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[Help] Final Fantasy: Last Hope


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In a world where a great war was clashed by friends and foes alike, this war was called "The Great War", where in ancient times, the forces of Dark came to conquer this world for their own but their plans were foiled by the forces of Light. But nobody know who these forces of Dark and Light were or WHERE they came from but one thing is for certain these heroes won the war and it was foretold in ancient time that one day that dark forces will be reborn many many years from their remnants that has been left behind in The Great War. Now it is time for new heroes to rise to put an end to the remnants of the forces of Darkness. And in the shadows a mastermind is lurking.

Hello everybody, it's me your's truly, Anthony~ Bring ya a Final Fantasy RP. The Title was by Rude. Well Roo to be exactly. And In this RP Every Boss from FF series from 1-12 excluding the online game. This will also include the bosses from X-2 and 12's sequel. And they all have remnants like Sephiroth is Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz, But Genesis is himself. (tbh he kinda disappeared after DoC and we never got another ff7 game bout him after that) The remnant names I'll let you guys decide if you decide to go on the path of Evil~ Be creative~

Here are the rules~

-Respect the other players

Everybody here is just looking for fun. Bullying other people is NOT funny. Anyone disrepecting this rule will be excluded from the RP with no chance of coming back.

-Respect the Mods

Be it me or whoever else is acting as mod, keep in mind that we're using our time to make something entertaining for you.

-No Bunnying

If you're new to RPs, bunnying is controlling someone else's character, and it's not nice in a bit. If you have to interact with another PC, post your actions and wait for the other player's reaction.

-NO OP or God mod.

I cannot stress how many times I hate OP people and God Modding people. And by OP i mean don't make your guy have the best equipment at the start.


Now here are a list of classes if you wish to have one.




Black Mage

White Mage




Black Twin

White Twin


Dark Knight


Blue Mage

Red Mage

Thief->Ninja You can be promoted from a Thief to a Ninja by a quest you can be given at one of the Major town's Help Center.

Beast Master




Time Mage



For everybody that has played Final Fantasy series that has these jobs I listed I am sure you don't need a rundown on what they do. INCLUDING Freelancers. For those that haven't please use this to help. http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Job_system (I aint much of a big describer kind of guy)


You can choose any Race that does exist throughout the Series of FF. Even those from Ivalice if ya like.

Here is the Sign-Up please PM me when you are done~

Forum Name: Speaks for itself~

Character Name: Choose what your character name will be.

Age: How old is your character?

Personality: What is your character like?

Appearance: What does your character look like?

Class: The Job you have picked.

Race: What will you choose as your race?

Skills: These skills are determined by your Class.

Bio: Can you please give tell us the bio of your character?

Other: Anything else you may wish to add to your character that we ought to know?

Oh and You can change your class if you want to. All you have to do is visit a Giant crystal in any major Towns like Galbadia. The Major towns are the big towns in each FF Game.

Edited by Anthony810
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This makes me... curious? Though I wouldn't mind some more detail regarding your world-building and a better synopsis of the plot (that part in red is dubious at best).

Also as someone who hasn't played a lot of the main series games, is knowledge of canon necessary?

I'll probably hold off and watch until I see something relatively formulative.

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I guess if I had to put it simply, It's every single FF world combined into one world. And if you guys got any ideas that would be added into the story, I'll change it. o.o Just PM your details. I'm still trying to figure out ways to make it better. And I'd like to know how to fix the texts backgrounds as well :/

Edited by Anthony810
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I suggest adding a bit more detail to your synopsis in general to be brutally honest. Not just for those who have barely played anything in the franchise, I'm a vet in this series, and even I can only just barely figure out that what you're trying to go for with including bosses and such from every FF1-12 is possibly something akin to the Premise of FF:Dissidia.

