, I think i'll call you Emma, then."

Emma nuzzled her head against Kenny, as if to thank him for the name.

"Now then, let's get you guys healed up."

He then reached into his Bag and pulled out eight Sitrus Berries, giving half of them to Emma, and half of them to Eve. After the GAOs finished their Berries, he spoke to Emma.

"Emma, could you scout out the Area and find out what made that speech we heard?"

Emma responded by nodding, and then jumped into a Tree, and then out of the Tree, and glided in the direction of the Voice they'd heard earlier. A few seconds later, she came gliding back.


"Emma, did you find something?"

Emma landed on Kenny's Left shoulder, and nodded in response.

"Well, then, let's go."

The four of them then headed in the direction of the Voice that they'd heard earlier, Emma riding on Kenny's Left Shoulder, and they eventually encountered Jory, Nefertiti, Sampson, and a Small, Green, Lizardlike bipedal GAO.

"Oh, hey, Jory! so how's your journey in this forest been?"

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Jory grinned at the sight of Kenny approaching through the woods. He waved at his comrade, then waited for the other young man to approach.

"Oh, hey, Jory! So how's your journey in this forest been?" he asked.

"It's been awesome! Kenny, I'd like you to meet my newest friend, Oliver," Jory replied, gesturing to the lizardlike GAO near him. The green reptile crossed his arms and looked Kenny up and down, seeming to stop to focus on the GAO on Kenny's shoulder. Jory watched the exchange, then smiled at Oliver and Kenny. "So, Kenny, who's the latest addition to your team?" he asked. IT'S SO FLUFFY AND ADORABLE! he thought to himself, not keen on having his squadmate pick over his choice of words.

Suddenly, Oliver and Neffi picked their heads up and glanced nervously into the woods. Jory followed their gaze, then looked toward Kenny. "I don't like this. Something's not right..." he said quietly, signaling his GAOs to back away from the trees. In the ensuing silence, a faint, constant sound could be heard. No... Jory thought. The sound became louder. It almost sounded like... Buzzing? Tell me they don't exist. Please, for the love of all that is right, please tell me there is no such thing as-

But Jory never got a chance to finish the thought. The buzzing grew loud enough that it would have been difficult for Jory and Kenny to hear one another. Suddenly, from the trees, burst the single most terrifying thing Jory had ever seen in his life. This wasn't just an ordinary bee. It was well over three feet long and HOLY SHIT WERE THOSE LANCES ON THE ENDS OF ITS ARMS??? Even worse, more of them seemed to be coming out of the trees behind it.


Before he even had time to react, there were nearly twenty of the monstrosities flying toward the group. "FUCK!" the trainer shouted. "Sampson, Neffi, Oliver, on me! Let's go, move it!" I have to stay calm, he thought to himself as his team rallied around him, ready for battle. This time there's no Surge around to bail me out. This is my fight. He looked over at Kenny. No, our fight. "Kenny, move your ass! Get over here and establish defensive formations! Sampson, use your embers attack to thin them out! Neffi, do the same with your stingers! And Oliver... uh..." he trailed off, pausing as Neffi and Sampson began to attack the horde. Three of the giant bees were taken down in the initial salvo, while the rest veered off to one side, and began to circle back in for another attack.

Oliver stood in front of Jory, impressed by his command of the other two creatures, but sorely disappointed in his own lack of participation. After getting beaten so badly by the blue one, he needed to impress his new friends. He gestured toward the Beedrills, then pounded a closed fist into his other hand.

"You want to fight them? They have a huge advantage over you, Oliver!" Jory said concernedly. He looked toward the oncoming horde again. "Sampson, Neffi, keep up the suppressing fire!" The two GAOs obeyed, once again deterring the swarm and taking down another bee. "You know what, fine! We won't be able to hold out like this forever. Do your thing, Oliver, but be careful!" he advised.

