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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Character Name: Sigurd Olafson

Race: Human

Class (Chosen God): Templar (Aelia)

Appearance and Age: Green eyes, long blond hair that reaches his shoulders and a small beard. 23 years old and 5’6”. He travels light with a grey cloak and a dagger around his waist. He carries two swords on his back which he received from the Templar’s Guild of Aelia.

Personality Overview: Proud of his battle skills which rely on skill and speed. Sigurd is highly religious and believes in the life of a warrior. He grew up in a village where strong warriors were respected and he wants that more than anything. Except from that he doesn’t take much seriously as he tries to enjoy life as much as possible. He’s rather goofy and is often with his head in the clouds.
Despite that he’s a survivor, but can’t stand the heat since he was raised in the cold Northern Islands. He has a habit of lying down in the shadow until temperatures cool off and often says things like ‘The Goddess Aelia is smiling upon me today’.

Backstory: His father died during a raid when he was only 3. A few years later his mother remarried the Chief (Olaf) of his village, who had lost his wife. He has 2 stepbrothers and 1 stepsister. He was close with them but couldn’t stand being in Olaf’s shadow forever. He wanted to be known for his own deeds so he decided to make a name for himself.
To earn respect from his kinsmen he decided to become the best archer in the Northern Islands, until one day he discovered the art of Swordsmanship. He received praise for his potential with a sword and started focusing on being a swordsman ever since. During one of his practices he met a Templar. The man approached him and said he had a hidden talent given to him by the Goddess Aelia. At first Sigurd was suspicious since he grew up with stories about how nothing good ever happened when Templars were around; they were cowards practicing magic. Eventually Sigurd gave in to his curiosity and befriended the old man. When he noticed the progress he made under the guidance of the old Templar, he decided to ask him about the ‘hidden talent’ and was offered a place amongst the Templars. He was about to refuse until the villagers discovered the old man. Sigurd was shocked by the hatred in the eyes of his kinsmen and stood up for the Templar, only to be attacked by a few outrageous villagers as well. He fled his village and joined the Templars. After a few years polishing his skills he decided to travel around the world, gaining achievements. Deep down he hopes that his deeds will reach his village and that one day his kinsmen will accept him once again.

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Here's a rookie warrior! If you feel anything is out of place please tell me.

Character name: Marcus Arthai

Race: Human

Class(Chosen God): Templar(Pyron)

-Appearance and age: 1,80 meter tall, lean and strong. He has dark green eyes, coal black hair and generally wears a good quality red and black light armor with his family arms embroidered on it. He carries a red shield in his back and a bastard sword on his waist, both family relics. Marcus just turned twenty and has all the energy of youth.

-Personality Overview: Marcus is a young man with a fiery soul. He never backs off from a fight, even when he should, and is as hot headed as it can get. He often gets angry over small stuff, but despite that he's a loyal and passionate man who will always defend those he deems his friends and has a hunger for challenging the unknown.

-Backstory: Marcus is the youngest son of a rich merchant family from the City of Eternal Ash. His older brother was always favored by his parents (at least on his point of view) and is to inherit the family's business when their father passes away.
The one member of the family who developed a bond with the young man was his grandfather, a calm and religious man, devoted to Pyron.
Eager to prove his worth and influenced by his grandfather, Marcus joins the Cinder Knights, becoming a skilled warrior. Now he's out on the wide world, hungry for glory, fame and adventure.

Edited by Notus
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Nope, sorry I hadn't read all of entry before that. That part only pertains to the Somatic/Verbal question you had. (Iconic spells are Powerful spells that have certain effects. They have yet to be added to the rules since in chapter one it will not be possible for Players to obtain them.)

I just edited in my 2 cents of the End of your backstory.

Alright. I edited out the Necromnomicon part, replacing it with a simple text on Necromancy. I realize that it's not forbidden, but I would still assume that certain people may look down upon Necromancers, correct?

everyone wants to be a sorcerer lol

Well, while technically a sorcerer, I was hoping to have Nero mainly fight with his sword, using minor illusion spells to aid in combat. (Allowing him to more easily sneak up on enemies or fool them in the heat of battle.) Although being a sorcerer, I was hoping he would still be able to use some more powerful magic, but probably not while he is in a fast-paced battle with his blade. Hopefully this isn't too dual-classy. It's pretty much what I described before and that got the O.K. (Except for the Necronomicon part, but I fixed that...)

