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Maybe add a color-blind help for the first Gym puzzle?


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Title says it all. I was enjoying the game until I stumbled upon the bane of my existence... Colors. I am nearly completely color-blind, therefor it is nigh impossible to complete this puzzle without a walkthrough or without trying every possible combination. 

I'd like to see a numbers added to each colors so that color-blind people can remember which one is which easier. Thanks if you consider it, in the meanwhile ima cheat and follow a walkthrough to progress. 

Also sorry if this has been brought to your attention before, I couldn't find it using the search bar on this website.  Great job on both Reborn and Rejuvenation!


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46 minutes ago, CalmChip said:

Title says it all. I was enjoying the game until I stumbled upon the bane of my existence... Colors. I am nearly completely color-blind, therefor it is nigh impossible to complete this puzzle without a walkthrough or without trying every possible combination. 

I'd like to see a numbers added to each colors so that color-blind people can remember which one is which easier. Thanks if you consider it, in the meanwhile ima cheat and follow a walkthrough to progress. 

Also sorry if this has been brought to your attention before, I couldn't find it using the search bar on this website.  Great job on both Reborn and Rejuvenation!


there's a thing at the start of the gym that lists a bunch of color combinations and what they result in that is in text format
tho not sure if the actual containers show which color poison it is in the text tho, it should but I personally don't have the game so I can't check that

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Thanks for this answer, I didn't notice that at first. You have to interact with the tank to know the color if you can't see said color. Quality of life improvement would be a sticker on the tank either with said color name on it, or a number system that allocate color name to numbers on said tank. 

Its a bit much to ask too :P It is still doable for a completely color-blind person though, just more of a memory test than actually matching colors to create new one.

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14 hours ago, Starry Knight said:

tho not sure if the actual containers show which color poison it is in the text tho, it should but I personally don't have the game so I can't check that


Each tank needs to be interacted with for the color to be identified in text however confirmation is required before the color is used and as stated the required color combinations are also identified in text. 
Therefore the puzzle is plenty color-blind friendly as is.

Color blind individuals just need to do a few extra tank interactions to identify the correct colors. 



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