Oliver nodded and began running toward the swarm, darting between the embers and poisonous barbs coming from his teammates. Suddenly, he jumped high in the air, flipping several times and landing hard on top of one of the bees. He brought it to the ground and began to viciously beat its head with his tail as the bee flailed helplessly on the ground while the remainder of the swarm circled back around for another attack. More buzzing was heard, and another four bees came out of the forest and joined the swarm. Jory simply stood still, watching the gecko beat the bee's head to an ichorous pulp.

"Alright guys, same thing next time! Kenny, we need your help to beat these guys. If we take too long, they'll overwhelm us with numbers!"


Sampson (LV. 23)- Ember

Neffi (LV. 21)- Poison Sting

Oliver (LV. 19)- Acrobatics, Pound

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Kenny was about to respond when a horde of twenty or so giant Bees came rushing at them. Jory yelled to Kenny to help out, and Kenny yelled some commands to his GAOs.

"Eve, help out Sampson! Ryu, protect the other GAOs! Emma, hit those Bees with some electricity!"

The three GAOs responded, Eve preparing to place her Paw on Sampson's leg, Ryu prepared to launch off a salvo of Punches at the Bees, and Emma let off some Electricity at the Bees.



Eve: Helping Hand

Ryu: Bullet Punch

Emma: Shock Wave

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A few hours had passed and Logan still hadn’t found his way back. Flora didn’t seem to mind as she enjoyed the forest, but Crush became more and more grumpy and refused to help out. Logan tried to reason with it and even suggested to return it to its capsule, but Crush straight out ignored him. The turtle now walked a few meters behind its trainer, when they reached a stream.

“I think we should follow it. At the very least it might lead us to some sort of source or exit…” he muttered. He took a right and continued on his little expedition.

It’s strange that Clemont didn’t teleport me back yet. That means either the mission isn’t over or he’s enjoying this. Anyway, I’ll explore a bit more. If it comes to it I might have to find a place to sleep.

He followed the stream for another half hour or so, when he finally saw someone. He got a little closer and noticed it was Clint. “Oh hey man, good to see you! I’ve been lost for hours trying to find the way back,” he said while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. Navigation never was one of his strong points.

“By the way, this is Flora. She’s my new dinosaur GAO.”

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Clint smirked. Of course Logan had caught a cool ass plant dinosaur. A plantasaur? Well, whatever it was, it was cooler then Diva. He quickly pulled out Diva's capsule and called her back, hoping that Logan wouldn't notice. "Sup, dude," he said as nonchalantly as he could, "That's a pretty sweet GAO you got there he said. But, me I haven't caught anything, yet. I got my eyes on the big prize ya know?" He looked away as he said this. Clint wasn't the best liar around and he hoped that Logan wouldn't be able to see through him.

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“Baaay,” Flora said while rubbing her head against Clint’s chest. The friendly dinosaur obviously liked getting compliments, which earned her a disgusted look given by Crush. The turtle still didn’t approve the new team member despite losing to her.

Logan didn’t notice Crush’s actions as he was confused by Clint’s words. “You haven’t caught anything yet? What was that pink thing just now then? Or did Rocky suddenly change appearances?”

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Clint grimaced as soon as those words left Logan's mouth. He knew he wouldn't be able to hide her for very long and relented. "All right, all right. I did catch something, but... It was an accident. Look I'll show her to you, but you gotta promise not to tell anyone." With that Clint tossed the capsule on the ground and out popped the disgustingly cute puff-ball. Diva's eye immediately caught Crush and she ran up to the blue turtle and latched on, much in the same way she had done to Clint earlier. Clint was furious with the seemingly loving embrace of the proud turtle. "Get the hell off of him Diva!" He called out, but to no avail. Diva stayed firmly hugging Crush. Clint turned back to Logan, "You see man, that's my luck. I was about to catch this cool ass bear GAO and this little puff ball jumped right in the path of the capsule. As soon as we get back to camp I gotta figure out a way to get rid of this thing. Maybe I can trade it to someone or something..."

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Logan started to laugh when he saw the pink ball. He couldn’t think of anything worse for Clint to catch. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. But man, you sure got back luck,” he said while watching the pink thing clinging to Crush.