Clean up your op sections as well. As murdoc said, it's painfully obvious this was all copypasta'd... and it doesn't help to attract and keep potential recruits when they have to struggle just to make out the info you've given.

and as murdoc also said, yes, your class list does contain some reduduncies at a glance over- I think this is mainly due to the fact that I can tell you've selected a few from various different games in the series and tried to mix them all together in one setting. That's not a bad thing, persay, and could provide of a lot of variety if done right...but the thing is, you don't seem to have taken into account that many of them are basically the same thing. I mean, Red Mage is essentially the same role as Sage, except sages tend to not have access to any melee weapons where at least in 1, Red mages had swords and such. Granted, some may consider sage to simply be the upgraded Red mage, there's no indication of that being the case here, so without a promotion system, these two basically fill the same job and there's no reason for both to be available. Another one is Wizard. Wizard isn't even a real class in and off itself, just a rename/alt name of Black Mage in Final Fantasy tactics...so they're literally the exact same thing. Black Twin and White twin also sound the same as Black and White mage, respectively. I could understand them being included though, if you intended to go the way of FF4 and have these two classes rely on each other to use Twincast inorder to deal massive damage or accomplish things that neither of them can do on their own... but unless that's what you intended, it's best to axe that as well. thief and ninja...again, same issue as Sage and Red Mage. unless there's a promo system, there's no point having both, as one clearly outclasses the other.

Blue mage and beast master....technically, those are alright together, given what they actually do is quite different. Blue mages steal magic from monsters, Tamers call them into battle. the last one I see is Sorcerer/Sorceress. These too are literally gender-specific names of the same thing. Don't make them into split classes unless there's gonna be an actual difference between them other than that, such as the class skills or type of magic they have access to.

anyways, that's all I'm gonna pick at for now, it's rather and I've got work to return to. Keep in mind though, I'm not trying to be mean, but... there's just alot that needs fixing up with this. A Dissidia style world can work well, if done properly, but it requires a much vaster extent of knowledge of all the different game lore and the inner workings of each of the 12 worlds on the part of the host to keep everything glued together and coherrant

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((as a note, Caps denote emphasis, not yelling. When using this I'm not yelling at you I am drawing attention to this section of text so that you understand it's extremely important.))

Well, first... fix the formatting It's like... really hard to read. You can easily do that by highlighting the offending text ((every that is black...etc...)) and clicking the button in the text editor that has the appearance of an eraser. ((it's next to a lightswitch and a photograph like button in the top corner.)). THis will remove all formatting from the text and allow you to refresh the formatting and re do it without all the white backgrounds/miscoloured text.

Secondly... I'm not really a fan of the "if you've played Final Fantasy you should know the classes" bit. AT ALL. A forum rp is much different from a video game. You have to account for this what are the limits of these classes within this new space? What abilities do they have? More importantly WHY ARE THEY INCLUDED? I just see a list of names here. Why are they there? What role do they fill? What purpose do they have? How do they fit in relation to ever other class? Do they overlap with one or more? DO they offer unique enough of a thematic difference to exist even if they do overlap with soemthing else? How do Players progress, if at all? You should be able to answer all of those questions in detail, and many maaaaany more.

Further, people might not have played literally all the FF games that you are including things from so expecting them to have prior knowledge of like 12 FULL LENGTH JRPGs. That seems a bit much and it's a heavy burden of knowledge to force on your players. Who wants to be that well read up on something jsut to get in on the ground level? It makes your RP very inaccessible not to mention entirely excludes people that aren't very familiar with the series from even participating because they simply are just too out of their element and they will be put off by the sheer requirement of knowledge just to play.

I'm going to be frank here... and I'm not saying this to be inflammatory, rude etc... this is the honest and blunt truth when it comes to what I see here. This OOC is putting it lightly... not well thought out. It's very muddled in it's purpose and it's goals. It doesn't give clear and well indicated infomortion to the potinal players. It's ramshackled together with formatting sins everywhere ((though I gave you the tool to help with that one up above.)) I honestly from the barebones of the plot I'm not sure what would be expected of me, the scope of the story... what type of RP this is meant to be, Sandbox style or more guided narrative style... I don't know how combat is resolved... or if there even is any at all. ((I'll take it there probably is.)) I'm jsut not sure what's going on here and I don't have enough information.

I would've advised making an Interest Check thread first jsut to see if people were interested in the idea... as this is more what this OOC feels like than a OOC. It'd have given you more time to fix up stuff and get a more cohesive and unified picture before releasing this. However, it's kinda too late for that now so Just have to work on improving it now.