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Yea Flux it is fine, I trust you to roleplay it well. That and it isn't Dual-Classing in my books since it is an advantage Sorcerer has over a Wizard. Since hey don't need a focus, they can choose to learn to use a weapon. (Now keep in mind of he ever loses his Sword some how in battle, picking up another weapon doesn't exactly cut it. This is true with all characters other than Warrior types. [it is assumed that the weapon you start your character with he is trained in]).

Here's a rookie warrior! If you feel anything is out of place please tell me.

Character name: Marcus Arthai

Race: Human

Class(Chosen God): Templar(Pyron)

-Appearance and age: 1,80 meter tall, lean and strong. He has dark green eyes, coal black hair and generally wears a good quality red and black light armor with his family arms embroidered on it. He carries a red shield in his back and a bastard sword on his waist, both family relics. Marcus just turned twenty and has all the energy of youth.

-Personality Overview: Marcus is a young man with a fiery soul. He never backs off from a fight, even when he should, and is as hot headed as it can get. He often gets angry over small stuff, but despite that he's a loyal and passionate man who will always defend those he deems his friends and has a hunger for challenging the unknown.

-Backstory: Marcus is the youngest son of a rich merchant family from the City of Eternal Ash. His older brother was always favored by his parents (at least on his point of view) and is to inherit the family's business when their father passes away.
The one member of the family who developed a bond with the young man was his grandfather, a calm and religious man, devoted to Pyron.
Eager to prove his worth and influenced by his grandfather, Marcus joins the Cinder Knights, becoming a skilled warrior. Now he's out on the wide world, hungry for glory, fame and adventure.

I typically don't like people starting off rich, but he sort of estranged from his family? It would seem like he won't be getting really any of the Money anyway, so I think I will allow it.

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Yes, he'll get no money from his family, only the sword and shield (that he actually found rotting on the basement, since his family hasn't seen a warrior for a while).

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Good, Good lol. Marcus is accepted then. I will be writing up the Backstory for the NPC who will be accompanying you guys early on at least, don't think he will be a permanent character, but we will see how the story progresses.

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Character Name: Helzebeth Dragoth

Race: Half-Elf(Grey)

Class: Ranger

Appearance and Age: A 20 year old lass with a pale complexion, short and messy raven black hair and stormy grey eyes. She dons a grey-greenish robe that helps her to blend in with her surroundings as she lives on the rugged mountains and forests of the Shattered Hills. Said robe has a long hood that she uses to cover her face cause she's an assassin and a descendant of Altair himself as she hides her elven heritage and the fact that she's a girl. Y'know. Just to minimize the amount of crap she gets since she's half-Elf and I dunno if it exists in this kind of setting, but perhaps gender discrimination?.

Drawings ahoy.




^inked this too actually, but it's not colored yet

Personality Overview: Acts haughty and often more than not, refuses to seek aid from others. Actually would appreciate company, but would rather not ask for it either, and will tend to shun it as she doesn't warm up easily to people or come to trust others. Or at least, trust humanoid forms. Also she will choose to interact with others if and only if she feels that she has business with them.

Backstory: There was once a beautiful elven maiden of grey that took a fancy to a rugged human male. Of course, being of a Grey Elf noble household, she was forbidden to mingle with beings that were not, at the very least, elves. Employing her wit and skill in the art of casting illusory magic, she ran away and boarded the trading ship bound for the Shattered Hills, which was, she had learned, the home and destination of the man.

Under guise of a normal human woman, she sought out the man named Dragoth amongst merchants, fishermen, and sailors. Eventually they did meet, and as many stories go, they fell in love with each other and upon reaching the land of Tectanitus, were wed.

But all this took place while she lived under the name and face of a normal human woman.

About a year after their marriage, the elf, unable to adapt to the harsh environment, finally fell ill and weak. This effectively destroyed the illusion she put up, much to the shock of her husband. Word spread quickly in the little fishing village, which resulted in much contempt towards the couple, as the local folk didn't take very kindly to elves after all. Other folk envied the Dragoth for his beautiful wife, and not too long afterward, the man took her and their newborn daughter into the safety of the forests. Here, after getting over his surprise, he continued to care for and love his wife and daughter.

Of course, the maiden passed away after another year, the hardy and much more difficult terrain finally tearing away at the fragile elf's body. The grieving husband grew distant towards all other people and raised his daughter in the wilderness, becoming protective of her. The mother's books and belongings, which she had smuggled along onto the ship, still lay about in the home, and the curious daughter often went through them, picking up only a little bit on Elvish culture as she had never learned Elvish extensively. Growing up with her father, she learned the art of working in tandem with nature, and to be wary and cautious of people. Dragoth himself had an animal companion in the form of a wolf whom he had brought home one day, having found it severely wounded. He'd taken this opportunity to show his daughter the importance of animals as well as plants in the wilderness and how to properly treat a wounded animal. Soon his daughter started bringing home wounded animals to treat, but would often set them free, not finding any that seemed to bond with her properly.