The turtle was clearly annoyed when he couldn’t shake the pink thing off and it turned worse when Flora started to enjoy the little show. The Wartortle tucked into its shell and started to spin wildly, successfully freeing itself and following up with a spray of water. It then turned to Clint and started doing wild gestures with its paws as if it blamed him.

“Crush, it wasn’t Clint’s fault so stop picking a fight!” Logan said in an attempt to calm the turtle down, to no avail. The turtle ignored its trainer again and wasn’t letting the change slide to let some steam off.

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Clint smirked as Diva flew backwards. "You see that Diva, that's a real GAO, it knows how to defend itself." But, the rude comment seemed to brush off the little puff-ball as it now made it's way to Logan's newest GAO and grasped on hugging it. Clint was mildly annoyed at his newest GAO's level of affection toward, well, just about everything. However he was more interested in Crush right now. The GAO seemed a little wound up and Clint couldn't really blame him. He looked over to Logan, remembering the day they first received there GAOs. Logan and Clint were about to battle right after receiving there GAOs, but they never had the chance. Since then Clint's own partner Rocky had built quite the rivalry against Logan's GAO Ace. Not only that, but the last time Pimparella had fought a water type GAO, Absynthe, the Onix had gotten demolished. From what Clint could see Logan was the perfect partner to train against, and since they weren't teleported back, yet now was as good a time as any. "Well ya know Logan, we never really did get our battle in did we. Rocky's been looking to fight Ace for a while now and Pimparella can always use a good fight against a water type. Plus, ya know I'd like Diva to see a real battle so she can stop being so god damn lovey-dovey. So what do ya say? Wanna throw down?"

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Crush calmed down after he heard Clint’s proposal for a battle and stared at Logan. “Sure, I’m down for it. But if you want Ace to fight, give me a sec. He’s been weakened after some poisoning, luckily I found berries while wandering around the forest so I can patch him up,” he said while getting the supplies out of his bag. At first he planned to save them and heal Ace with a machine, but since the mission wasn’t over he could made use of them now and find some more later on.

He started to ground the berries and make a paste. “Are you sure letting that thing see a battle will help?” he asked while releasing Ace and patching the monkey up before handing Clint the rest of the medicine. “I mean, it looks too friendly...”

Meanwhile Crush was waiting impatiently and started to glare at Logan again. The young soldier noticed it this time and sighed. “Looks like Crush can’t wait to battle. So we’re ready when you are.”

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Clint grinned as he tossed out the two capsules. Pimparella emerged with a huge roar. She was in near-perfect condition right now, the only fights she'd seen today were against the weaker GAOs in the forest, things like Wurmple and Ratatta. Rocky was an entirely different story though. He'd stopped bleeding, but he still looked a little roughed up from the encounter with the bear GAO they'd seen earlier. A long gash covered his side and he seemed to be in pain. "Hey Logan, you mind taking a look at Rocky before we get started? Other than that I think Pimparella and Crush can match up first," Clint took a look over at Crush, "It looks like your turtle is about ready for an ass-whoopin'."

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The swarm of bees continued on their attack pattern, spurred on by the arrival of their reinforcements. They buzzed menacingly and brandished their spearlike appendages at the two trainers. Jory looked at Kenny and nodded, then barked, "Now!" The GAOs began their defense in earnest, with the back line beginning to use attacks on the bees as Oliver and Ryu rushed in. Neffi and Emma were a dynamic duo, firing poisonous barbs and electricity at the swarm. Sampson opened his mouth and began to use his embers attack. Then, Eve's paw began to glow. Sampson's attack grew hotter and wider, causing a rise in temperature that even Jory could feel. The salvo intercepted the swarm, wreaking havoc in the bees' ranks. Sampson's attack hit a group of four bees. Two caught the brunt of the attack and fell to the ground, their blackened forms twitching briefly before becoming still. The other two were slightly charred, and one's wing was singed, but were still flying with the swarm.