There's a lot of work you'll need to do to even get this in running shape. I wish you luck, you've got a lot of work to do. I'm sure if you ask many folks around here would be happy to help you out and get this project looking spiffy in no time. You can even send me a PM ((jsut know I'm busy so I might not get to you right away. I also don't jsut do work for you... you don't learn anything if I do that so don't. Had folks try it before.)) I'm not doing this to discourage you. FAR from it. I want you to strive to have an RP that folks will be drawn to and can get a clear understanding of what it is, what's expected of them as players... and just better all around guidelines for them that have a lot more clarity to them.

Anyway, Hukuna Sensei, out~

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Outline what you want from this RP, and how you're going to achieve it.

Basically ask yourself questions, have us ask you questions. Narrow down your focus. We as players want to know what we're getting into. There's some questions I have below to get your feet wet.

How are battles going to work and how do they resolve, if there are any?

How combat-centric is this RP? Final Fantasy Tactics missions take easily half an hour in real time. You might have more players than characters in a party for this RP.

How are you going to limit the amount of classes the players can access? Should you do this at all? I'd feel more comfortable if I were locked in a general class tree, rather than my veteran front-line Samurai breaking his character and becoming a frail black mage for no reason other than I wanted to.

What's the plot? What do the players work towards? Why am I in your party?

You mentioned the bosses from the FF series, but we going to be encountering groups of them? What if we don't know these bosses? Should you really include every single boss?

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Okay, most of this is probably going to be a reiteration of what everyone else has said. BUT. I think it needs to be said anyway.

Others have already pointed out the vagueness of the battle system and the redundancies in the class list. Beyond those, I have two major gripes with this:

1) What do the jobs do? Like, wow! A time mage sounds cool! But what...does a time mage actually do? Hastega? How would that translate into RP combat? Similarly, FF has spell tiers, e.g. ファイア、ファイアラ、ファイアガ、ファイアジャ (aka Fire1/Fire2/Fire3/Fire4 or Fire/Fira/Firaga/Firaja). Is there a system in place to stop people from loading up with tier 4 spells at the start of the RP? How do they unlock later tiers? Is there a skilltree for the classes? What exactly does the class system entail?

2) The plot. This is my biggest problem with what you've outlined, there's nothing about the plot. I have no idea what's going on or where it takes place. For instance, you state this RP occurs "In a world where a great war was clashed by friends and foes alike". Ignoring the misuse of the mono-transitive verb "clash", this description tells me nothing about the world. Is it a desert world, a la Kashykk? Is it a frozen Tundra, like Niflheim? Is it metropolitan? What's the technology level? Is it an intersection of worlds, like the plane in Dissidia? If so, by what rules do these worlds intersect, and why does this plane exist? You need to explain the setting. Right now, I literally cannot imagine anything of the world you're trying to construct, because there isn't any information to extrapolate from. And if a person can't visualise the setting, it'll be nigh-impossible for them to achieve the level of immersion needed to enjoy an RP to the fullest.

Adding on to that, you have not mentioned anything of the plot. Let's say a player were to join your RP; what would said player be doing? Is there a goal? Is there a storyline? How did the player come to be in this place? Is he part of a merry band of heroes? There's no information given about this. I'm not saying you should outline the entirety of your intended plot, but the players should at least have some semblance of an idea about what they're signing up for.

I would suggest looking at the OOC/Signups threads for other RPs, to get a better idea of what is expected of a host's OOC topic. In fact, in my limitless generosity, I've picked a few for you to glance at, and even listed what they did well! (IMO)

ANKL, by Lexi (Worldbuilding, Character Creation)

The Tenth God, also by Lexi (Worldbuilding, Battle Mechanics)

Fire Emblem on the Forums: Ashes, by Pyon (Worldbuilding, Character Creation)

Luminous Dawn, by Jory (Battle Mechanics)

Heartless Souls, by Hukuna (Character Creation)

Sins of Avalon, by Stratos (Worldbuilding, Battle Mechanics)

The RPs above all have wonderfully crafted opening topics, and can be very good references for the level of effort and preparation which RPers expect of hosts. I would suggest taking a look at them as a starting point for polishing up this idea.

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How are battles going to work and how do they resolve, if there are any?