On her fifteenth birthday while she was asleep, her father crept away to fetch his gift to her, which he had had purchased in secret. He left for a nearby village, meaning to return even before his beloved daughter awoke.

He never returned.

Young Helzebeth, at first, was bewildered and in tears about her father's disappearance-- but, being the child of her strong, hardy father and her brave, intelligent mother, learned to live on her own, with Dragoth's wolf at her side. Today she only visits the villages under guise of a normal human man who never speaks to a soul unless deemed necessary, and never consents to drink or eat with others.

Not sure if Sue-ish again lul.

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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Nah I'm just gonna post it here, don't worry it's only a few and kinda stupid lol

can i enhance my weapon to an elemental one even if im not a magic user?

What about the Kenku appearance are they like human head with bird features like wings or full bird head with a body of a man?

So Berserker has this trance... is it equal to Magic Enchantment?

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Character name: Jeneve Fahren

Race: High Elf

Class: Thief

Appearance and Age: average height, pale skin, white short hair in a bob cut. Heterochromic,left eye purple, right eye blue. angular face, standard athletic female build. 19 years of age.

Personality Overview: Flirtatious, cheerful, optimistic, but secretly insecure and lonely. Tends to be calm and collected, but has a tendency to become emotional in the face of various stimuli.

Back story:

Journal #1.

Hey. This feels kind of weird, considering that I'm talking to a book. Ah well. You, little notebook, are going to be my diary from now on. Heard a couple of round ears saying it was a nice experience, so why not try it out.

I guess I should start off with a bit about myself. I'm Jeneve. At least, that's what I call myself. I don't know my real name, I don't know where I come from, I don't know my parents. My earliest memory is of myself stealing a purse from some roundear. I think I was 7 at the time. Anything earlier draws a blank. I don't know why, and I don't think there's much point in finding out. A piece of paper in the purse I nabbed had "Jeneve Fahren" written on it, so that became my name.

I grew up a thief. Had to. With no family, no contacts and no friends, only way I could survive was to steal and cheat and kill. I learned the hard way how to run fast, how to sleep comfortably on rooftops, a different haunt every night, I learned how to seduce men into following me into dark alleyways before slitting their throats.

I have not lived a good life. I have not lived a moral life. Survival comes first. It always will.

Perhaps this diary can help me fill out the emptiness in my heart, the emptiness which has begun to throb more frequently of late. Perhaps.

With Love,

Jeneve Fahren

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A wild character appears..

Character Name: Akuma Bladewing

Race: Kenku

Class: Berserker

Appearance and Age: 29, 6'1 hawk head with barbarian look..broad, muscular, with a 6ft warhammer on his back,poncho,left metal arm, giant wings on his back. blindfold that only covers his right eye.

Personality Overview: trustworthy and remains loyal to his friends, even if they are self-serving at his expense. He may appear gruff on the exterior, but often lets down his guard to joke or relax. strongly willed, has a strong moral..never harms the innocent(when not in a trance).


Akuma live somewhere in a small peaceful Kenku town near a mountain's edge.everything change when the Ogres attack, somehow a bunch of ogres manage to get through the mountain. Akuma was 11 y/o when his town including his family got pillage and murdered by by these ogres,

Akuma tries to go toe to toe with one of the ogre but he pay the price by losing his right eye and left arm. He felt the excruciating pain as he cried loudly, So one of the Ogre decided to knock him unconscious

as they fled left him for dead. As he gain consciousness for a while, the first thing he saw a Kenku in a hood giving him a drink and went back to sleep. he gained consciousness for the 2nd time as he feel a bit feisty like his senses has been enhance, but then he realize he was heavily bondage including his right eye and his left arm missing.

he felt upset and started to recall the gruesome incident that happen, then soon follows a fiery rage that engulfs him and out of impulse starts running just to escape from the wreckage of his town. he spread his wings as he continues running and didn't care where he was heading.

18 years later He then found a nice Kenku village somewhere in the dessert mountain and settled in for a while, he met Jareth (a Kenku sorcerer/blacksmith) that he befriend with and offer him services in exchange for treasures or other rare stuff.