Neffi and Emma's attack landed squarely on a trio of the insectoid GAOs, causing them to drop to the ground twitching and filled with small barbs. The remainder of the swarm kept on coming, though, and were eventually intercepted by Oliver and Ryu. The small blue GAO's fist began to glow and he took off like a bullet, beginning to dish out a flurry of blows to a single hostile while the rest continued onward. Oliver leapt and soared through the air, landing with his feet on the back of a bee. The force of the drop caused the foe to lay still on the ground, unable to continue flying or fighting.

The rest of the swarm approached the line of trainers and GAOs rapidly after passing by the melee combatants. All of their lancelike arms began to glow white, and they began to stab at the air furiously as they flew into the cadets' ranks.

Kenny, Sampson and Eve

A group of six made a beeline for Eve, intending to each strike a couple of times as they flew over the helpless looking GAO. However, Sampson jumped into their path, taking the majority of the hits from the bees. They continued past the group toward the treeline, regrouping with the rest of the swarm and preparing to circle back for another assault. Sampson fell to the ground, whinnying in pain as blood began to drip from the attacks. Jory turned, his mouth agape in horror as he saw his friend in agony. "Return Sampson to his capsule and give your GAOs commands!" he shouted to Kenny, lobbing the capsule toward the other trainer.

Jory, Nefertiti, and Emma

The remainder of the swarm flew directly at Jory, Neffi, and Emma, attempting to skewer them on their appendages. Suddenly, Neffi jumped in front of her trainer and stood defiantly in front of the swarm. "Nido!" she barked, standing her ground and seeming to brace herself. A green shimmer appeared in the air around the trio. Every bee who tried to attack them seemed to bounce off of the mystical barrier. They all flew on, regrouping with the other half of the swarm and circling back for another attack. Jory smiled at Neffi. The GAO looked spent and the barrier fell. Once it did, Neffi looked noticeably better. "Let's not overuse that," Jory said quietly. "You don't look like you could pull another one of those off even if you had to."

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the Bees kept on coming, even though a few of them were taken out. Kenny barked some more Commands to his GAOs.

"Eve, get in there and do some damage! Ryu, keep on Attacking as you were! Emma, hit them as hard as you can!"

Eve then attempted to dig into the ground, but froze, as if unable to move. Emma saw this, and jumped to Eve's side, handing her a small, red Berry, which Eve ate. upon doing so, Eve seemed to regain control of her body.


"Mol emol!"

Eve then dug into the ground, preparing to hit the Wild GAOs from underneath. Ryu prepared to launch off another salvo of punches, and Emma prepared to divebomb the Wild GAOs from above.



Emma: Acrobatics

Eve (Cured of Paralysis): Dig

Ryu: Bullet Punch

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Erick kneeled at the foot of the giant stone mound protruding out of the Earth. Genisa stood behind him, watching their surroundings nervously, as if expecting something to show up and start raising hell. In his hand, Erick was examining a few old Arrowheads and Bullets he had found around the place. from what he could gather, this had probably been some battle site or something long ago, from what he had learned during his grade school days, given the location and the fact that there seemed to have been some type of armed conflict here, he figured that the artifacts he was looking at dated back to the "Manifest Destiny" era of the 19th century. Some settlers had probably come into these woods looking for game to hunt... had probably come across a few Native American tribesmen instead, and well, one could only assume that one thing lead to another and things escalated to shoot out. Too bad for the Amerindians that the white settlers had obviously had Gun-powder tech... It's hard to outmatch a Gun and Bullet with just a Wooden Bow and Arrow.

"We should hurry up and get away from here," Genisa spoke into his thoughts. He glanced over at her, annoyed that his analysis had been interupted.

"You've already said that twice now," Erick sighed. "Starting to sound like a broken record... What the hell's got you so eager to move on?"

"I sense Hatred and Anger here... and sorrow..." She answered, taking a few steps away from the mound as she did so. "the type of Sorrow a mother who has to bury her own child feels..."