How combat-centric is this RP? Final Fantasy Tactics missions take easily half an hour in real time. You might have more players than characters in a party for this RP.

How are you going to limit the amount of classes the players can access? Should you do this at all? I'd feel more comfortable if I were locked in a general class tree, rather than my veteran front-line Samurai breaking his character and becoming a frail black mage for no reason other than I wanted to.

What's the plot? What do the players work towards? Why am I in your party?

You mentioned the bosses from the FF series, but we going to be encountering groups of them? What if we don't know these bosses? Should you really include every single boss?

Well allow me to start by stating for the bosses, people will encounter only the Remnants of them sometime in the RP And I'll have you the RPers choose who you want to meet.Or if you want, you can be one of the remnants of the villains, which names you can pick. And these Remnants, they need SOMETHING to be complete, like for Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz, they need JENOVA Cells to become Sephiroth. If you decide to be a remnant you can choose WHAT that SOMETHING can be.

The Battles are gonna be a free roam like Monster Hunter or Final Fantasy Explorers (For those that have played either of the games). You determine dif you win or if you lost.

Well You can be in a party if you want to be, the limit of party will be 3-5 Unless you wanna be like a solo party guy.

The Class System is where things may be complicated or made no sense but please bear with me. To unlock a class you need to pick a Class quest at Help Centers that are around the world in major towns. Now how to determine what that will be I had a few ideas that might work,The host (me) would have to decide what is needed to complete the quest. And when that quest is done you will then have to touch the giant crystal in the major town to unlock the class you worked to get. And you can then decide if you wanna change classes or stay as you are. As for the limit of classes you are allow to have a total of 5? I guess.

The Plot is basically to put a stop to the remnants of being reborn into their original form and figure out who the true mastermind behind this and what is this mastermind's true objective is by causing the player to have to go through many hardship and trails. Of course naturally the mastermind will be made public LATER into the story. And for Party you can choose if you want to be in somebody's party or not.(As previously stated)

What I want this RP to be, is a fun RP where people can enjoy this RP.

As for The classes are the link I provided should have a Sub-bar of Job Classes that has each and every class giving details about them.

Now Blue Mages gets their spells from learning a monster's special move,like for Goblin Punch the player has to SEE the Goblin using it's Goblin Punch.Beast Masters well you can catch monsters and unleash them onto your enemies. The only thing you cannot capture are bosses including The Eidolons that are roaming about in the world. More bout that later. Now to learn spells you will have to earn Gils in order to buy these spell books for magic users but not EVERY spell will be in stores, some have to be obtained by trails like for Meteor Flare and Ultima you need to find them in like a cave or a tower that are guarded by Minor Bosses.. As for how much Gil you earn, that will be determined by you, the players.Like if you fight like a goblin, the max will be 5 gil per Goblin you beat. If it's a Dragon that's 100. Lizards are like 10. Bosses will drop more than 1000 Gil. It will be roughly around 1000-2500 Gil. As for classes like Dragoon who has Jump. They will have Ability if Lancent which absorbs HP and MP from enemies. NOW The Eidolons the way to get one, is to catch it. Now you will be given an item by Cid who can be found in any major Town for every Town there is a Mayor Cid. He will give you what you need to catch an Eidolon. Once you beat them and catch them you will obtain thier power. So you will be able to use Hellfire if you captured Ifrit. And their special moves can ONLY be leveled up depending on how much you use it in battle, you can only use them 3 times per day in the RP time.

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  • Support Squad

Everyone here has given fantastic advice and examples on how to improve this RP but my suggestion would be, if you're really dedicated to it, is to take it back and spend the time solidifying and focusing on what you want to happen in the story.

You cannot have an RP centred around the exploration of a whole world or the conquest of many bosses to unravel a convoluted mystery. The current state of the RP section cannot sustain it without a lot of dedication and thought behind it, see Jorys RP for the best example. Either you have a contained area for people to explore and interact with or you have an outlined plot to guide them across this world you need to make. This forum has issues with freedom.

Oh, and telling us outright there is a mastermind ruins the suspense for players. It doesn't really matter who this mastermind is to us, knowing they exist means they are just someone we will one day fight and kill regardless of motive. Letting us investigate and come to the conclusion they exist on our own on the other will help us achieve a sense of accomplishment. Think about what you reveal people and when if you want particularly dramatic effect that engages and entertains your players.