Jareth forge a bionic arm for him along with his Battle armor,Warhammer and other necessities. Akuma begin a new different kind of life forgetting some of his Kenku archetype other than his belief that this is some sort of a gift or a curse that the Bird mother has given to him and the ability to speak their language, he became a berserker. He travels his own path either solo or with a group with his own sense of justice and a bloodlust for the wicked, making sure other people won't suffer the same fate as he did.

am I doing this right? any rants? criticism is welcome ^_^

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Wizards and Sorcerers

Character Name: Sebastian "Raël" Grandée ( Elven name pronounced "Rel" )

Race: Half-Elf

Class: Wizard

Guild: White Saint

Way of Casting Spells: Vocal ( Healing and Non-self-Buffing ) Movements ( Fleeing maneuvers ) Focus ( Self-Buffing )

Spec ; No spec. Hybrid Divination/Evoker/Enchanter ( The "Jack of all trades" Style)

Appearance and Age:

- Short/medium black haired, Blue-eyed, Wears a Dark robe with a sky blue scarf and leather Boots/Gloves

- seems 50 or older judging by maturity or sometimes even 8, is barely 20.

Personality Overview:

- Uses a facade of happiness and trolliness.

- Almost totally neutral to any situation, will mostly not get himself involved unless brought in by someone else.

- Attentive, almost doubtful of unknown people.

- Oblivious.


Blessed by Seeker when he was born during his childhood he was friends with one of his daughters. He had a harsh combat education with his human father while he learned magic with his elven mother giving him both the ability to fight with weapons and magic, he mostly had a content life until 14, when his family was killed by a man in dark clothes, he then swore to avenge his family and let none suffer the same fate. He also promised to be the strongest individual there is, so he would have the power to protect.

Later, he was sought out by the White Saints as he was not harmful to others, quite the contrary, he repetitively saved villagers and their families from local bandits, killing one-third of them all including their leaders, and spread the word to not steal anymore.

Known to many as the one wizard to fight with a rapier, many rumors are heard, the most notable one being that he had slain a dragon, that isn't true, although many believe him to be able to.

Edited by Fiammazure
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In response to your questions Ty, my profile pic is what a Kenku looks like, this is taken from the 2nd Edition handbook of D and D where I got the creatures from originally. But yes they have Beaks and are more Bird than Man, but they are Humanoids so they have a human-like shape. This is why they can't really fly, since their frames are much to heavy to carry them for more than a few seconds.

The Berserker's Rage or Battle Trance is a very powerful thing, but is highly dangerous as well. While it makes them fight like madmen, they also become madmen, not feeling any pain. It is entirely possible for them to have limbs sheered off and not even notice. This trance isn't to be taken lightly, or used every battle. It is a useful, but dangerous tool.

Zephyr and Acquie, your characters look good will be adding them to the RP (and Zephyr this world doesn't discriminate for the most part against women, but it would happen in Shattered Hills Surface Villages because they are under the Illusion they need working men to survive.)

Ty, Akuma looks alright with the arm I will assume he Lived somewhere in Shifting Sands, as the only people with the skills to make Bionic arms would live there.

Wizards and Sorcerers
Character Name: Sebastian "Raël" Grandée ( Elven name pronounced "Rel" )
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Wizard
Guild: White Saint
Way of Casting Spells: Vocal ( Healing and Non-self-Buffing ) Movements ( Fleeing maneuvers ) Focus ( Self-Buffing )
Spec ; No spec. Hybrid Divination/Evoker/Enchanter ( The "Jack of all trades" Style)
Appearance and Age:
- Short/medium black haired, Blue-eyed, Wears a Dark robe with a sky blue scarf and leather Boots/Gloves
- seems 50 or older judging by maturity or sometimes even 8, is barely 20.
Personality Overview:
- Uses a facade of happiness and trolliness.
- Almost totally neutral to any situation, will mostly not get himself involved unless brought in by someone else.
- Attentive, almost doubtful of unknown people.
- Oblivious.
Blessed by Seeker when he was born during his childhood he was friends with one of his daughters. He had a harsh combat education with his human father while he learned magic with his elven mother giving him both the ability to fight with weapons and magic, he mostly had a content life until 14, when his family was killed by a man in dark clothes, he then swore to avenge his family and let none suffer the same fate. He also promised to be the strongest individual there is, so he would have the power to protect.
Later, he was sought out by the White Saints as he was not harmful to others, quite the contrary, he repetitively saved villagers and their families from local bandits, killing one-third of them all including their leaders, and spread the word to not steal anymore.
Known to many as the one wizard to fight with a rapier, many rumors are heard, the most notable one being that he had slain a dragon, that isn't true, although many believe him to be able to.