Hearing that confirmed Erick's hunch about what had happened here. though it was still a bit odd, this mound was over two hundred years old, at least, and yet most of the stones were still visible... vegetation and grass should've grown over this thing in a thick layer by now. He glanced at the ground around the burial site, seeing that for about a meter all around the mound, there was no plant life whatsoever. The ground here was obviously fertile, it was a rich, Earthy black in color, and it was like this all throughout the area, Erick knew that because he had ordered Beldum to tear up some of the ground nearby in several places in order to check. Over head, there was no canopy above the Mound, as if the Trees here had taken special care to Not allow their branches to grow there. None of this made any sense... Plants thriving all around here, and yet as soon as you got three feet away from any point of this thing, the ground is completely barren.

Erick dropped the Artifacts in his hand, standing and taking a look at the top of the Stone construction. there was a particularly odd stone there, one that had a cone like shape and two dots on it's face, along with a crack down the middle that together with the dots resembled a face. For a moment, Erick thought he had actually seen the blemishes on it's smooth surface flash a bright violet out of his periphery when he had looked away, but it was exactly the same as before when he looked back at it.

My mind must be playing tricks on me... He thought to himself as he turned and began walking away from the site. This whole mystery about the lack of plant life was interesting and all, but Erick was no botanist, and besides, he still had to find another GAO partner.

"Come on Genisa," he said as he passed her. "We're done he-" he was cut off as the air temperature plummeted and a strange noise filled the air, almost like the cross between a cry and an electric buzz. After that countless voices began to whisper, they sounded as if they were coming from behind him. He glanced behind him, then did a double take... There was some type of spiraling... purpal and green face... thing... demon was coming out of the stone, like a ghost or something. No... scratch that, not a ghost, this had to be some weird type of Genetically Altered Organism, though that in itself might be a bit of a stretch, most GAOs at least vaguely resembled an animal... Erick had no Idea what the hell this could've possibly resembled. That didn't matter as he took out Beldum's capsule, though. since this GAO had so conveniently appeared just as he was about to resume the search, it was gonna be his soon, end of discussion.

"Stun it!" Erick ordered as he unleashed the blue cylindrical creature from it's red and white sphere. Beldum obeyed instantly, rotating counter clockwise in the air as it emerged and sending a weak bolt of electricity at the Ghost GAO, hitting it squarely. Erick couldn't really tell if it had worked or not, but he didn't let up. "Genisa," he called out next. She didn't wait for him to finish the order however, simply let loose a flurry of small, glowing leaves into the air, all of them honing to a razor sharp edge and then firing off towards the Ghost, hitting it spot on and knocking it off of the tower, where it then lay on the ground, struggling to get back upright. Erick could see that the thing was somehow bound to the work that had been atop the mound. He knew where he would order a strike next, at the weak point, at the enemy's base.

"Beldum," He called. "Send a blast of electricity at that rock on the bottom!"

The Creature again obeyed, rotating even faster as a familiar Rrrrrrrrrrrrr....ing sound filled the air along with the smell of burnt ozone, though that was something that had never happened before. A moment after Erick gave the command, a thick torrent of lightning peeled off Beldum's body, arcing it's across the clearing and colliding with the Keystone of the Ghost creature. a shrill cry of pain echoed up, and the thing retreated back into the rock, the eyes and crack glowing with a violet haze. Erick didn't hesitate, reaching into his pocket and tossing an empty capsule at his prey. it had the stone and bounced off, hinging open and drawing the thing into it after turning it into energy, then falling to the black soil of the barren ground, shaking a few times, then coming to a stop. The young soldier walked over to collect his trophy, gazing down at his own reflection in the sphere.

"Bet Ray's gonna want to see this thing..." he muttered as he stowed the ball into his belt and recalled Beldum. "Now let's get out of here." Genisa didn't have to told twice, she was more than happy to be away from this place... though, with that thing captured now, the feelings she had sensed before weren't around anymore... but still.

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Kenny grabbed Sampson's Capsule out of midair, and pointed it at Sampson as his GAOs Attacked the Bees.


a beam of Red Energy returned Sampson to the Capsule.

"Jory! Sampson's Safe! Catch!"

Kenny then threw Sampson's Capsule back to Jory.