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  • Support Squad

Sorry bub, this is your endeavour. If you want this to happen you have to refine it yourself, people are open to giving advice and if you can get a co-host they might help but this is still your responsibility if you put it forth. If you have things interfering with you IRL then this simply isn't the time to be starting an RP.

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Sorry bub, this is your endeavour. If you want this to happen you have to refine it yourself, people are open to giving advice and if you can get a co-host they might help but this is still your responsibility if you put it forth. If you have things interfering with you IRL then this simply isn't the time to be starting an RP.

Summed up short and sweet. Many of us can be here to help you, but you're the one with the story to tell. I'm glad you answered a few of my questions, as you understanding how your own world works is the most important.

My main gripe is that your scope is too big. Start placing restrictions on what you can or cannot do. Try to eliminate vagueness wherever possible, as much as possible. For instance,

As for the limit of classes you are allow to have a total of 5? I guess.

This is a small nitpick, but no "I guesses". Give me a firm number. You can always change it later to suit our progression.

The Battles are gonna be a free roam like Monster Hunter or Final Fantasy Explorers (For those that have played either of the games). You determine dif you win or if you lost.

Well You can be in a party if you want to be, the limit of party will be 3-5 Unless you wanna be like a solo party guy.

You haven't told me anything about how battles are going to resolve or work. What if I'm some legendary assassin, unparalleled in physical combat? Then, I randomly "determined" that I out speed all of the remnants and backstab them in one hit. Story's over, the end. Are you okay with that? Restrictions.

The Class System is where things may be complicated or made no sense but please bear with me. To unlock a class you need to pick a Class quest at Help Centers that are around the world in major towns. Now how to determine what that will be I had a few ideas that might work,The host (me) would have to decide what is needed to complete the quest. And when that quest is done you will then have to touch the giant crystal in the major town to unlock the class you worked to get. And you can then decide if you wanna change classes or stay as you are. As for the limit of classes you are allow to have a total of 5? I guess.

This is an example of a resource you can give your players, to get accustomed to the classes available, and what is possible. Quests are a novel idea, but may take far too long to execute, drawing away from the story you want to tell. Again, "I guess" is not a very convincing statement.

As Dobby pointed out, exploring a whole world is messy. I wouldn't recommend allowing players to start just about wherever we want. It might take forever for players to interact with each other, especially if we're scattered around the continent. Do you really want to be crafting separate encounters that will satisfy 10 different players? Could you keep up with that? Look at the RPs Acqui has listed. The hosts have crafted sort of scenario where all the players are together.

It isn't necessary that everything is already planned out, world-building and lore can be explained as the RP goes along. I would recommend assuming your players have zero knowledge of the Final Fantasy series. That way you can control how information is handled, explained, and given to your players. Maybe sign up for a role-play, and participate for a while to see how things are paced out. As someone who hasn't played FF7 (yes yes shame on me), all this talk of Remnants and Jenova's Cells is all just unnecessary words to me. I just kind of glaze over it, uninterested.

Watch this video (5:35-7:04). Preferably the entire video.

Start small. How is the story going to begin? Where is it going to begin? How do all the players know/interact with each other? How will you introduce the very first plot point to introduce us to the story? Bounce ideas off other people, your OOC is here for a reason. Everything else can come after, or perhaps during the RP itself. You seem to have many ideas, and that is a wonderful thing. But we are not you. We can't know what goes on in your mind. and it is up to you how you want to tell it to us in a simple enough way that everyone can understand.

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  • Support Squad

From the sounds of it you need a tutor, not a co-host. Someone to teach you the ropes of world building and shepherding PCs through your world, and settling the details of the world.

I cannot stress enough that hosting, while rewarding, is difficult and time consuming, especially if you're sloppy in the foundations of your work. If you're unsure about this RP now I again recommend taking it back to the proverbial workshop and putting more time into it. In the meantime, check out some of the RPs around here to see how things work, several were listed above by Acqui with links as well, and mabe join one to get a feel of RPing from a players perspective.

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