Things I have a problem with are in bold. I am not sure what is up with the Ways of castings spells section, but that is just how one casts their spells. (Whether they use traditional methods in the compentents of a spell section , Singing/Dancing, or something else. It is just a Flavour of how they cast, and really has no bearing on the RP.

Your Personality is going to be very damaging to the RP. A character should never be founded on the Idea of trolling others. They should also never been said to have a personality where they don't make a decision unless someone else does this for them. That means this character is totally dependent on others, and does't work on his own.

Your Backstory is very Sue-ish, as you have set yourself up as a Hero already. Starting characters, while not fresh adventurers, are not known Heros, and aren't really known by name anywhere. Seeker doesn't care about Mortals who are not his Knights, and is know to frequently forsake his own priests. He would never Bless anyone that wasn't a Scholar Knight or a Priest of his. Guilds do not seek Wizard's, as Wizards MUST be a part of guild to even begin their training, and they can't just skip guilds to a different one if they feel like it. Especially the White Saints, as they don't even run themselves and are run by the bureaucrats of Arbouretium. A Wizard would never be able to fight with a Weapon. They don't have the time to learn that and magic, they can learn to use their Staff as a simple weapon, but could never pick-up the Art of any weapon more complicated as they simply don't have time with their magical studies. Sorcerers are different because they naturally know how to shape and control magic, and are not required to focus power to a Staff of Wand etc....to cast magic. Saying you have the power to slay a dragon is blatant Sueishness as well. Dragons are the most powerful Creatures known, most heros never even get powerful enough to even think about slaying one. And that is Heros that I said. You will need to make a lot of changes before I accept this, sorry but you are vetoed for now.

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That is quite lame.

The Paladins need a concrete God, so yea it is lame but it has to wok that way. If Paladin's could choose their god, there would be no way for their order to set Guidelines and the Foundation of their Beliefs. Templars are my answer to Paladin's only being able to choose Bartimis. They become champions of the Elemental gods, whose spells instead of Healing represent their own god. SO there sort of is 5 kinds of Paladins in this world, they all just have different creeds and uphold the teachings of their respective gods( and Goddess in Aelia's case.). Hope you understand that lol. I would be weird if a Paladin could choose a different god since their order is based on the teachings of Bartimis himself.

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Character Name: Sora

Race: Half Elf

Class: Ranger

Appearance and Age: Sora is a 17 year old half elf, 6'3". light brown hair and cyan eyes. Normally wears green and black clothing along with a blue scarf.

Basic idea of what he looks like. xuf61.png

Personality Overview: Sora is a quite teen but has a soul for adventure. He hesitates when talking to people but when it comes to being out doors and able to do what ever he wants, he gets right into it. He holds himself back when it comes to being a leader because he was laughed at during his child hood for being a mixed breed. He prefers the company passive of passive animals over other people.

Backstory:​ Sora had an average childhood but was always looked down on by others. He felt as if he had to be somewhere else all the time, and thus he spent his life preparing for an adventure. His mother was a High Elf and his father a fisher man. His father disliked the way Sora acted as a free spirit but gave up on leading him towards the path of a fisher man after his mother has died. Each day he would practice with a bow at long rang and close rang with a dagger and short sword. After his mother passed away and when he though as though he was done training himself, he set out on his own journey leaving everyone who despised him behind.

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Character Name: Sora
Race: Half Elf
Class: Ranger
Appearance and Age: Sora is a 17 year old half elf, 6'3". light brown hair and cyan eyes. Normally wears green and black clothing along with a blue scarf.
Basic idea of what he looks like. xuf61.png
Personality Overview: Sora is a quite teen but has a soul for adventure. He hesitates when talking to people but when it comes to being out doors and able to do what ever he wants, he gets right into it. He holds himself back when it comes to being a leader because he was laughed at during his child hood for being a mixed breed. He prefers the company passive of passive animals over other people. He has a Falcon as his companion animal
Backstory:​ Sora had an average childhood but was always looked down on by others. He felt as if he had to be somewhere else all the time, and thus he spent his life preparing for an adventure. His mother was a High Elf and his father a fisher man. His father disliked the way Sora acted as a free spirit but gave up on leading him towards the path of a fisher man after his mother has died. Each day he would practice with a bow at long rang and close rang with a dagger and short sword. After his mother passed away and when he though as though he was done training himself, he set out on his own journey leaving everyone who despised him behind.
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