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Jory snatched the capsule out of the air, putting it back on his belt. "Alright, it's now or never! Oliver, I need you to-" Jory began, stopping when he turned back to Oliver. His newest GAO was glowing white. It was undergoing that metamorphosis like Nefertiti! The trainer watched excitedly as the brightly glowing form changed, then began to fade. The new GAO appeared to be a larger lizard that had lost its tail, replacing it with a series of leaves protruding from every major joint on its body as well as the top of its head.


The newly evolved GAO turned back toward Jory, awaiting his command. The trainer nodded and then said, "Oliver, Neffi, go in close and do as much damage as you can. Let's finish this swarm off!" The pair nodded and prepared for the oncoming swarm.

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Logan took a quick look at Rocky and grabbed his bag again. He took out the last of his Sitrus berries to make a stronger edible paste and a spray bottle he got from the medical wing. It basically had the same ingredients as the paste, but helped better with covering wounds. “This is going to sting a little,” he said, “but it should help closing the wound faster. And eat this, it will help getting your energy and health back.”

After he made sure the Lizard ate everything, he turned his attention to Clint. “He should be good to go. And that paste I gave you earlier, keep it around to heal them after battle.”

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Clint accepted the medicine from Logan. "Thanks a lot man." He turned back to his GAOs. Rocky already seemed to be looking a bit better as it was eating the berry Logan had given him. Pimparella however, was looking restless. For whatever reason Pimparella wasn't like the rest of the GAOs, it genuinely seemed to enjoy facing opponents that it had a weakness too. Especially after being embarrassed by Enyo's Totodile. Clint turned back to Logan and lit up a cigarette, "Pimparella's ready to go whenever you are man."

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“Pimparella’s ready to go whenever you are man.”

Crush jumped immediately to action and gave Logan little time to give an order. “Alright, spray Pimparella with some water!” The turtle responded halfway through the order by using water gun, which seemed a bit odd to Logan. Either Crush knew what he would order or it had decided choose its own attack.

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The Onix reeled out of the way quickly, allowing the water to only hit him for a brief moment on her side. Clint took another drag from his cigarette, then barked his command "Wrap that thing up." The great snake responded quickly charging forward at the turtle and doing its best to grab it.

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“Dodge it!” Logan commanded. He knew Pimparella overpowered Crush and planned to fight from a distance. He was about to give his next order when he saw that Crush didn’t move. The turtle just glared at Flora, then at Onix and Logan before it charged at its opponent. “Crush, no!” Logan yelled to no avail. The turtle tucked into its shell and started spinning rapidly and tried to overpower Onix. Logan could only watch as Crush got caught and was forced to pop out again, crying in pain.

“Crush! Use your bubble attack!”

The turtle ignored orders again. It tried to wrestle itself out of the wrap and started to bite in a desperate attempt.

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Clint coolly took another drag from his bogey as he saw that the turtle had been easily wrapped up by his Onix. "All right Pimparella, slam that thing into the ground!" The Onix did as she was told and lifted the turtle as high into the air as it could, then forcefully tossed it into the ground.

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Crush slammed hard into the ground and barely got back up. The turtle swayed a little before regaining balance.
“Crush, that’s enough,” Logan muttered. He couldn’t stand watching his GAO, no his friend, suffer like that. He hadn’t realized the power gap between Crush and Onix. He knew that Pimparella was stronger on brute force alone, but he thought they could make up for it with the water advantage and skill.

Crush looked Logan in the eyes and that was enough for the cadet to understand. Crush had noticed a while ago that it was falling back in terms of power and was desperate to close the gap. The Wartortle turned its back to Logan once again and tried to continue the battle. It sprayed some water at its opponent; clearly missing the power it had before.

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The Onix took the hit head on and was forced to back off for the time being, the spray hadn't done too much damage, but the Onix still didn't like getting wet. Pimparella eyed her opponent, it was weak after her series of attacks and she knew that it was desperate at this point. Clint looked over at Logan, shocked that he hadn't called his GAO back. "Yo man, are you gonna call him back or do you want to keep going?" Clint took the last puff from his cig and looked over at the Onix. "Pimparella, just cool back for now. There's no need to cause any real damage to that thing." With that the Onix, slithered back a short way, keeping it's eye on Crush for the time being.

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